The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 599 Our child is gone

Chapter 599 Our child is gone (1)
"Qingqing... are you okay?" Seeing Yun Qing's suddenly indifferent eyes, Chu Limo always felt a little uncomfortable.

"Girl, are you okay?" Su Wudao also waved his hands in front of Yun Qing, but Yun Qing still didn't move at all.This frightened Su Wudao.Su Wudao kept shaking his hands in front of Yun Qing again, "Girl, don't scare the old man. You won't go crazy." Thinking of this possibility, Su Wudao was about to go crazy.It was the last moment just now, but there was a powerful force in the girl's body that suddenly shook them away.Now, he still hurts.


"younger sister."

Yun Qing's appearance really frightened the three of them.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' Huo Linghu also rushed in after hearing the movement, seeing Yun Qing's appearance, biting the corner of Yun Qing's clothes and tugging.But no matter how Huo Linghu pulled Yun Qing's clothes today, Yun Qing didn't pay any attention to it.

"Girl, you don't really have a madness. Girl, you answer the old man, can you hear me?" Seeing that Yun Qing didn't speak for a long time, Su Wudao became anxious.If it really went mad, the three of them plus a fox are no match for this girl now.Not to mention, it took a lot of effort for them to break the seal for her just now.Now, where is the strength to fight!

Besides, if you really go crazy, if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

"Shut up, old man." Su Baiyi gave the master who was talking nonsense at the side a cold look.Knowing that this is the case now, he deliberately said these words to irritate people.

"Qingqing, don't be afraid. Everything is over. I will be by your side." Chu Limo stepped forward and hugged Yun Qing in his arms.All he can give is his warm embrace.He didn't know what exactly Yun Qing had seen that he shouldn't have seen, but Yun Qing must have seen the scene he didn't want to see the most in the past, that's why he became like this.

Yun Qing raised her head and stared at Chu Limo, the past flashed before her eyes one by one.

"Girl, what did you see?" Su Wudao was really anxious.

"I told you to shut up, don't bother her anymore, you tell her to be quiet." At this moment, Su Baiyi glanced at Su Wudao again, and said calmly.It's just that those deep and penetrating eyes were staring at Yun Qing and Chu Limo.Could it be that what she just saw in her memory has something to do with him?
"What do you see?" If Su Wudao really shut up, he wouldn't be called Su Wudao.

"You think I'm a god. This matter needs to be resolved by themselves." Su Baiyi replied.Su Wudao was stunned, but he didn't speak, and he didn't ask Yun Qing either.


Such eyes really made Chu Limo feel very uneasy.Such indifferent Qingqing seemed to be exactly the same as when she first met.

"Why did you leave without saying anything back then. Why... didn't you come to me." Yun Qing stared at Chu Limo and said indifferently.

"Qingqing, what are you talking about?" Chu Limo was at a loss.He didn't understand what Yun Qing was talking about at all, why he left and why he didn't come to her.

"Yeah! What am I talking about. What am I talking about. You don't know at all." Yun Qing laughed at himself, but there was a drop of tears in the corner of his eyes that he didn't know whether it was bitter or astringent.

"Qingqing, don't do this. You are like this, I'm afraid!" Chu Limo didn't know why he did this, such Qingqing made him feel scared and uneasy.He seemed to be able to calm down the fear in his heart only by hugging Qingqing firmly.Yun Qing just let him hold her.

(End of this chapter)

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