The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 639 The man who is sullen is very romantic

Chapter 639 The man who is sullen is very romantic (2)
"I still have something to give to Qingqing." Chu Limo said mysteriously.


Hugging Yun Qing gently in his arms, the two sat on the roof of the mansion, Chu Limo said with a faint smile, "You will know after a while."

When he said that, Yun Qing was really curious.Curious what he was going to give her?
"Then I'll just wait." Yun Qing leaned into his arms and smiled.

At this moment, they only have each other in their hearts and eyes.


In the lake.

I don't know where Nangong Jin conjured up an exquisite painting boat. At this moment, there are only the two of them on this painting boat.Knowing that Bai Yue was seasick, Nangong Jin specially prepared a sachet.And this is not the East China Sea, and Bai Yue didn't really faint very much.Come to think of it, the seasickness in the East China Sea last time should be an accident.

"Yue'er, don't be angry. I apologize to you, so please forgive me, okay?"

"I'm not angry. Who said I was angry." Bai Yue casually ate the snacks on the table.That look shows that she is really not angry.

"Your appearance clearly tells me that you are still angry." He is not stupid.If she was really not angry, she should have yelled at him now, instead of being polite like she is now.

"I'm not angry. The dim sum here is delicious." Bai Yueyun said lightly.

The more polite she was, the more flustered he felt.Never felt like this before.He thought he understood women's thoughts very well, but he found that he didn't understand the woman in front of him more and more.Seeing her being so polite and praising the delicious dim sum here, isn't he not as good as this plate of dim sum?Nangong Jin was so angry that he wanted to jump into the river.

Thinking of jumping into the river, Nangong Jin suddenly had a plan in mind, and walked towards the side of the painting boat.He'd like to see if he did jump.Is this woman really so calm and breezy?

"Miss, look quickly, it seems that someone is going to jump into the river there."

"Where? Where?" Another little maid also saw it.

"It's right there, take a quick look, is that person about to jump into the river?" The maid who spoke just now spoke again.

"That's right! That man seems to be really going to jump into the river. But, that man is so handsome. Why is he jumping into the river because of something he can't think of?" The two little girls immediately looked like nympho.

Hearing the girl's voice, the woman in the boat also looked over, and was instantly fascinated when she saw Nangong Jin's face, "Pull the boat over."

Hearing the order, the boatman immediately rowed the boat towards Nangong Jin's boat.At the same time, it was not only the people on this painting boat who saw Nangong Jin about to jump into the river, but also the people on several painting boats on the lake.Not only the people on the lake, but also the people on the shore of the lake saw this move and began to order and discuss it.

"Yue'er, you really don't want to forgive me. If you don't forgive me, I will jump from here." Nangong Jin made a gesture to jump into the lake.However, he probably didn't expect that things would become such a sensation all of a sudden, and everyone around the lake was startled.

Bai Yue walked over slowly, looked into the lake, raised her eyebrows and said: "You threatened me. However, this lake should be shallower than the moat of Xiyue Jinling City, you jump into it and drown Immortal. If you want to jump, jump now."

"Yue'er, you really want me to jump down." Nangong Jin twisted his face.

"Yeah. Jump up. If you don't dance now, you probably won't be able to dance later." Bai Yue looked like you didn't dance.He even pointed to the middle of the lake, those who were attracted by him.

(End of this chapter)

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