The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 610 Who Is The Ghost

Chapter 610 Who Is The Ghost (1)
The patriarch Feng Tianlan died, but how Feng Tianlan and Feng Linghao died, only those who were in the White Clothes Palace that night knew the truth.Yun Qing didn't intend to tell the truth.

After getting the letter, Yun Qing was busy looking through the letter.Because, the method of how to get the blood ganoderma mentioned in the handbook is not on the first page, nor on the second page.Not to mention that it is not on the last page. There are so many English words in such a thick book. There is only one way to find the records. Start from the first page and read down page by page.

Fortunately, Yun Qing has a photographic memory and the ability to see ten elements at a glance.But such a thick book, Yun Qing's ability is great, she has to read it for at least two days before finishing it, it's still the kind that doesn't rest.So, she really admired that the ancestor wrote such a thick book back then.

The previous records in the book are probably some incidents of her ancestors helping Fenghuang of the Feng family, some interesting stories about her travels in the world, and the customs and appearances of various countries.There are detailed records one by one.Everything in the middle records the martial arts of various schools... etc., as well as the uses of panacea in the world, the method of refining medicine, and various other poisons and detoxification methods, all of which are recorded one by one.

Unfortunately, the things recorded in the book are very messy, and she didn't record them in order.For example, on page No.20, after recording some things she encountered in the Feng clan 3000 years ago, the next page immediately becomes a record that she picked a certain martial art and learned the martial arts moves of a certain martial art one by one. recorded above.

Therefore, the records are so messy, the method of taking blood ganoderma may be hidden on a certain page, Yun Qing had to read every page carefully and carefully.

Seeing such a cheating sequence of records, Yun Qing really wanted to scold her uncle!
This Lu Ling is completely here to trick his juniors.

"Qingqing, take a rest and read. If you look at it like this, you will damage your eyes." Chu Limo took the book from Yunqing's hand, and gently rubbed Yunqing's eyes.Since the morning, Yun Qing has been reading with a book in his hand, and several hours have passed by now.

Yun Qing gently closed her eyes, enjoying the tenderness of this rare moment.

"By the way, is there any news from Big Brother?" Yun Qing has always known that Chu Limo's intelligence network is all over the world, and it is only a matter of time before he wants to find out about this matter.

"You should ask your elder brother face to face about this matter." While the two were talking, Nangong Jin came over.Nangong Jin approached, took a look at the books on the table, they were densely packed, what the hell was written.

"Then what news did you find?" Yun Qing opened his eyes, looked at Nangong Jin and asked.

"If Feng Tianlan's words are true, then who do you think that person will be?" Nangong Jin asked without answering.

"If Feng Tianlan's words are true, the most suspicious person is my master Su Wudao. Only he knows what happened back then." At some point, Su Baiyi also came over, He took Nangong Jin's words.

"If Su Wudao also participated in this matter, he is so scheming. Then, what role did you play in this?" Nangong Jin looked at Su Baiyi and said.Listening to Nangong Jin's questioning, Yun Qing also looked at Su Baiyi.If all this is true, as the best killer ever, she will also doubt what role Su Baiyi played in it.

It's not that they want to suspect Su Baiyi.But what Feng Tianlan said is correct, often the person who seems to be the closest may also be the one who deceived you.Moreover, Yun Qing also thought a lot last night, and she couldn't determine the nature of the matter based on her first impression. A person can pretend.The sense of righteousness that Su Wudao gave her at the first sight may also be a disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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