The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 616 If you can't be a sister-in-law, you can be a second sister-in-law

Chapter 616 If you can't be a sister-in-law, you can be a second sister-in-law (1)
That night, Chu Limo asked Nangong Jin to find out the whole story of the Feng clan, and found out that there was indeed Su Wuxin in the Feng clan, and Su Wuxin disappeared after the 16-year incident.But Nangong Jin also found out that Feng Tianlan has been in contact with a mysterious person for the past 16 years.Moreover, that mysterious person is in Xueyue City.

At that time, they suspected that it was Feng Tianlan who sent the letter to Su Wuxin.Taking advantage of Yun Qing and the others no longer, Su Wuxin went up to the snow mountain.Feng Tianlan took the opportunity to silence her again.It's just that they didn't expect that Yun Qing and the others would come out of the secret room of the Holy Land ahead of time, just in time to meet Feng Tianlan to silence them.Therefore, Feng Tianlan was in tragedy.

However, he didn't expect that Feng Tianlan would leave a meaningful sentence before his death.Although they did have guesses.But it also allowed them to follow the vine to find another enemy.

Everyone in the Feng family is dead.It's time for Yun Qing and the others to get the Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum.

After spending one night, Yun Qing found the method of picking the blood Ganoderma lucidum in the book.It's just that she didn't find it, the method is actually so easy.So it is said: Lu Ling, the ancestor, came to deceive his own descendants.

"Girl, do you really want to leave the snow mountain?" Su Wudao's residual poison has been cleared, and his health is almost recovered.

"Well. The Feng family brought my grandmother and my mother a sad past. This place is not suitable for me." When saying this, Yun Qing tightly held Chu Limo's hand.

"Okay. Now that you have made your decision, I won't force you. It's just girl, you have to remember that this will always be your home. You are always welcome here."

"Well, old man. Remember, after cleaning up the other scum of the Feng clan, you must come to see me in Dachu. Shangguan Meng'er has already arrived in Beiyuan, and this is where she lives in Beiyuan now." Yun Qing Tell Su Wudao where Shangguan Menger is staying now.At the beginning, they deliberately let Shangguan Menger go.It was unexpected that she would go to Beiyuan so soon.It seems that Shangguan Meng'er is also eager for revenge.

After finishing speaking, Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi again, "We are waiting for the matter of the Feng clan. You remember to come to Dachu. I have already sent a letter about your matter to my grandfather and father. They will definitely want to see you very much. "

"Okay. You also have to be careful." Su Baiyi said.

Su Wudao looked at Chu Limo again, "The unfeeling poison on your body... that person, if I guessed correctly, her name is Feng Xiaolan, and she is Feng Tianlan's younger sister. I just didn't expect that she left the Feng family back then. The family will bring the unfeeling poison down the mountain. The old man will tell you, if Feng Xiaolan was a boy back then, Feng Tianlan might not be the head of the Feng clan. Be careful with this person gone."

"Old man, thank you for telling us this." Yun Qing said.This time when she returned to Dachu, she knew that there would be a bloodbath.Chu Limo's revenge will definitely be avenged.

Su Baiyi didn't intend to go down the mountain with Yun Qing and the others.After all, he lived here for 16 years.Now that the Feng clan is in a mess, he can't just leave at this time.

Let Nangong Jin and Huo Linghu go back to Xueyue City first to wait, while Yun Qing and Chu Limo went to the top of the snow mountain.

It never occurred to Yun Qing that if he wanted to get the thousand-year-old blood Ganoderma lucidum, he would feed it with blood.Moreover, it must be the blood of the descendants of the spiritual girl.According to the book, this millennium blood ganoderma was planted by the first generation of spiritual women.When she planted it, she used her own blood as fertilizer.So this ganoderma is called blood ganoderma.

He bit his finger and dripped the blood on the blood ganoderma.When Yun Qing picked it up with his hands.Really safe and sound.Put the blood ganoderma into the red sandalwood box where the manuscript was placed.Covering the wooden box, Yun Qing finally smiled when he saw the blood ganoderma in his hand.With this blood ganoderma in her hands, she felt at ease.To open this wooden box, her blood must be needed.Therefore, Yun Qing specially put this precious blood ganoderma into a wooden box.

(End of this chapter)

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