The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 597 Breaking the Seal of Past and Present

Chapter 597 Breaking the Seal of Past and Present (2)
"Don't think too much about it. I'll be fine." Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing and comforted him.

Su Wudao and Su Baiyi used their kung fu to drive their internal energy directly into Yun Qing's physical strength, with Chu Limo assisting.

"Ah..." Three internal forces injected into her body together, and Yun Qing cried out in pain.

Soon, three different internal forces flowed through her whole body.All the blood that filled her was concentrated in the seat of her heart.Time passed by every minute and every second, and beads of sweat were left on the faces of the four of them.Huo Linghu also seemed to know the seriousness of the matter, so he didn't dare to make any noise at this time.On the contrary, he obediently listened to Yun Qing's words, and kept guarding at the entrance of the secret room, keeping a close eye on the group of poisonous bees and snakes that wanted to rush in.

It's been a long time again.Yun Qing only felt that there was a force in his whole body that wanted to break out of his body.But at this moment, some familiar and strange scenes began to flash in her mind.

It was in a white villa.The garden of the villa is full of mother's favorite violets. Next to it, there is a swing with a little girl sitting on it.The girl smiled very happily.Because I have my mother by my side.Suddenly, the scene changed, the little girl pushed open the door of the room, and it was her mother sitting on the bed crying secretly.Seeing her coming in, mother quickly wiped her eyes dry.The little girl asked her mother why she was crying.The mother just told the little girl sadly that she was waiting for her father to come back.Then hugged the little girl into her arms, and the mother said softly in the little girl's ear: Without dad, mom will always be by your side.

The picture is turning, the villa is full of fire.She saw that her mother lit the curtains, and then the fire started, and soon, the fire spread in the villa, but her mother was standing on her favorite violet flower, smiling slightly, and the fire burned the violet flower completely.She cried heartbreakingly in the villa.But there was a slight smile on her mother's face. She watched her home helplessly, and her mother was completely burned by a fire.

"Don't...don't go. Don't leave me...don't...I will be obedient, don't leave me..." Everything in his mind was so painful that Yun Qing could hardly breathe.

This scene is what happened in that world in her previous life.Such a picture flashed in Yun Qing's mind, and she felt unbearable pain.She thought she forgot.But she didn't want to, these made her sad, and the painful memory had been deeply left in her memory.

"Qingqing... You have to calm down. Those things have passed. Qingqing..." Chu Limo cried out distressedly.He didn't know what Qingqing saw inside, but he must have seen the most painful side of his heart.

"Girl, remember my words. Keep your mind steady."

"Sister." Su Baiyi was also anxious.For the first time, he hurriedly blurted out his sister.

"Don't leave me... You said you would stay by my side forever. Without Dad, you still have me... Don't go, don't leave me."

"Qingqing, don't be afraid. I will not leave you. I will always be by your side." At this moment, Chu Limohe felt very distressed.He didn't know what Qingqing had experienced in the past, what made the strong her break down like this.If it wasn't for Qingqing's life, he just wanted to hold Qingqing in his arms at this moment.

Maybe it was the shouts of the crowd, Yun Qing could hear her.

The picture in my mind turned again and again, and the picture came to the scene before she was forced to jump off the cliff.

The friend she once thought was her best friend said to her: "I never regarded you as a friend. I have been using you. Do you know how much I hate you. You are better than me in every way, better than me I don't care about these things, but why, even Haoyu likes you. Why, I can't wait for you to die. You die!" That friend she once thought was the best, stabbed the dagger into her heart fiercely .

(End of this chapter)

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