The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 619 If you can't be a sister-in-law, you can be a second sister-in-law

Chapter 619 If you can't be a sister-in-law, you can be a second sister-in-law (4)
Hearing Bai Yue's words, Yun Qing turned around and gave Nangong Jin a hard look.

"Let's not talk about that. Let's eat first." Yun Qing said.

"Yes, yes, eat first." Chu Liyou also answered.

Everyone sits together.Bai Yue felt a little uneasy tonight.He poured a glass of wine for everyone first, and then poured another glass for himself.Then he picked up the wine glass and said: "I respect everyone for this glass of wine. Thank you for your care and tolerance for me in the past six months. I have been with you for the past six months. I am very happy and happy. I think this will be my life. One of the best memories."

"Bai" Yun Qing and Chu Liyou looked at Bai Yue.

"Yunqing, Liyou, listen to me first. We have been together for half a year, we are like family members. I am also very reluctant to part with you. However, there is always a banquet in the world. In recent days, I have thought a lot. I think , This should be the last meal I have with everyone. Tomorrow I will go back to Baihu Village. I respect this glass of wine." After speaking, Bai Yue picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

"Bai Yue, do you really decide to leave?"

"Yeah. I've already made up my mind. I think Baihuzhai is the place for me to stay. But don't worry, Yunqing. If I can't come when you and Master Jiu get married, I will definitely wish you a happy wedding from afar." of."

"Sister Baiyue, I can't bear you. You... don't go, please. If you go, I will miss you very much. "

"Li You, what we have to face in life is that there are too many partings. But parting doesn't mean that we are really separated. As long as we think about each other in our hearts and think about each other. I'm talking, if you really miss me Now, you can come to Baihuzhai to see me. Then, I will definitely entertain you warmly."

"Brother Jin, say something. Are you willing to let Bai Yue leave?" Chu Liyou looked at Nangong Jin.

Nangong Jin raised her eyebrows, and said impatiently: "She's right. There is no feast that lasts forever. Since she wants to leave, we can't stop her. If you want to leave, just leave quickly."

"Brother Jin. I'm so disappointed in you."

Yun Qing stepped on Nangong Jin hard under the table, and gave him a hard look.At this time, he is still adding fuel to the fire. Isn't this going to drive Bai Yue away.

Bai Yue smiled and looked at Nangong Jin, "I know. So, I won't bother you anymore. This was given by Uncle Nangong. It's not suitable for me to wear such a precious thing." The jade bracelet that was given to her was taken off and placed on the table.

"This is given to you by the old man. If you want to return it, you can return it to him yourself." Nangong Jin's face sank when he looked at the jade bracelet on the table.

Hearing Nangong Jin's words, Yun Qing suddenly smiled, stood up, walked in front of Bai Yue, picked up the jade bracelet from the table, put it back in Bai Yue's hand, smiled lightly, and took a look at Nangong Jin first. Then he said: "This jade bracelet was given to her future daughter-in-law by the father. He has already given it to you and recognized you as a daughter-in-law. However, if you don't want to be my sister-in-law, you can also be my second sister-in-law. It's just right, You have seen my second brother too. He is so handsome and good at martial arts. The most important thing is that he is not careless. He treats his feelings wholeheartedly. In the future, he will definitely be a good husband who loves his wife." Yun Qing finished his sentence. , someone on the snow mountain sneezed hard.

Yun Qing's words immediately made everyone in the room hold their breath and stared at Yun Qing in a daze.

Is Yun Qing poaching the corner of the eldest brother's house for her second brother?
Why is this picture so weird?Immediately, other people in the room were more curious, who is Yun Qing's second brother?

"Chu, Li, Mo, take care of your daughter-in-law." Nangong Jin gritted his teeth while holding the wine glass.

"I also think what Qingqing said is good. Su Baiyi is indeed much better than you." Chu Limo said lightly.Nangong Jin gritted his teeth in anger.

"Su Baiyi!" Chu Li frowned worryingly, "This name is so familiar. Ah... is this Su Baiyi the one we met on the snowy mountain? But, how did he become your second brother?" Chu Li Worry expressed doubts.

"I forgot to tell everyone one thing. Su Baiyi is the second child of the Nangong family and my twin brother." Yun Qing looked at Bai Yue with a smile, "You have seen him too. My second brother He's a handsome and affectionate boy compared to someone. You're bound to like him."

"That... I..." Bai Yue was stunned for a moment.Wasn't she just talking about her going back to Baihu Village?Why did it suddenly turn into a discussion about Second Brother Yun Qing?

"Bai Yue, don't leave in a hurry. Xueyue City is so close to the snow mountain. As long as you get along with my second brother for a while, you will definitely find that he is many times better than someone. You will definitely like him Yes." Saying that, Yun Qing hinted at Chu Liyou again.When Chu Liyou received Yun Qing's gaze, he quickly changed his words: "Sister Bai Yue, what Yun Qing said is correct. You don't want to leave yet. We've all seen that Su Baiyi before. He's really a nice person."

Yun Qing seemed to have made up her mind to turn Bai Yue into the daughter-in-law of her Nangong family. Even if she couldn't become the eldest sister-in-law, she could be the second sister-in-law.

"Is this good? Let's vote now. If everyone wants you to stay, then don't leave, okay?" Yun Qing said, "I'll raise my hand first. I hope you can stay."

Seeing this, Chu Liyou also raised his hand and said, "I also hope you can stay."

Seeing that these two people had raised their hands, the three behind them, Nonghua, Nongyue, and Xiaoxiao also raised their hands.

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo again, and winked at him.

"Let's stay." Chu Limo spat out three words cherishing the words like gold.Seeing that his master had spoken, Wu Qing also raised his hand.

Now, only Nangong Jin was left without raising his hand.Bai Yue looked at them and looked at Nangong Jin who was aside, Yun Qing immediately answered: "We now have seven votes for you to stay. It doesn't matter whether he raises his hand or not. The minority obeys the majority. You are not allowed to leave." In the last sentence, Yun Qing deliberately glanced at Nangong Jin and said loudly: "Now I will send a letter to my second brother Su Baiyi, asking him to send someone to pick you up to the Snow Mountain."

There was no chance for Bai Yue to refuse, and the matter was decided so happily.

Of course.Some people are not so calm.

(End of this chapter)

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