The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 602: 57 Empty Coffin Letters in Hand

Chapter 602: 57 Empty Coffin Letters in Hand (2)
The three of them, together with the fox, looked at the woman in white wielding the dagger, mercilessly.

But they understand that maybe this is the only way for her to temporarily relieve the hatred deep in her heart.

In less than half a stick of incense, the poisonous bees and snakes all turned into corpses lying in the secret passage.Yun Qing put away the dagger, but still couldn't hide the coldness in her eyes.

Chu Limo didn't think about anything at the moment, so he walked up and held Yun Qing in his arms. He loved everything about her, but he didn't want Qing Qing to torture himself in this way.Chu Limo said softly: "Qingqing, I will feel distressed seeing you like this."

Yun Qing didn't struggle and let him hold her.She felt that her body was very cold, very cold, and it seemed that only when he hugged her could she feel a little warmth.

"For you, I'll be fine." Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and finally said with a gentle tone.

Yes, the purpose of her coming here is to get that handbook, to get the blood ganoderma.So before that, she will be fine.She will not allow herself to have trouble.

After leaving the secret room, several people walked along the secret passage to the innermost part.Along the way, I did not encounter poisonous bees, poisonous snakes, or other action attacks.Come to think of it, this is the only one that is raised below.

Time passed by every minute and every second. It has been almost a day since I came in.

Finally, they reached the last room, and this last secret room should be what they were looking for.The handbook is placed here.

When they walked into the secret room, they were stunned by the scene before them.

According to a visual inspection, this secret room is about five meters high, but the capacity inside is several hundred people.There were dozens of coffins inside, and the floor was full of antique bottles, calligraphy and paintings, and a lot of jewelry.Next to the jewelry is a cabinet with a cabinet of books stacked on it.The manuscript they were looking for should be on that bookcase.

But, why are there so many coffins here, could it be...?
The people lying in this coffin are all her ancestors.Yun Qing looked at it at a glance, and probably already knew it in his heart.There are 57 coffins here.

As soon as he came in and saw these coffins, Su Wudao respectfully knelt down and bowed to show his respect.Respectfully: "Please don't blame the lords. Su Wudao didn't intend to disturb all the lords."

Yun Qing, Chu Limo, and Su Baiyi stood aside, but did not kneel down to see them.Yun Qing looked at the 57 coffins and said, "Old man, how many spirit girls have been born in the Feng clan?"

Su Wudao stood up and replied to Yun Qing, "There are 65 generations in total. You are the No.60 fifth generation spiritual girl."

Yun Qing sneered, "Old man, there are only 57 coffins here. That is to say, excluding the first generation of spiritual girls outside, the second generation of spiritual girls who went down the mountain, the No.30 generation of spiritual girls, and my grandmother, mother And me. There are two more spiritual girls who have left the Feng clan and the top of the snow mountain."

"Girl, what do you want to say?"

Yun Qing laughed, "It's nothing, I'm just curious. I just want to know if the two of them have escaped the so-called life and death tribulation." After speaking, Yun Qing looked at the things in the secret room, "Your Feng clan is quite rich Yes, any one of these things is priceless if you take them out."

Su Wudao blew on his beard, "These things are the funeral objects of Lady Ling Nu."

"I know, I didn't say I would take these things out." Yun Qing interrupted Su Wudao with a smile.He said again: "Old man, which is the notebook I am looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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