The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 592 The Spiritual Girl’s Past Life and Death

Chapter 592 The Spiritual Girl’s Past Life and Death (1)
"Oh, it hurts the old man to death. Girl, before you let this fox bite the old man, can you prepare the old man!" Su Wudao blew his beard dissatisfied.Looking at Huo Linghu again, he yelled in dissatisfaction: "Little thing, can you prepare me a bit before you bite someone. It hurts me to death."

"Zhizhizhi." Hearing Su Wudao's dissatisfied protest, Huo Linghu also protested with a chirping sound.It kindly saved him, but the old man blamed it.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, this old man.After all, Xiaobai is also a thousand-year-old fox demon, so why did he turn into a small thing in his mouth.No wonder Xiaobai protested in dissatisfaction.

The poison on Huo Linghu's body is still somewhat useful, and they still won the thrilling bet this time.

The blackness on the old man's face has dissipated a lot, but it is estimated that he will need to recuperate properly before he can recover.

"Since you speak so loudly, you probably won't die." Yun Qing said.

"Oh, you are a bad girl with no conscience. It hurts me to death." Poor him was not only stung by a poisonous bee, but also chased by a poisonous snake to escape, and now, he was bitten by a fox.

"If I really have no conscience, I should throw you outside and let poisonous bees and snakes eat you. Instead of letting Xiaobai save you." Yun Qing rolled his eyes.This damn old man even pushed his nose on his face.Yun Qing said: "I'm warning you. Stop yelling and screaming, be careful and I will throw you out to feed these poisonous things."

Su Wudao closed his mouth dissatisfied.What a crime he did.It's okay for him to have a cruel apprentice, but now he still meets such a cruel girl.

"It's not a solution for us to be trapped here now. We should find a way and get out quickly." Seeing that Su Wudao was not dead, Su Baiyi said calmly.

"They seem to be afraid of something in here. Tell me, there is something in here that they are afraid of. If we find him, then we can go out." Yun Qing quickly thought of the problem fundamentally.

"Young girl is right. Find out, there is something in this secret room that scares them." Su Wudao nodded in pain.

Everyone also quickly searched in the secret room, and almost dug up the underground to find it.I searched carefully in the secret room several times, but still found nothing.

At this time, above the Holy Land.

In Fengtian Palace!

"My lord, my subordinates have already sent people to keep an eye on the Holy Land and the White Clothes Palace. News from the Holy Land will be sent back immediately. But in the White Clothes Palace, that man named Nangong Jin is guarding it, and Hall Master Su's guard Outside, after our people were discovered by him, the man named Nangong Jin asked someone to beat our people out." The people sent by Feng Linghao came back and respectfully reported.

Feng Tianlan's eyes were terribly heavy, "An outsider dares to be presumptuous in the place of my patriarch. Is it true that my patriarch dare not do anything to him?"

"Father." Feng Linghao cupped his hands and sneered, "Father, do you know the origin of this Nangong Jin. If Father knows who he is, he will know why he dares to be so presumptuous here."

"Who is he? What's his origin." Feng Tianlan said in a deep voice.

"Father has heard of Yechen's name. Yechen is a very powerful person in Jianghu. His business spreads all over the world. The kings of various countries are afraid of his power and want to win him over. But it is rumored that this person has a cold and ruthless personality. He is cruel and merciless. This person's martial arts are even more unfathomable. It is rumored that he has been wearing a silver mask. No one has seen his true face."

(End of this chapter)

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