The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 591 The former poisonous bee and the queen have poisonous snakes

Chapter 591 The former poisonous bee and the queen have poisonous snakes (4)
Su Wudao immediately closed his mouth consciously.He just wanted to try his luck.Thought that mechanism would be a way out.Who knew that he would offend these ancestors by accident.

The secret room here is relatively safe.Chu Limo and Yun Qing are waiting for them here.Fortunately, when she came in, she thought that there would be a sudden state, so when they were running, she sprinkled some powder on the road.Su Wudao and Su Baiyi will find the powder when they see it.

Sure enough, the two waited in the secret room for nearly half an hour, and Su Baiyi followed the powder left on the ground to find it.At this moment, Su Wudao's face was darker than before.Su Baiyi put Su Wudao down, Huo Linghu walked up to Su Wudao immediately, and screamed.

"Old man, you were bitten by a poisonous bee." Yun Qing's tone was a little heavy.This is really a bad thing.Poisoned here, no one here can detoxify.In the current situation, Su Wudao can only go out to find his elder brother to detoxify first.Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi and said, "You take the old man out first. Let's stay and continue looking for the way."

"I'm afraid it won't work now. The roads in front and behind us are blocked." Su Baiyi pointed to the two roads outside.

Yun Qing rushed to the outside of the secret room to take a look, and was immediately shocked. The entrances of the two secret passages were blocked by poisonous bees on one side and hundreds of poisonous snakes on the other.Their way was blocked by poisonous bees and snakes.But the strange thing is that they seem to be afraid of something and dare not come in.

"How is this going?"

"It should be that there is something they are afraid of, so they dare not come in. But they probably haven't eaten for a long time, and after a long time, they will rush in. At that time, we will be surrounded by poisonous bees and snakes, Be their food." Chu Limo said.

"Damn it! Which bastard raised these poisons here." Yun Qing cursed angrily.I really want to find out that bastard who keeps these poisonous bees and snakes and beat him up.Throw him among these poisons, let him taste the taste of being bitten by poison.

The three returned to the secret room.Yun Qing looked at Su Wudao who was stung by poisonous bees, and frowned, "Aren't there only poisonous bees? Where did these poisonous snakes come from?"

Su Wudao and Su Baiyi remained silent.Su Baiyi even gave this cheap master a hard look.If it weren't for him, how could they be surrounded by a group of poisonous snakes.

"Forget it, we still have to find a way to save Senior Su." Chu Limo said.To save people, everyone looked a little dignified, Chu Limo said again: "I have a way, but I don't know if Senior Su dares or not."

"Old man, I haven't experienced anything in big winds and waves, so why don't I dare. If there is any way, just say it."

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, and then at the Huo Linghu who was squeaking beside Su Wudao, "You mean... fight poison with poison!"

"Qingqing still understands me best." Chu Limo laughed, "The whole body of the fire fox is highly poisonous, but we don't know how poisonous these poisonous bees are, and whether they can compete with the poison of the fire spirit fox. If the poisonous bees The poison of the fire can't resist the Huo Linghu, so Senior Su..." This method is very risky, and there is no Nangong Jin by his side.Therefore, they do not have much confidence.

"Come on. I'm going to die anyway. The old man has always been lucky. I bet I can get out safely this time."

"Xiaobai." Yun Qing called Huo Linghu.This little white is exactly the name Yun Qing gave to Huo Linghu.


After Yun Qing finished speaking, before Su Wudao was ready, Huo Linghu bit Su Wudao's arm fiercely.Suddenly, Su Wudao's screams resounded in the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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