The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 622: Jealous and Domineering

Chapter 622: Jealous and Domineering (3)
Bai Yue walked towards the door.There should be no thieves in this inn.Otherwise, it should have been discovered by Wu Qing and the others who lived in the outer room.But Bai Yue is still a little worried, after all, this is Xueyue City, this place is full of fish and dragons, and people from all over the world come and go.

Just as Bai Yue took two steps, the light from the window came in, Bai Yue saw a person sitting in the room, and immediately exclaimed, the person sitting in the room immediately covered Bai Yue's mouth, "This It's late at night, do you want to wake everyone up?"

"Woo..." Hearing a familiar voice, Bai Yue broke away from him fiercely. The person who came was Nangong Jin. Bai Yue glared at Nangong Jin, "I haven't asked you yet. What are you doing in my room?"

"Who said I came in sneaky. I came in openly. It's just that you have to make a fuss."

"Get out!" As soon as Bai Yue remembered what he said to her that night, she didn't want to see this person again.

"You are so loud, do you want to wake everyone up and let everyone know that we are in the same room now?" Nangong Jin actually sat down once and did not leave the room.

"Nangong Jin... what do you mean?"

"Let me ask you. Are you planning to marry Su Baiyi because you can't marry me?" Nangong Jin knew it was impossible, but she still took it seriously.

"Whether I marry or not has nothing to do with you Nangong Jin. Didn't you make it very clear when you hugged that woman in the brothel that night? You said to yourself: You don't love me at all. Since you don't love me, then Why do you care who I marry?"

What happened that night is still in her mind.She knew from that night, no matter how many things she did.This man will never fall in love with her.What he loves is the kind of romantic place, the feeling of embracing beautiful women on the left and right, and he will not stay for any woman.If one day he wants to stay, it may be until he is tired of this romantic life.

"Why! Why do you say." Nangong Jin grabbed Bai Yue's hand.

"Let go of me. Nangong Jin, you hurt me, let me go. Get out, this is my room." Bai Yue's martial arts are good, but she is still a weak woman in front of Nangong Jin.Bai Yue couldn't break free from Nangong Jin's hand at all.

"It hurts! You know it hurts too. In this case, you have chosen to leave. Why did you think about marrying someone else so soon. Do you know it hurts?"

In the pitch darkness, Bai Yue could only smell the smell of alcohol all over Nangong Jin's body, but couldn't clearly see the appearance on Nangong Jin's face at the moment. "Nangong Jin, you're drunk. You..."

"I'm not drunk. I'm very sober now. Let me ask you, are you impatient to marry someone else? Are you?" Fortunately, Bai Yue's room is separated from everyone's by a small yard, otherwise, The voices of these two people woke up the other people living in the yard.

Bai Yue turned her face away, and said silently: "Is it so, what does it have to do with you, Nangong Jin?"

"Okay, okay, okay, I really underestimated you. If you want to marry someone else, do you have my consent? Without my permission, who would allow you to marry someone else. "

"Nangong Jin, who am I? Who do I want to marry? Why do I need your consent." Bai Yue was also angry.

What is the matter with this man.Mingming said in the brothel that night: He doesn't love himself.Let her leave him alone, and he will not care about her life.What kind of crazy are you running over now?

"Who! Don't you know who I am? Then I'll prove it to you." After saying that, Nangong Jin kissed Bai Yue's lips fiercely.With domineering, with plunder.He wants to prove that this woman is his.

(End of this chapter)

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