The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 611 Who Is The Ghost

Chapter 611 Who Is The Ghost (2)
"I have been playing Su Baiyi for the past 16 years. Recently, everyone told me that I am not Su Baiyi. To be honest, I also want to know who and what kind of role I have been playing in the past 16 years. .” Su Baiyi laughed lightly at himself.

"Girl. Apprentice, stop guessing." I don't know if it's an appointment, but all the people who should be there have arrived, Su Wudao sighed softly, "There are some things that I haven't told you all the time. What happened After what happened last night, I knew that you would start to suspect." I have to say, Feng Tianlan's last words really had a great effect.Can make them suspicious of each other.

Su Wudao sat down, as if recalling a past event.It's boring now, just listen to what Su Wudao said.

"Originally there were three elders in the Feng clan. The first elder was Shangguan Miumiao, the second elder was my twin elder brother, and I was the third. Back then, my elder brother Su Wuxin and Shangguan Miumiao fought openly and secretly, arguing endlessly. At the beginning, I didn't like anyone, and I wanted to squeeze each other out. Until later, your mother came to Xueyue City. I remember that when your mother came here that year, she was about the same age as you are now. , your mother pretended to be a Jianghu girl and roamed the rivers and lakes. At that time, your mother was beautiful and generous. Shangguan Miumi and my elder brother Su Wuxin both fell in love with your mother at first sight. But they don't know that your mother is deliberately approaching them The two, I just wanted the two of them to bring her up to the snow mountain. At the beginning, the two of them were young and vigorous, thinking of marrying your mother, so they brought her back to the snow mountain. At that time, your mother I just treat the two of them as friends. I don’t like any of them. But the two of them don’t know, so the fight behind their backs became more ruthless.”

Thinking of this passage, Su Wudao sighed helplessly.

"Your mother went to the snow mountain to save your grandmother with the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma. It is said that at that time, your grandmother was already seriously ill. But, you also know that blood ganoderma is not easy to get. Want to To get the blood ganoderma, you must know its method. There is no way, your mother can only stay on the snow mountain for a while, trying to get the letter to get the blood ganoderma. I met your mother at that time. But After a long time, your grandmother's illness can no longer be dragged on. That night, your mother wanted to break in to get the letter by herself. There were always people guarding the outside of that place, and it was not easy to get in. And The people guarding the outside are also Shangguan Miu and my eldest brother. At that time, the three of them made a move. They found the token on your mother's body and found out your mother's identity After Shangguan Piaomiao knew about this, he felt that your mother had been deceiving him, and he felt resentful. So he revealed the identity of your mother. Back then, your grandmother hurt Feng Tianlan, and he was always looking for them. Naturally not Will let it go."

After a pause, Su Wudao said again: "Your mother is a spiritual girl, how could people from the Feng clan be her opponents. That time, your mother escaped from the snow-capped mountains. Within two years after leaving, your mother was not around. It happened before. Who knew that my eldest brother had a deep-rooted love for your mother back then. Your mother left for two years, and he actually turned from love to hatred, and has been looking for your mother's whereabouts. Until that year, he was in the territory of Xiyue I got news from your mother. It was also that year that your mother conceived your brother and sister."

"Then how did he trick my mother into the snow mountain?" Since her mother left back then, it was impossible for her to go back to the snow mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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