The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 647 The Secret Plan

Chapter 647 The Secret Plan (1)
"Let's go. There is nothing to talk about between us. In the future, we will no longer be friends. I will also forget the fact that you are Haoyu. From now on, I will only regard you as Yuhen, the prince of Xiyue " Yun Qing looked at Yuhen and said indifferently.

If Yuhen could just maintain the attitude of not saying anything and not pierce the layer of gauze, she might be happy because he is Haoyu.You can also sit and drink with him and chat.After all, how incredible it is to meet former friends in another world.However, when Yuhen exposed all this, they could not go back to the beginning.

She couldn't bear the fact that her former friends wanted to use her to gain the world.She had already experienced being betrayed by her best friend once, so she didn't want to experience it again.Between them, they will only be enemies in the future.

"But... this time, I don't want to let go. Yun Qing, it doesn't matter if you want to hate me or kill me. I only want you." Yuhen's tone was firm.

"Do you think you can get out of this inn now?" After Yuhen finished speaking, Chu Limo's cold eyes stared at Yuhen with murderous intent.He never let the threat grow, he only cut off the hidden threat bit by bit.The Shura sword in Chu Limo's hand has already been shot.As soon as the Shura sword is drawn out, there will definitely be blood.As for Yuhen, he only had him and a personal guard at the moment, if he really started fighting.Even if Yuhen didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

Yun Qing looked at Yuhen with cold eyes, with a little bit of disappointment, sadness and pain in his eyes.After all, he is the fourth brother who grew up with her childhood sweetheart. Without his protection and care, she might have died long ago.They used to be friends, but more like family.However, all of this cannot go back after all.

Yun Qing sneered, "Oh, fourth brother. This is the last time I will call you fourth brother. Seeing that we have been like family members for the past 15 years, I will not kill you this time, and I will pay you back. I have taken care of you like a family member for 15 years. From now on, you, Prince Murong Yuhen of Xiyue, will be my Nangong Yunqing's enemy. See you later, I will never be soft-hearted." Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, " Li Mo, let him go this time."

Chu Limo glanced at Yuhen coldly, and said indifferently: "For the sake of Qingqing, I will let you go today. Yuhen, if you are making clear plans, I will definitely crush your Xiyue .”

Yuhen said calmly in a calm tone: "It just so happens that my palace intends to give Da Chu as a dowry gift to Yun Qing. His Royal Highness Li, you'd better be able to keep what you have in hand."

After the words fell, Yuhen walked out of the inn.

"Yu..." Chu Liyou, who had been quietly watching from the side, murmured softly, but Chu Liyou didn't say anything after that.From the beginning to the end, Yuhen didn't even look at her.

How could she not understand the meaning of her brother's words.The elder brother really had the idea of ​​destroying the whole of Xiyue, and the idea of ​​killing Yuhen.And Yuhen also had the same thought.How did all of this become like this.

Yun Qing looked at Yuhen who had already left and sighed softly, "I seem to have caused you a big trouble and came back."

She always knew that Chu Limo didn't like imperial power, and didn't like that high-ranking seat.Otherwise, based on the fact that he is the prince who was registered by the first emperor, based on his current ability and the power behind him, how could he not be the emperor of Great Chu.Instead, he has been an idle prince in Chujing.It was because Chu Limo didn't like this seat, all he wanted was a life of idle clouds and wild cranes that was so quiet that no one would bother him.However, he was born in the royal family, such a day is an unattainable dream.No matter how he is, there will always be countless people who want him dead.In this place where the jungle preys on the jungle, without your own strength and power, you will surely die a miserable death.

(End of this chapter)

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