The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 648 The Secret Plan

Chapter 648 The Secret Plan (2)
But because she brought such a trouble.Chu Limo had no choice but to fight for imperial power even if he didn't like it.Otherwise, how could he fight against Yuhen, who holds a heavy army and holds the power of life and death.

"It just so happens that I like to solve troubles. Anyway, I'm going to deal with those people in Chujing, so I'll treat them as 'wanwan'." Chu Limo bit the last one Wanwan even harder.

"Master. Xueyue City is now tightly guarded, and the entire Xueyue City is surrounded. We can't go out." Wuqing came to report.

"Yuhen! Very good! He thought he could trap me in this way." Chu Limo gritted his teeth, and slapped his hand on the table, and the table immediately shattered, which shows how much Chu Limo used strength.

Yun Qing looked at Wuqing suspiciously, and asked, "You mean Xueyue City is closed. You are sure you read it right." Yun Qing remembered that Chu Limo told himself last night that this Xueyue City Su The white clothes have been given to her as a dowry.This Xueyue City is Su Baiyi's territory, how did Yuhen seal Xueyue City.

"Yes, ma'am. There are people guarding and checking inside and outside the city, and there are at least [-] soldiers and horses outside the city."

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, "What's going on?"

Chu Limo understood the meaning of Yun Qing's words, and explained: "Xueyue City has always been populated by people from all over the world, with mixed fish and dragons. Feng Tianlan is dead, and Su Baiyi, the power of Xueyue City, only controls half of Xueyue City. "Chu Limo sneered, "It seems that Feng Tianlan colluded with the people of Xiyue when he was alive. Wuqing, go and find out the origin of this Xueyue City lord."

"Yes." Wuqing went down quickly.

"You want to move the Lord of Xueyue City." Instead of asking rhetorically, Yun Qing was very sure that Chu Limo wanted to do this.

"Doesn't Yuhen want to play? Then I will play with him." Chu Limo said lightly.His tone was chilling and cold.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo curiously, "How do you want to play?"

At this moment, Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin who was sitting beside him, "I remember that when you were in Beiyuan Kingdom the year before last, the second prince of Beiyuan owed you a favor."

Nangong Jin suddenly felt the chill behind him, raised his eyebrows and said: "Why do I feel that you are plotting against me behind my back? There is more. Didn't you hear what Wuqing said, Yuhen has installed [-] soldiers and horses outside the city, what do you want? Go out. Don’t tell me you want me to jump into the river and swim out again. I won’t do it. There are pythons in the river from Xueyue City to the river under the snow mountain. Do you want to see me swallowed by a python without even scum left? .” Nangong Jin said that he would not do such a thing if he was killed.

"Don't worry, I won't leave this opportunity to you." Chu Limo said coldly.

"Then what are you going to do?" Yun Qing asked.She doesn't know anything about other countries.Therefore, I really don't know what kind of form is between these countries.

"Prince Xiyue is not here, and he took away [-] elite soldiers and horses. With such a good opportunity, Beiyuan, who has always wanted to strengthen his national power, will watch from the sidelines at this time, or will he take the opportunity to swallow Xiyue."

"Then what's the matter with the second prince of Beiyuan, he's just an idle prince, he doesn't have military power in his hands." Nangong Jin said.

"He doesn't have it, but his brother does. The great prince of Beiyuan is ambitious and has always coveted the border of Xiyue, which is adjacent to him. He wants to take the borders of Xiyue and Beiyuan into his hands to strengthen his own power. Strength, at this time, if you pass this news to him, you don't think he will be moved." Chu Limo said.

"Then how do we spread the news. Now, we are trapped in this city. We can't communicate with the outside world at all." This time Yuhen really surrounded Xueyue City tightly.These few of them simply couldn't get out in the hands of [-] soldiers and horses.

"Brother, we are trapped, but Second Brother and Old Man Su are not trapped. They seem to be going to Beiyuan Country to clean up the scum." Yun Qing curled his lips.

"Still clear and smart." Chu Limo praised with a smile.

"I won't pass on the news." Nangong Jin proudly turned his face away.He doesn't want to see his second brother now, and he is afraid that he will beat him up if he sees this second brother.

Yun Qing also knew what his big brother was awkward about.It is estimated that her elder brother still cares about a joke she made unintentionally at that time.However, she didn't intend to let his elder brother pass the news.They can't go out at all, and any way of passing the news will be intercepted by Yuhen.

Yun Qing looked at Huo Linghu who was sitting on the side holding the chicken leg and gnawing on it, and smiled, "Xiaobai, this glorious task is entrusted to you. After finishing it, sister will give you the chicken leg."

"Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi" Huo Linghu hugged the chicken leg and blinked.

"Let this perverted fox go." Nangong Jin's mouth twitched.Apart from eating chicken legs, this fox can only stare at beautiful women and drool.Let it go, is this reliable?

"Big Brother, do you think there is a more suitable candidate? Or does Big Brother really want to jump into the river and swim across?" Yun Qing deliberately bit the word "swim across".

"Let this perverted fox go." Nangong Jin shook his head.Such a good job is naturally taught to this nasty perverted fox.

'Zhizhizhizhi' Huo Linghu protested dissatisfied: He is not a perverted fox, he is so cute.How could it be a perverted fox?Of course, Huo Linghu doesn't know it himself, but every time it looks at these beauties openly and drools.

"However, Yuhen won't give us too much time. He will definitely take action in a few days." Yun Qing said.Yuhen sent out [-] soldiers this time, but she didn't believe that Yuhen just used these [-] soldiers to surround the Xueyue City.

"He didn't make a move now, he just wanted to test the real strength behind me. Second, because this is Xueyue City, he hasn't fully grasped the news and influence here. Once he grasps my real strength, he will immediately send troops Siege. But with Yuhen's power, within three days, he will definitely find out my power in Xueyue City, once he knows my power in Xueyue City, he will act immediately." Chu Li Mo said: "But three days is enough. After three days, Yuhen, I want to see whether Yuhen wants Xiyue or wants to fight me."

"Well, then we'll live here for three days in peace." Yun Qing still believed in Chu Limo's methods and her second brother's ability to handle affairs.The two of them join forces, if Yuhen doesn't want the border to be taken by Beiyuan, he will definitely rush back immediately.

"Qingqing, don't worry, let's meet the Lord City Lord of Xueyue City." Chu Limo smiled coldly.Hearing Chu Limo's chilling smile, everyone in the yard couldn't help but shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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