The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 600 Our child is gone

Chapter 600 Our child is gone (2)
Back then, he could hold himself like this.Is everything going to be different.Is it all not going to happen.If he could have taken her away back then, wouldn't everything after that be gone.

However, she also understood in her heart.What happened in the previous life has nothing to do with the man holding her now.But, her heart is still very sad.She is really sad.

She needed a good cry to heal the pain in her heart.She needs to cry a lot, maybe she can temporarily forget the pain of losing her child.

In the past life plus this life, she has forgotten how long she has not cried.But when these pains hit in a battle.The discomfort, sadness, and pain in her heart hit her all at once, touching the most vulnerable place in her heart.

Just like that, hugging the man she had fallen in love with deeply.On his shoulder, Yun Qing cried heart-piercingly for the first time, crying until he lost his voice.What kind of grief is that to make an indifferent person cry so loudly.

All Chu Limo can do now is to hold her tightly.Let her cry until she has had enough.He will still be by her side, never leave her, and wipe away the tears on her face.Then, he will not allow her to cry in the future.He will never allow anything that makes her sad or painful to happen in the future.

"Qingqing, cry out loud if you want to cry. Everything will be fine after crying. But, Qingqing, you have to promise me that after crying, you have to learn to forget these sad things slowly. In your heart, I don't allow her to hide those painful memories. There is still a long future between us, and every day in the future will be a happy, happy memory. Qingqing, I will be by your side and accompany you. Be with you all the time forever."

When Huo Linghu saw Chu Limo for the first time, he found it much more pleasing to the eye.Also squeaking on the side.

If Yun Qing met Chu Limo earlier in her previous life, she would be very happy in this life.At least I won't fall in love with someone I shouldn't love for ten years.In the end, a family was ruined, and a beloved son was lost, and finally he himself died tragically.

Yun Qing's sadness also infected Su Wudao and Su Baiyi who were beside him.This was the first time they had seen this girl cry so sadly.Seeing Yun Qing crying so sadly, Su Wudao also wanted to cry.

I wanted to go up and comfort him with a word or two, but I didn't know what to say.Can only stand aside and follow sad.Think about him, an old man who is almost 50 years old, and he will cry.It's really embarrassing to say it.

Su Baiyi stood aside with a cold face, something that made her cry so sad.What exactly has she been through?Thinking that the painful experience in the past might be related to this man, Su Baiyi, who has always protected his shortcomings, looked at Chu Limo's eyes colder again.

Chu Limo innocently lay down the gun again for no reason.So that later, Su Baiyi, a cold and capable brother-in-law, often disliked Chu Limo in various ways, and often made things difficult for Chu Limo.

"Qingqing, the past is in the past. You can't keep immersing yourself in this kind of sadness. You know, if you're sad, I'm sad too." Yun Qing's emotions still haven't eased.

She really hurts.But she also knew in her heart that she shouldn't be immersed in pain at this time.

However, the scene that Chu Feiyang and Mu Yunyi fell to death with their own hands in front of her was her three-day-old child who was born prematurely.The child's body was covered with blood, which was cold and cold.She will never forget the feeling that the whole body is cold.No matter how much she screamed and how sad she was, her eight-month pregnant child would never wake up again.He didn't have time to call her mother, and he didn't have time to take a look at the world.He didn't even have time to grow up.

However, all of this is because she is too naive.It was because she believed in that cold man that she harmed her child.

Even Yun Qing could not hide the grief and deep hatred in his heart.Now that Mu Yunyi died, Chu Feiyang also disappeared with the fire.But she still couldn't let go of the hatred in her heart, on the contrary, the hatred became deeper and deeper.Now she can't find a balance point, she needs to vent, to vent the deep and explosive hatred in her heart.

Yun Qing opened his mouth, and bit down hard on Chu Limo's shoulder.

Chu Limo remained silent.Letting Yun Qing hold on to her, she hugged Yun Qing tightly instead.He is distressed.What exactly happened to Qingqing to cause her to lose control and collapse.

"Girl." This sudden scene also frightened Su Wudao for a while.

"Don't disturb her. You go now, I can't guarantee that you will survive." Su Baiyi stopped her.Su Baiyi looked at his sister who was out of control, her eyes were full of murderous intent.Now if anyone passes by alone, she may lose control and hurt someone once.

"Qingqing, if this can make your heart feel better, then you can bite harder. But, don't torture yourself, don't hurt yourself." Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing tightly, eyes full of distress.The injury on his shoulder doesn't seem to be a big deal.

This scene is so familiar.That night in the previous life was also at the same place, she bit Chu Limo, also deeply.She also cried heartbreakingly and desperately.It's just that that night, he didn't know how to take pity on her, and only ruthlessly possessed and plundered her.But this time, he snuggled up to her ear, his eyes full of tenderness.


Yun Qing let go of Chu Limo, but if he took off his clothes, he would definitely see a row of deep teeth and blood marks on Chu Limo's shoulders.Until many years later, every time Yun Qing sees this row of marks left by her, Yun Qing will gently touch it and leave a light kiss on it, but more often when she sees this tooth mark, Yun Qing also felt distressed, blaming herself for being so ruthless back then, for taking such a bite.

And how did Yun Qing know that after she left this trace and said those words back then.Chu Limo deliberately left this tooth mark.He wanted to tell himself that he couldn't make Qingqing sad anymore.

"Qingqing." Sensing Yun Qing's movement, Chu Limo shouted again.

Yun Qing let go of Chu Limo, and looked at Chu Limo with tears still in his eyes, "Our child... is gone!" That sentence, Yun Qing said incomparably desperate, after finishing speaking, Yun Qing's Tears fell like rain.Chu Limo didn't ask Yun Qing what kind of child it was.He just hugged Yun Qing tightly in his arms.Qingqing cried so desperately and painfully because he had a child with Qingqing.Was it that Qingqing had told him about that poor child?
This sentence was like a thunderbolt that exploded immediately.It also knocked Su Wudao and Su Baiyi unconscious.

Chu Limo's voice trembled and choked up, "Qingqing...there will be children. We will...have many children in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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