The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 667 Qi Rong is here, I want to compensate for being afraid of the dark

Chapter 667 Qi Rong is here, I want to compensate for being afraid of the dark (3)
"Compensation! I made it specially for you." After finishing, Yun Qing added, "It's for blood! Drink it soon."

Looking at Yun Qing's smiling face, it's clearly saying that you're going to vomit blood someday when you're angry with yourself, so you need to make up for it now.

"Qingqing..." The resentful voice spread throughout the room.Such things as nourishing qi and blood are obviously drunk by women.Qingqing is... Really, he didn't work hard enough to satisfy Qingqing.It seems that you have to work harder in the future.Chu Limo thought in his heart.

Of course Yun Qing doesn't know what Chu Limo is thinking now, if she knows, she swears, she will never give him blood-boosting soup, let alone say those words.

A deep forest in the north of Shuiling Town.

"Nangong Jin, what are you doing here in the woods so early in the morning?" Bai Yue wouldn't think that he just dragged her to see the scenery when he had nothing to do.Especially in this kind of deep mountains and old forests.

"Looking for something."

"You just look for something, so what do you mean by pulling me over?" Bai Yue said displeased.

Could it be that this man is forgetful, and he has already said that it has nothing to do with him.But he was lucky enough to pull her over without asking her opinion.What's even worse is that he dragged her back to his room in front of everyone last night.He is still addicted.I really thought I belonged to him.

"You are my wife, you are not with me." Nangong Jin said quite naturally.In fact, there is another very important reason, that is, he wants to see her.

"Who is your wife?" Bai Yue rolled her eyes.

"It's not you. Do you still want to deny it?"

Bai Yue stopped and looked at the man in front of her.When Nangong Jin said that she was his wife, she was happy, but for some reason, she just felt a little unhappy.I always think of what he said indifferently and unfeelingly in the brothel that night.As long as she thinks about what he said, everything he said now, Bai Yue feels that what he said is not true.He is doing this now, maybe just to be responsible.

However, she doesn't need such responsibility.

"Yue'er, it's been so many days, haven't you calmed down yet?"

"Who said I'm angry. Aren't you looking for something? Hurry up and go back if you find it." Saying that, Bai Yue walked forward.

The two walked deep into the woods for a long time, and the more they walked inside, the light inside dimmed.And the herb that Nangong Jin was looking for grew in the deepest and darkest place of this deep mountain and old forest.But often, there are many poisonous insects, snakes and ants in such places.It's just that Nangong Jin has been dealing with herbs all year round, and often goes to the deep mountains and old forests to collect herbs by himself, and he doesn't pay attention to these things.

"Nangong Jin, what are you looking for?" The further you walked inside, the darker it became, and Bai Yue became more and more flustered when the sun couldn't shine in.

"You Hua!" Nangong Jin said in front.

What it is?Bai Yue hadn't heard of it either.

"What is You Hua?" Bai Yue asked if it was because she was a little flustered.

"A kind of medicinal herb. It has a miraculous effect on pain relief. It's just that it grows in the dark and deep forest."

"It's for Jiu...Jiu Ye. His health is not good again." The Jiu Ye in Bai Yue's mouth is Chu Limo.

"Yue'er, I don't like you caring about men other than me. Neither can that bastard Chu Limo." Nangong Jin turned around and looked at Bai Yue domineeringly.

"He's your brother-in-law." Bai Yue reminded.

If it weren't for the fact that he was his brother-in-law and good friend, he wouldn't come to this ghostly place.

(End of this chapter)

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