The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 615 The ugly heart under the mask

Chapter 615 The ugly heart under the mask (3)
"What a shame." Su Baiyi muttered.

"Stinky boy. If I hadn't been poisoned and unsealed the girl again, would I have fallen for his tricks?" Su Wudao shouted dissatisfied: "It hurts me to death, why don't you hurry up and untie the acupoints for Master?" .”

Su Baiyi stepped forward to unlock the acupoints for Su Wudao.As soon as the acupoints were unlocked, Su Wudao immediately jumped off the stone bed.Looking at Yun Qing, "He didn't do anything to you, did he?" This he, of course, was referring to Su Wuxin.

"No. Let's go."

Su Wudao is now weak and weak, it should be because of the residual poison.Su Baiyi and Nangong Jin helped Su Wudao back to Baiyi Palace.Nangong Jin cleaned up the remaining poison in Su Wudao's body and let him have a good rest.

Now that Su Wudao has been found, the matter should be settled.

Su Wuxin finished her family affairs and came towards the White Clothes Palace.It has to be said that after 16 years, this Su Wuxin is still ambitious and wants to dominate the world.

Today, the White Clothes Palace was unusually quiet, it seemed that everyone was waiting for Su Wuxin's arrival.

As soon as Su Wuxin entered, Ling Feng closed the gate of the White Clothes Palace.The White Clothes Palace was unusually quiet, and Su Wuxin also felt something strange, and looked up and down the White Clothes Palace vigilantly.The footsteps slowed down, and slowly walked into the living room.

"I heard...Your Excellency wants to marry me if you can't marry my mother." The cold voice came slowly, Su Wuxin glanced at the White Clothes Palace, but didn't realize where the voice came from.That voice seemed to come from all directions and penetrated into Su Wuxin's ears.

"Ah..." The cold voice sighed, and then slowly said: "If you want to marry me, do you have peerless looks, supreme power, or inexhaustible wealth? If you There is nothing like this. Do you think this girl will marry a bad old man like you? Even my mother doesn’t like someone. Do you think this girl will like you. I really don’t know where your confidence comes from , to marry this girl."

Yun Qing's words were full of endless ridicule.

Su Wuxin was no longer pretending, showing his sinister face, looking at the White Clothes Palace, and said ruthlessly: "Since we have already found out, why don't you come out."

"You ask this girl to come out, and this girl will come out. How shameless is that girl!" The voice came again faintly.But Su Wuxin just didn't realize where the voice came from.

The corners of the mouths of the people standing beside Yun Qing twitched. How could she start a war of words with Su Wuxin?

"Don't dare to come out, are you afraid of me?"

"The provocative method. It's a pity that the provocative method is useless to this girl. But... I really don't want to spend any more time with you." After speaking, Su Wuxin only felt a familiar force from all around him hitting him.He narrowly escaped once, but couldn't escape the other side.When Su Wuxin came back to his senses, Yun Qing, Chu Limo, Nangong Jin, and Su Baiyi were already standing in front of him.Yun Qing said coldly: "This slap is for my mother. But what you owe her is not a slap, but a life."

"Hehe, you are a bit more ruthless than your mother. I really want to know, how do you know that I am not the real Su Wudao." Su Wuxin thought that she knew Su Wudao's younger brother very well, and he pretended to be There is no trace of flaws.

"Of course it's because you have a... coquettishness that Su Wudao doesn't have. Do you know that when you appear, your whole body is filled with a strong sense of coquettishness. It's so coquettish that even my Xiaobai can see it." If you don’t go down, you’re going to throw up. You’re the only one who feels good about yourself.” Yun Qing sarcastically raised his eyebrows.After scolding, Yun Qing suddenly felt very comfortable.

Nangong Jin burst out laughing instantly.

Furious!Still boring!

Fortunately, his younger sister also figured it out.He was rather curious, how did his sister see the sultriness in Su Wuxin's body.

Su Wuxin's face turned green with anger.His dark eyes stared at Yun Qing.

"You really are just like your bitch, you don't know what's good or bad."

"Pa..." Before Yun Qing had time to teach Su Wuxin a lesson, the two brothers Su Baiyi and Nangong Jin struck at the same time and slapped Su Wuxin in the face, leaving two palms on his old face. print.

"Keep your mouth clean. If you want to die now, I have a thousand ways to make your death embarrassing." The two said at the same time.

The feeling of being slapped in the face is not pleasant.These two people used their internal force to slap their faces.No, the human skin mask on Su Wuxin's face had fallen off, her teeth had been knocked out, and there was blood in her mouth.The human skin mask was gone, revealing the hideous scars on Su Wuxin's face.

"It's really disgusting. But don't worry, our brothers and sisters will not let you die like this easily. At least let you taste the taste of a thousand cuts. Of course, before that, you have to hold on , but don’t die too quickly.”

With these few people around, Ren Su Wuxin's martial arts skills are high.Su Wuxin was still going to be defeated by these people.As for what Yun Qing said, he was not joking.

Still that secret room.This time, it was Su Wuxin's turn to be locked in.

There were four chairs in the secret room, and Su Wuxin no longer had the strength to escape.Starting from Yun Qing, Yun Qing took out the dagger, with an indifferent smile on his face, and then, without blinking, he cut down on Su Wuxin's body, and the cutting was extremely slow.With that method, even if Su Wuxin's flesh was cut off, Su Wuxin would not die immediately.

"Ah... kill me... kill me..."

Cutting to pieces by a thousand cuts is such a torture.Su Wuxin was so strong in martial arts that she couldn't stand such torture.

"It's too cheap to kill you." Yun Qing sneered and said, "There are still thousands of knives down there, you have to hold on."

"Ah... even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go."

"Then let's talk about it when you become a ghost. But before that, go to hell and see if grandma will let you go." Yun Qing said coldly: "If you want to blame, blame yourself. If you die, you shouldn’t show up. You shouldn’t wishful thinking about things that don’t belong to you. This is the price! However, you should save these things in the underworld.”


From Yunqing to Nangong Jin, now to Su Baiyi, the three brothers and sisters tortured Su Wuxin to death without blinking an eye.Moreover, it was true that he was cut into pieces by thousands of knives.Chu Limo just sat there, silently watching the whole process.

What Yun Qing said was correct, Su Wuxin had been missing for 16 years, if he hadn't appeared here.Maybe, he really won't die so quickly.However, he happened to bump into it by himself.

Outside the door of the secret room, there was always a person who silently saw everything in his eyes.

He has this fate, which can be regarded as his own repayment for the sins he did back then.

(End of this chapter)

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