The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 668 Qi Rong is here, I want to compensate for being afraid of the dark

Chapter 668 Qi Rong is here, I want to compensate for being afraid of the dark (4)
"Look for it quickly." Seeing that Nangong Jin was still staring at herself, Bai Yue reminded her once.

Nangong Jin walked in front, and Bai Yue followed.Bai Yue took a look at the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, it was dark and gloomy, unusually ghostly.Feeling something drifting by beside her, Bai Yue, who was in a panic, closed her eyes in fright.Bai Yue opened her eyes when she realized that there was nothing in front of her.It was indeed a hallucination.Bai Yue exhaled lightly, cheering herself up in her heart, don't be afraid!It's fine.

Nangong Jin in front didn't notice Bai Yue's abnormal reaction behind him at all.In Nangong Jin's heart, Bai Yue grew up in Baihu Village, which was located on the mountain.Bai Yue has always been very temperamental. She has been walking in the mountains since she was a child, so Bai Yue will not be afraid of these things.

But after all, Bai Yue is a woman after all, a woman who is only 16 years old.Even if she is arrogant and arrogant, she will be afraid if she shows a vicious look.

"Nangong Jin..." Bai Yue shouted behind him.

Nangong Jin turned around and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

After a pause, Bai Yue shook her head.She couldn't delay Nangong Jin's medicine collection just because she was afraid.

"It's okay. I just want to ask, what does You Hua look like."

"Purple. As long as there are Youhua, there will be no other flowers growing beside it."

That's because the roots and leaves of Youhua are highly poisonous.Other herbs and flowers dare not grow beside it at all, but Youhua has miraculous pain-relieving effect.

"Do you see that?" Bai Yue suddenly pointed to the mountain not far away.Aren't those pieces exactly purple?

Nangong Jin heard the reputation and looked over, with a smile on his lips. "We are really lucky. That is indeed You Hua we are looking for."

"That's not in a hurry." Bai Yue urged impatiently.As long as they picked You Hua, they could leave here quickly.She doesn't want to be here for a moment now.

"The road ahead is difficult. You wait here for me to come back soon. This is for self-defense." Nangong Jin conjured a sword out of nowhere.Bai Yue took it and looked at it in her hand. This is really a rare and good sword.Is this his saber?But never saw him use it.

"This is…"

"Mine! It's called Moonlight. Take your own defense. Wait for me to come back." At any time, they sprayed poisonous insects, snakes and ants, but there will inevitably be other things in this kind of place.And his Moonlight Sword is not inferior to Chu Limo's Asura Sword.As long as the sword is out of its sheath, there will be blood.

"Then you... come back soon... Be careful." Originally, she was going to give the sword to Nangong Jin, but when she thought that she didn't have a sword with her when she went out.And Nangong Jin gave her the moonlight, which means he doesn't need it.

"Well. There's a lady here thinking of me. I'll be back soon."

The place where Youhua grew was about 50 meters away from where they were standing now.Not too far.Bai Yue stood still and could still see Nangong Jin's figure.

It seemed that Bai Yue was the only one left in the quiet and deep mountain, and there were bursts of animal calls from the mountain.It's just that, in this secluded place, the sounds of animals seem more and more ghostly.

Bai Yue said silently in her heart: Nangong Jin, come back quickly!

Youhua is not easy to pick.Like the Millennium Blood Ganoderma, it cannot be picked with bare hands.Youhua is poisonous from root to leaf, so be very careful when picking it.Nangong Jin took out the gold silk gloves from his pocket and put them on.This glove is unique to his East China Sea, just to prevent himself from being hurt by its poison when picking some special herbs.

It is rare to meet so many Youhua, Nangong Jin naturally will not let it go.These Youhua flowers can also be used as medicine when used properly.

"Ah..." A scream resounded through the deep mountain.

"Don't come don't come here." Bai Yue was terrified, holding the moonlight and slashing non-stop.He kept shouting in his heart: Nangong Jin, why haven't you come back yet.

But if there is someone in front of Bai Yue at this moment, you will find that there is no one in the place where Bai Yue slashed, not even a small animal.It's just that Bai Yue's scream was too loud, and the birds flying in the sky were frightened by the sound, flying around and running for their lives.

"Yue'er..." Nangong Jin was startled, and hastily put away the Youhua flowers that had already been picked, and ran towards Bai Yue.

"Don't come don't come here." It was very dark in the woods, Bai Yue only felt that it was pitch black in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see anything.But she could feel something flashing in front of her eyes, and it kept flashing.

"Yue'er." Nangong Jin was frightened by Bai Yue's appearance when she came over.She was chopping something, but she looked really scared and desperate.What did she see that made her so scared and desperate.Nangong Jin stepped forward and snatched the moonlight from her hand, for fear that she would hurt herself with the sword.

"Yue'er, don't be afraid! I'm here!" Holding her tightly in her arms, Nangong Jin comforted her softly.

Hearing the familiar voice, Bai Yue burst into tears, "Nangong Jin, you're finally back. Just... just now, someone has been flashing in front of me. There's always been someone. I... I'm so scared."

At this moment, Bai Yue is as fragile as a newborn child, tightly grasping Nangong Jin's big warm hands.

(End of this chapter)

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