The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 621: Jealous and Domineering

Chapter 621: Jealous and Domineering (2)
"Touch it." Yun Qing said.

So, in the days to come, everyone has a new interesting thing, which is to 'ravage' the fire spirit fox vigorously.

At the dinner table, a few idiots surrounded Huo Linghu and laughed.Nangong Jin drank the wine alone and said nothing.Bai Yue also remained silent, eating silently.On the other hand, Chu Limo and Yun Qing, one serving food for the other, their sweetness formed a stark contrast.

After a meal, it was already late.

"Well, I'll go back to my room to rest first." After Bai Yue drank only one glass of wine tonight, Nangong Jin snatched the rest of the wine and drank it calmly.At this moment, Bai Yue is extremely sober.Naturally, she would not take what Yun Qing said seriously.She has decided to leave.Tomorrow morning, she will still leave.

"Yeah. Then you should go to bed early." Yun Qing said with a smile.Bai Yue looked at the people who were playing with Huolinghu in the yard again, nodded and went back to the room.But he didn't look at Nangong Jin who was sitting under the big tree in the yard and was still drinking.

Not long after Bai Yue left, Yun Qing walked under the big tree and looked at Nangong Jin, "She has really decided to go back to Baihu Village this time. Are you sure you are really willing to leave her and you won't regret it."

"Since when did you regret it? She leaves as soon as she likes. Anyway, her feet are on her body." With a snort, Nangong Jin left the yard.

"Yun Qing, will your trick work? Will Brother Jin keep Bai Yue?" After Nangong Jin left, Chu Liyou walked over.

"Jealousy is the best medicine." Yun Qing smiled lightly.It's just that her second brother has been blamed once.Yun Qing looked at the sky and it was not too early, and said lightly: "You guys go back to rest early too. We are leaving here tomorrow."

"Okay. Then you guys also go to bed earlier." Chu Liyou glanced at his brother and Yun Qing.

In the yard, Chu Limo, Yun Qing and Huo Linghu were the only ones left.This is Su Baiyi's territory, so there is no need for them to watch the night ruthlessly, Yun Qing has already told them to go back to rest.

"Qingqing is not afraid that Nangong Jin will go to the snow mountain to fight with Su Baiyi, and spread this anger on Su Baiyi." Chu Limo smiled lightly.

"Who do you think will win the fight between the two of them?" Yun Qing really didn't think about this question.

"On par."

"Hmm. I think this should be a mystery." Yun Qing nodded.The martial arts of these two big brothers are indeed comparable, if they really move their hands, it will really be a mystery.After finishing speaking, Yun Qing raised her head and looked at the night sky. The moon has been very round these past few nights, and the sky is full of stars.You can also see the snow mountain from here.Yun Qing sighed in admiration, "The night sky tonight is really beautiful."

"Beautiful! In my heart, there is nothing more beautiful than Qingqing."

"Stop being so talkative." Yun Qing smiled coquettishly.

"What I said is true. Qingqing is the most beautiful in my heart. Any beauty of stars can't match Qingqing's smile."

"Is that so?" Yun Qing asked with a slight smile.

Chu Limo embraced Yun Qing, and Huo Linghu lay beside him quietly. The two sat in the yard looking at the quiet night sky.May the years be quiet and good, but you will live up to it!


It's late at night!

In the room, it was pitch black, and Bai Yue was lying on the bed, unable to sleep, and was in a daze.The door was opened at this time.The sudden opening of the door startled Bai Yue.

"Who..." In the darkness, Bai Yue called out.

However, no one spoke.Bai Yue couldn't help becoming vigilant.Get up from the bed and pick up the sword that was put aside, but Bai Yue didn't draw the sword.In the dark room, there was an invisible figure sitting by the table, watching her movements.

(End of this chapter)

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