The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 609 Brother and Sister Join Forces

Chapter 609 Brother and Sister Join Forces (4)
"You are also her son. You...hahahaha...Su Wudao, Su Wudao. You have raised that bitch's son by your side for 16 years, and for these 16 years...hahahaha. Good for you, Su Wudao Ah!" Feng Tianlan laughed loudly.After laughing, Feng Tianlan looked at Su Baiyi, "It's not wrong to die at your hands. The patriarch only hates that he can't kill you with his own hands, and kill you to relieve his hatred. But, you really think that what happened back then was based on Can this patriarch seriously injure a spiritual girl with powerful spiritual power by himself? You killed this patriarch, but you killed not only the people who participated in this matter back then. Those people will come to you. Hahahaha... Laughing a few times, Feng Tianlan looked at Yun Qing, "In this world, the most unbelievable is the closest person. Because...the one who often deceives you is your closest person." The words fell, Feng Tianlan Bitten through the poison that had been hidden in his mouth for a long time.This was the last thing he had prepared for himself.In this world, no one can kill him, only himself.

Watching Feng Tianlan commit suicide by taking poison, Yun Qing felt that what happened back then was not so simple.Feng Tianlan's meaningful words made Yun Qing feel that Feng Tianlan must not be the only one involved in this matter.

Feng Tianlan died, and all Feng Tianlan's cronies also died.The dead were all thrown into the river below the cliff.As for Feng Linghao, the sickly young master, at the last moment, Yun Qing did not kill him with his own hands, but directly threw him off the cliff.She seemed to have won this bloody battle in the dark night, or just a little bit.

Feng Tianlan's last words made Yun Qing sink directly.

The blood in the White Clothes Palace was quickly wiped clean.After a busy day and night, everyone was exhausted.

Go back to the room and change the bloody clothes on your body.During this day and night, Yun Qing felt that he had experienced too much, from seeing all kinds of things in the past, to knowing the children of himself and Chu Limo, and now that Feng Tianlan is dead, but what he left behind before he died those words.Keep reminding her that behind this incident, it is not that simple.

"Qingqing, are you still thinking about Feng Tianlan's words?" Chu Limo pushed open the door of the room and walked over, seeing Yun Qing alone in a daze, hugging her from behind and said softly.

"Well. I was wondering what he meant by that last sentence."

"Who is Qingqing suspecting?"

"I don't know." Among the Feng clan, only Su Wudao and Su Baiyi were the only ones who could make her doubt.And these two people, one is her brother, and the other is the person who raised her brother.It's someone close to her.Su Baiyi was not born before this incident, so it is certain that this incident has nothing to do with Su Baiyi.But Su Wudao.If Su Wudao was also a participant in this incident back then, why did he raise her brother again back then? Could it be that he wanted to raise her brother and let them kill each other when they grow up?Moreover, she could tell at the first glance that Su Wudao, an old man, had the righteousness in the eyes of people in the Jianghu.Such a person would never be a mean and shameless villain.

"I think there may be secrets in the Feng clan that I don't know about." Yun Qing said.Now, maybe that's the only explanation.Or, there is another explanation, that is, Feng Tianlan is deliberately sowing discord.

But Yun Qing himself did not believe this explanation.Because what Feng Tianlan said was right, even with the help of Shangguan Miaomiao, it was impossible for him to seriously injure his mother who possessed spiritual power.

"Don't think too much about it. I've been tired all day. Get some rest early. Nangong Jin and I have just discussed this matter, and he will investigate it secretly."

"You..." Yun Qing stared at this man, so considerate, and so understanding of her mind.The action is so fast.

"If Qingqing is moved, you can kiss me as a reward, but I don't allow you to cry." Chu Limo said.One sentence made Yun Qing laugh out loud.

"Does it still hurt?" When she was in the secret room, she bit hard.At that time, there was no medicine around, and there were poisons that would attack at any time, so Chu Limo has been enduring it ever since.He had experienced what happened to Feng Tianlan just after he came back, and he hadn't had time to take some medicine yet.

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt." He gently hugged this favorite woman in his arms.This day was also painful for him.He never knew that he and Qingqing had a child in a previous life.The child is gone, but he has never seen the child. This is his greatest regret.

"Qingqing, when we return to Chujing, shall we get married? I want you to truly become my wife, the only wife of Chu Limo."

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded, leaning on Chu Limo's arms and responding.

(End of this chapter)

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