The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 604: 57 Empty Coffin Letters in Hand

Chapter 604: 57 Empty Coffin Letters in Hand (4)
"No, there is a place we haven't looked for." Su Baiyi, who had been silent all this time, said lightly, but his eyes were fixed on the 57 coffins in the secret room.

"That's right. There is indeed one place we haven't found, and that is these dozens of coffins." Chu Limo continued.

Yun Qing also looked at the 57 coffins, her eyes were cold, her ancestors were lying inside, and opening the coffins was disrespectful to the ancestors.But at this moment, she has no other choice.She had to open it and see.

Su Wudao wanted to stop it, but he also knew that Yunqing's temperament would not listen.He opened his mouth, but he still didn't say the words that stopped him.

Su Baiyi stopped in front of a coffin, and opened the coffin with his palm.Several people also walked over, watching Su Baiyi's movements.

However, when they looked into the coffin, they were suddenly stunned.

"How could this be? Where are the people lying inside?" Su Wudao shouted in shock.The coffin was empty, not to mention books, not even a corpse.

"Could it be a fraudulent corpse?" Yun Qing said.However, this probably shouldn't be possible.

At this time, Chu Limo also used his palm force to open another coffin.However, there was also nothing in this coffin.

"It's an empty coffin." Chu Limo said.

"How could this be? Open the other ones to see, I don't believe it, all the coffins here are empty coffins," Yun Qing said.

Seeing such a situation, Yun Qing didn't hesitate, and opened all the remaining dozens of coffins to see one by one.

"This one is empty."

"This one is also empty."


But the situation in the next dozens of coffins was exactly the same as the previous ones, nothing.There are actually 57 empty coffins here.

Seeing this scene, the four of them were stunned.

"how so."

Su Wudao and Su Baiyi said in unison.His face was unbelievable.

"Could it be that the people in these 57 coffins are all fake corpses." Yun Qing frowned.Immediately I really wanted to curse, who is so boring, and put 57 empty coffins here to deceive people.

"Fake corpses are impossible. I think they may be afraid that outsiders will break in one day. So they deliberately put 57 empty coffins here to disturb others. I don't think they were buried here." Chu Limo said.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' While the two were talking, Huo Linghu jumped onto the coffin, smelling something in the coffin.

Huo Linghu's actions also caught Yun Qing's attention.Yun Qing walked over to Huo Linghu.This fox has lived for more than 1000 years, and it is said that it is the spiritual pet raised by the second generation of spiritual girls, so it knows more than them.

"What did you find?" Yun Qing asked.

'Squeak, creak, creak' the fire spirit fox screamed, and scratched vigorously on the coffin with its fox paws.That means there is something in the coffin.

"You mean there's something in this coffin."

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' the fire spirit fox blinked, and scratched vigorously on the coffin with its claws.

"Take a look, are there interlayers in the other coffins?" Yun Qing said.

Yun Qing found a mezzanine in the coffin that Huo Linghu grabbed, but there was no letter she was looking for inside.Chu Limo, Su Wudao, and Su Baiyi also searched for several other coffins, and also found the interlayer, but they couldn't find the handbook.Soon, the four of them searched for all the coffins in the secret room. Now, only the middle and last coffin remained.If there were still no coffins, Yun Qing would not only be mad, but also smash the 57 coffins.

(End of this chapter)

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