The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 618 If you can't be a sister-in-law, you can be a second sister-in-law

Chapter 618 If you can't be a sister-in-law, you can be a second sister-in-law (3)
"You..." Bai Yue gritted her teeth angrily, and patted the table vigorously.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Yun Qing and Chu Liyou supported their foreheads.When these two people get together, they either have a cold war or quarrel, and the roof will be blown off by these two people.

"Okay, okay, let's eat first. Yun Qing and the others must be starving too." Chu Liyou, who was sitting next to Bai Yue, pulled Bai Yue and said.At this time, it happened that Nenghua Nongyue and the others brought the food.

"This girl doesn't have the same knowledge as you." Bai Yue glared at Nangong Jin.Then she looked at Yun Qing and Chu Liyou, "I'll go get the wine. We must get drunk tonight." After speaking, Bai Yue went to the front shopkeeper to get the wine.Seeing that Bai Yue was still thinking about drinking.Yun Qing got up, walked in front of Nangong Jin, sized him up, "Speak. Did you say something to Bai Yue, which made her irritated."

This appearance must be what Nangong Jin said when they were in Xueyue City.Otherwise, Bai Yue has been with them for half a year.Bai Yue doesn't drink at all.

"I'm wronged about this matter. Who knows what happened to her."

"Brother Jin, if you hadn't said something to Bai Yue that night, she wouldn't have been drinking too much every day these days. She came back crying that night, and I saw it all. She treats you so well, you Still treating her like this. I'm not on your side in this matter." Chu Liyou dared to say this when Bai Yue was not around.

"Look at the good deeds you have done, how dare you say you were wronged." Yun Qing also glared at Nangong Jin, "You men really don't know what to do."

"Qingqing, I know what's right and what's wrong." Chu Limo leaned closer.

"I didn't mention you." Chu Limo, who answered Yun Qingchao, rolled his eyes.

The corner of Chu Limo's mouth twitched slightly, why did he feel that he was scolding Nangong Jin, but he brought him in by the way.So, this matter is still Nangong Jin's fault.

Huo Linghu also jumped down from the table, and screamed at Yunqing: "I also know what's good and what's wrong!"
"I warn you, Bai Yue is my good friend. If you really don't like her, you'd better make it clear to her, don't always give her the feeling of being indifferent. If you give her a little hope, smash it If you continue like this, I don't care if you are my elder brother or not, I will still beat you until our father doesn't even know you." Seeing the two of them like this, they are good for a while, and bad for a while, She was really upset.

Just as Yun Qing finished speaking, Bai Yue came over.The shopkeeper at the back asked Xiao Er to come over with jar after jar of wine.Moreover, there are more than ten altars.After putting away the wine, the boys went down.

"Why did you bring so much wine here? Bai Yue, you only drank a jug of wine at noon. Drinking too much wine hurts your stomach." Chu Liyou got up and walked in front of Bai Yue and said.

"It's okay. It's not because there are so many people. It just happened that Yunqing and the others successfully obtained the Ganoderma lucidum. We should celebrate it. Yunqing, don't you think so?"

"It's time to celebrate. But Bai Yue, the wine brought here is indeed too much." Yun Qing frowned.Here are twenty altars of wine.Among them, Chu Limo was in poor health and could not drink.Chu Liyou also rarely drinks alcohol.Not to mention Nonghua, Nongyue, Xiaoxiao, and Wuqing.They are generally teetotalers.The person who can drink the most here is her elder brother Nangong Jin.

"It's okay. I know everyone doesn't drink much. Your father can't drink either. You can drink tea, it doesn't matter. I'm just happy. I can drink all these wines by myself. " Bai Yue laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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