The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 598 Breaking the Seal of Past and Present

Chapter 598 Breaking the Seal of Past and Present (3)
She never knew that Mi Lu hated her so much.

Maybe she thought she had everything, but in the end, she still had nothing.She didn't have a father since she was a child, her mother left, and her friends betrayed her. That's why she jumped off the cliff in despair.

I just don't want to, jumping off the cliff will not die.Instead, it was reborn again.

In Yun Qing's mind, there was the gentle smile of the man named Chu Feiyang.The first time she saw this man named Chu Feiyang, she fell in love with him.It's just that she never thought that that man also liked her, and soon, they got married.

However, she didn't understand until she got married.This man is indifferent to her.The wedding night in the bridal chamber left her, the bride, in the new house.Nine years passed like this.Until the ninth year, the man she loved became the monarch of a country.She was also canonized as queen.But she never thought that the man she loves deeply loves not herself, but her younger sister Mu Yunyi.Just after conferring her as an imperial concubine, Chu Feiyang couldn't wait to confer Mu Yunyi as an imperial concubine immediately.

The hatred in my heart is burning.It was because of him that she fell in love with this cold man by mistake for ten years.I wasted ten years of my life.He also killed his own family members.Fortunately, God favored him, and he lived a new life, and his family was still there.

But all of this was still a blow to her!Destructive endless blows!

With Mu Yunyi's arrival, she, the empress of the East Palace, was left out in the Qianqing Palace even more.

Until that day, she saw the man she had loved for many years hugging her sister tenderly and tiredly.However, that man has been married to him for many years, and he has never treated him like this, and he has never been close to him.Who would believe that, after nine years of marriage, she was still a virgin.She couldn't bear his indifferent attitude towards her anymore, and got drunk in the Palace of Heavenly Purity by herself.

Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, she didn't know where the courage came from, and ran to his bedroom.Looking at the man she loved so much, she asked him coldly why he treated her like this.She even made a bold move that she had never done before, taking off her clothes, thinking of seducing this man.She is the wife he is marrying. If he doesn't love himself, why would he marry him.

She could see the cold anger in his eyes, and she smiled coldly.She knew that even if she stood naked in front of him, he would not be interested in her at all.

However, that night, I don't know if she laughed too sadly, or because he was out of pity, he hugged himself and took possession of him, but he didn't show any emotion at all.After that night, she was pregnant with his child.That night, she cried heartbreakingly.He bit the man hard on the shoulder.

After that night, she never dared to get drunk.Now I dare not use alcohol to numb myself.

A few months later, she became pregnant.However, the man she had loved for ten years personally sent her to a dead end.Killed her grandfather's family, and on the third day after she gave birth, killed her child in front of her, and gave her a glass of poisoned wine and a piece of white silk.

However, when all this flashed in Yun Qing's mind, Yun Qing was stunned!

If it is said that she thought she had sex with Chu Feiyang because she was drunk that night in the previous life, she also thought that the man was Chu Feiyang, without a trace of doubt.She thought she was pregnant with Chu Feiyang's child.However, she could clearly see everything that flashed into her mind just now. The man she slept with that night in the previous life was not Chu Feiyang.

It never occurred to Yun Qing that she was not pregnant with Chu Feiyang's child.

Now, he finally understood why Chu Feiyang looked at him with such indifferent and merciless eyes back then.Regardless of any love between husband and wife, she fell to death her three-day-old child.

He hated himself for wearing a green hat to the king of a country.

So when he found out that he was pregnant, he accelerated the hatred in his heart, and deliberately tried to eradicate his grandfather's family, without his grandfather's protection.If Chu Feiyang wanted to die himself, it would be easy for his own child to die.

But she never thought that that night, that man would be him...

As expected, there had been an affair between them since the previous life.

However, no matter whether she was wrong or not that night, Chu Feiyang shouldn't have killed her child.Chu Feiyang had a purpose in approaching him from the very beginning.He wanted to use his grandfather's military power to obtain the high imperial power.He shouldn't use his love, use his own.

She hates it!Seeing all this, she still hates it.Hate Chu Feiyang for being ruthless, cold, and cruel.Her child, he was so young but died in the hands of Chu Feiyang and Mu Yunyi.Even if she was given a chance, she would still choose to take revenge, and let them die miserably after being ruined.



"younger sister."

The voices of the three were still echoing in Yun Qing's ears.


A wave of hatred filled Yun Qing's heart, but he didn't expect that at this last moment, because of that strong hatred, the last layer of the seal was opened.

'Bang' A strong force viciously shook Chu Limo, Su Baiyi, and Su Wudao away.

Yun Qing suddenly opened his eyes, with deep hatred in his eyes, and murmured in his mouth: "He deserves to die! He deserves to die!"



"younger sister."

Seeing that Yun Qing's eyes were full of hatred and seemed to be out of focus, Su Baiyi stepped forward and waved his hand in front of Yun Qing's eyes, but Yun Qing didn't seem to see it.

"Qingqing... what did you see?"

Hearing this voice, Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo with cold eyes, and there were countless and unknown coldness in those eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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