The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 603: 57 Empty Coffin Letters in Hand

Chapter 603: 57 Empty Coffin Letters in Hand (3)
Su Wudao blew his beard, "Old man, I've never seen that manuscript. How do I know which manuscript it is. However, it should be placed on the bookcase, and you can find it if you look for it. "

Hearing Su Wudao's words, Yun Qing's face immediately turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and stared at Su Wudao, "Are you kidding me?"

There are at least a thousand books in this cabinet, and it will take a year and a month to find them.When he found it, Chu Limo would have died long ago!
However, they had to find it.Four people and a fox plunged into the book.

After searching for half a day, I still haven't found the handbook.If it hadn't been for the fact that the handbook hasn't been found yet, Yun Qing would be so angry that she would burn this place down.

"Old man, you are thinking carefully about what that notebook looks like and what its title is. If you keep searching like this, when will you find it?" Yun Qing said impatiently.

Su Wudao began to recall infinitely in his mind.However, even though he was thinking about it, he couldn't figure out what the title of the book was.This handbook is said to be written by the first generation of spiritual girls, and the things recorded on it are said to be some things about the first generation of spiritual girls' travels in the world, and some things about spiritual girls.This manuscript was also handed down from generation to generation, but it is said that the patriarch and elders of the Feng clan have never seen this manuscript.Those who have read this manuscript are probably only the spiritual girls of the Feng clan who know about it.

"It is said that this manuscript was written by the first generation of spiritual girls." Su Wudao said what he knew.

"The first generation of spiritual girls." Yun Qing frowned.Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, "What's the name of the first generation of spiritual girls?"

"Lu Ling." Su Wudao spat out a name.

"I thought of it. We are really stupid. The first generation of spiritual girl is called Lu Ling, and the Phoenix Emperor of the Feng clan named her a spiritual girl. This letter was written by her again, so, the name of this letter must contain It contains the word 'spirit'. Look around and see if any of these books contain 'spirit' in their titles." Yun Qing said.

With this clue, several people rummaged through the bookcase again.However, after they searched all the books on the bookcase, they still couldn't find the one with the 'spirit'.

Seeing that most of the time has passed, it is estimated that it is almost dark at this time.They had been there almost a day.

"Old man, are you sure you didn't lie to me. There is really a notebook here." Yun Qing questioned.Now she has begun to doubt whether this handbook no longer exists.In other words, this notebook is just a cover.

"Impossible." Su Wudao vetoed it.

At this time, Chu Limo said lightly, "Maybe there is this manuscript, but it may have been taken down the mountain by a certain spiritual girl."

If it was really as Chu Limo said, then all they did was in vain.The world is so big, where can I find this handbook.

Su Wudao's expression suddenly fell silent, as if he had acquiesced to Chu Limo's words.His words are not without reason.Perhaps, the letter has long been taken away by the spirit girl.


"Look carefully, this secret room is so big, we must have missed something and haven't found it." Yun Qing interrupted Chu Limo.She has spent so much effort just for this manuscript, and now she is told that the manuscript may not be here, which makes her accept it now.

"Girl, this bookcase is only this big, and we have searched everything we need. We have searched twice. The secret room is only this big, so you can see it clearly at a glance." Su Wudao didn't want to hit Yun Qing either.After all, for this notebook, they almost died.

(End of this chapter)

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