The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 612 Who Is The Ghost

Chapter 612 Who Is The Ghost (3)
"Your grandmother's illness has never been cured. After your mother left, I gave her a snow lotus. Your grandmother's illness is her life and death. This snow lotus can't completely make your grandmother recover."

"So, Su Wuxin used the blood ganoderma to trick my mother into the snow mountain." Yun Qing said bitterly.

A trace of pain flashed across Su Wudao's face, "Yes. Back then, my elder brother knew that your mother and I had a good relationship. He pretended to be me and told your mother that he had a way to get the letter. Your mother believed it. Follow him Arrived on the snow mountain. At this time, your mother was pregnant with you, her body was weak, and the spiritual power in her body was absorbed by you. She was no match for them at all. Your mother almost exhausted all her spiritual power in that battle , she seriously injured Feng Tianlan, and also ruined my elder brother's face. But she was also seriously injured. Back then, I had no choice but to send her out of the snow-capped mountains. Along the way, we were chased and killed. Those who chased us, we separated. Later, we separated. When I came back to find her, your mother had disappeared. During those months, I have been looking for you along the direction she left Your mother. However, I searched for her in Xiyue for a few months and could not find her. Until that day, I was thinking that your mother might not be in Xiyue at all. I left Xiyue and came to Da Chu. Just arrived in Da Chu, I met your mother. At that time, she had a big belly and was about to give birth. You will know the rest of the matter."

"Where's Su Wuxin?" Yun Qing questioned.Su Wudao, the most important person in this matter back then, did not mention his final result just now.

"Since I was disfigured by your mother that day, I have never seen him. Some people say he is dead, some people say he is still alive, as for whether he is dead or alive now, and where is he. In the past 16 years, I have been No news."

"So, you mean that the person Feng Tianlan said at the end who will come to find me is your disfigured elder brother who has been missing for 16 years." Yun Qing sneered.

If it is said that this is Su Wudao's statement to clear himself of suspicion, then this statement can really be said to be perfect, but there are many flaws everywhere.All of a sudden, Yun Qing didn't know whether to believe or not to believe Su Wudao's words.

After listening to Su Wudao's explanation, Nangong Jin looked at Su Wudao with a faint smile and said, "I have already verified what you said. It is indeed as you said, you have a big brother named Su Wuxin who died 16 years ago. Missing. I think the last person Feng Tianlan was referring to was your elder brother Su Wuxin. He wanted us to suspect each other and kill each other. As for whether you participated in the incident back then, or in other words, this incident Did you make it up? Did you release this fake news to mislead us? It’s actually very simple, just ask another insider in 16, and the truth of this matter will come to light, right?”

"Your mother is awake. She..." Su Wudao's tone was a little excited.In this world, the only person who still knows about it is Wang Luoyan who participated in this matter back then.

"Wake up soon!" Nangong Jin looked at Su Wudao: "Senior Su also loved my mother deeply."

Nangong Jin's words are not question marks, but very affirmative.

Su Wudao was silent when he heard this sentence of deep love, but Nangong Jin stared at Su Wudao and did not leave.Su Wudao laughed, not only was he once deeply in love, until the past 16 years, he still did so.

Su Wudao gave a wry smile, and his tone softened, "But your mother never liked me."

"Senior Su has regrets. You and my mother had such a good relationship back then. If you told her how much you love her, my mother might fall in love with you." Nangong Jin laughed.

Su Wudao became dull for a moment, and deliberately avoided the topic, "There are still many things to be busy in the clan. Since you already know the truth of the whole matter, I won't say anything more." After finishing speaking, Su Wudao He hurriedly left the White Clothes Palace.

Seeing Su Wudao leaving in a hurry, and hearing Nangong Jin's words, Yun Qing felt something was wrong very sensitively.I always feel that Nangong Jin has something to say.

In the living room of Baiyi Palace, only Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Nangong Jin and Su Baiyi were left.

"He's gone, don't you have anything else to say?" Chu Limo glared at Nangong Jin and said in a cool tone.

"I think we will stay here for a few more days. The next few days should be very interesting." Nangong Jin pursed his lips, but a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes.

"Don't be a fool. Tell me, what else did you find out." Yun Qing was dissatisfied, and the big brother Chao Nangong Jin rolled his eyes.

"One story, two names. Su Wuxin, Su Wudao." Nangong Jin smiled a little strangely.He fixed his eyes on Su Baiyi again, "I think, you should know this matter better than me."

"It's interesting." Su Baiyi pursed his lips and said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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