The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 617 If you can't be a sister-in-law, you can be a second sister-in-law

Chapter 617 If you can't be a sister-in-law, you can be a second sister-in-law (2)
However, Yun Qing still couldn't help complaining: Fortunately, she has a lot of blood.Otherwise, if Lu Ling used blood as a lure, she would really die.Yun Qing was really curious about who this Lu Ling ancestor was.Why is her blood so magical.And the blood passed down from generation to generation is also strange.

Snow Moon City!
It has been almost a month since I started going up the snow mountain here.

"Yunqing, you are finally back. I miss you so much." It's been a few days, it seems like I haven't seen you for months.As soon as they saw Yun Qing appear, Bai Yue and Chu Liyou rushed forward, gave Yun Qing a big hug, and then they kept complaining.

"I miss you too." After missing for so many days, she really missed them very much.

"Yunqing, you don't even know, you're not here, we can't eat what you think, look at me, I've lost weight." Bai Yue complained.

"Now I'm back. Tonight, let's have a good meal and make up for what we lost."

"Okay. Then I'll ask the shopkeeper to prepare the food and drink. Tonight we won't go home drunk." Bai Yue laughed.

"Let's get ready first." Xiaoxiao and the others on the side said.They live in an independent yard, so they prepare meals by themselves in the small kitchen in the yard.

The corner of Chu Liyou's mouth twitched, why did Bai Yue say three words now that she couldn't leave the wine now.I really don't know when this girl fell in love with drinking.

Seeing this, Chu Liyou pulled Yun Qing aside, and whispered: "She seems to be irritated recently. She wants to drink every day. She only drank a jug of wine at noon. She slept on the bed for a long time. I am giving her a drink tonight. Drinking, I'm afraid she'll make herself stupid."

"What happened." Well done, why did Bai Yue drink too much?
"I have to ask Brother Jin about this. I don't know what Brother Jin said to Bai Yue that night. After talking, Bai Yue made a fuss about drinking every day." Chu Liyou explained.

Another good thing his big brother did.

Seeing Yun Qing's brows were silent, Chu Liyou said again: "Yun Qing, she can't drink anymore."

"What are you two whispering. You can't tell me yet." Bai Yue ordered the shopkeeper to prepare the food and wine, and when she came over, she saw Yun Qing and Chu Liyou whispering something, and she joked immediately.

"I'm asking Yun Qing if there is anything interesting in the snow mountain." Chu Li smiled sadly.

"That's right! Yun Qing, did they do anything to you during these few days on the snow-capped mountain? Also, Nangong Jin was in a hurry to go up the mountain that night. Did something happen on the mountain? Are you injured? Tell us quickly Say." As soon as the chatterbox opened, Bai Yue couldn't wait to know what happened on the mountain.

"Okay. Don't worry, let's sit down and talk slowly tonight." Yun Qing smiled.It is estimated that if she didn't tell what happened on the mountain, Bai Yue would definitely climb into her bed in the middle of the night.

Sitting in the yard, before the food was served, Yun Qing and the women sat together, and the men sat aside, Yun Qing roughly explained the matter.But it didn't mention that Su Baiyi was her brother.

"I didn't expect that so many things happened in just a few days. I would have gone up the mountain with you if I knew it."

"You'll only be slowed down when you go up the mountain." Nangong Jin sat beside him knocking melon seeds, looked at Bai Yue and raised his eyebrows.

"Nangong Jin, what do you mean? Who said I would be slowed down." Bai Yue glared at Nangong Jin.

"He also said that he wouldn't drag others down. Just look at you. You look like you're going to touch your feet every now and then. It's really... a wicked woman's nature is hard to change."

(End of this chapter)

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