The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 638 The man who is sullen is very romantic

Chapter 638 The man who is sullen is very romantic (1)
"Qingqing, am I that scary?" Chu Limo said that his self-esteem was half cooled.

Yun Qing also nodded, "Indeed, a sullen man is scary."

"Qingqing has said that, so if I, a sullen man, do something, I'm sorry for the title Qingqing gave me."

"Hey. What are you going to do. You are not allowed to come close." Yun Qing really wanted to beat herself up, and she had nothing to say to him about men who are flirtatious.

With an evil smile on Chu Limo's face, Yun Qing's heart felt a little chilled.At this time, Chu Limo had already approached, "Tell me clearly what I want to do."


rogue!What a hooligan!A naked hooligan who likes to take advantage of her from time to time.

"Qingqing, are you still satisfied?" Chu Limo's tone was gentle and charming as he moved his lips away from Yun Qing's.

How can she reply, say she is not satisfied.She estimated that if she answered this way, this guy would definitely do something even more perverted.But if he didn't answer his words, this guy seemed to be pushing his feet.Be sure to quickly change the subject.

Yun Qing turned her head and suddenly remembered something, but after she finished speaking, Yun Qing wanted to slap herself.Sure enough, after being with him, his IQ has dropped to zero.

Yun Qing said solemnly: "Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival, if you hadn't met me by chance, would you have just pulled a girl on the road and kissed her?" After finishing speaking, Yun Qing suddenly felt weird.

"No. I've seen Qingqing in the crowd a long time ago. Therefore, I will only kiss Qingqing alone. However, if Qingqing mentions this matter now, maybe Qingqing is jealous." Speaking of the latter, Chu Limo smiled.

"Who says I'm jealous? I didn't even know you at that time, okay? But you, you pretended to be quite similar at the beginning. You are a guy with a human face and a beast's heart."

"Qingqing." Chu Limo's face darkened in an instant, his face was like a beast.Having said that, when I first met Qingqing, how could he have done anything with a human face and a beast heart.The only one who kissed her forcefully once was stabbed to death by her with a silver needle.At that time, he didn't dare to get close to her to deviate half a step.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet. Who are those men in black? I remember that there was also a group of people chasing and killing you at the foot of Lingyin Temple Mountain. That group of people was the same group as the group on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. .”

Yun Qing never asked about this matter.Bring it up now.She still wanted to know who those people were, who were assassinated one after another.

"Jianghu School. It has been cleaned up. Qingqing can rest assured that no one will cause trouble in the future. No one will appear to disturb us. Qingqing, you haven't told me yet, are you satisfied?"

Chu Limo briefly explained the matter.The person who assassinated him at the beginning had already been wiped out.Now, he didn't want to mention these to waste and clean up this rare quiet time.I still remember the previous crop.

Yun Qing frowned, she thought she had successfully changed the subject.Who knows this guy still remembers.

"Qingqing's expression is to say that she has forgotten the feeling just now. It doesn't matter, if Qingqing forgets, I can let Qingqing remember it all the time."

"Can I refuse?" Yun Qing asked cautiously.However, this question is probably invalid.There is no room for her to refuse.

"Qingqing can only accept, not refuse. Because... I will not give Qingqing a chance to refuse."

If she really didn't give her a chance to refuse, his kiss fell in one fell swoop.I don't know how long it took before he let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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