The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 669 The fragile Baiyue, I will carry you on my back

Chapter 669 The fragile Bai Yue, I will carry you home (1)
"Yue'er, don't be afraid! It's's okay. I'm here." Nangong Jin comforted softly.

damn it!He shouldn't have left her here alone just now.Now seeing Bai Yue crying so sad and scared, he feels distressed.

"Nangong Jin, someone...someone is here. I'm afraid...don't leave me. Don't leave me." Bai Yue felt helpless.

Some childhood memories of despair and fear came flooding back.She had never met her mother when she was very young, but only heard that her mother died of dystocia while giving birth to her.Her father is an old man, how would he know how to take care of children.In this way, she was thrown to the care of the servants in the village master.When she was very young, she would sleep alone in a dark room.That dark day left a big shadow in her heart, and it was the greatest fear in her life.This has been the case for many years.Perennial fear, her temperament is also raised arrogant, arrogant and vicious, not like a girl, but only she knows that she uses this method to relieve the fear and fear deep in her heart.Until now, as long as she sleeps alone, or stays alone in a dark place, that kind of despair will hit her heart all at once.

She was terrified of that feeling of being abandoned.Afraid of the feeling of being alone in the dark.

"Nangong Jin...don't leave me. Don't leave me..." Bai Yue's voice contained a hint of pleading.She is really scared.

"No, I won't leave you. I won't. I won't leave you in the future."

Nangong Jin was very distressed.Now she is not like her at all.Vulnerable like a child.What has she experienced to cause such fear and despair.Will desperately cut down on the big tree in the air.

I don't know how long she cried, but Bai Yue finally recovered under Nangong Jin's soft coaxing.

Thinking of her gaffe and crying so sadly just now, Bai Yue glanced at Nangong Jin a little at a loss.This is the first time she has shown this look in front of him.

"Did I just... scare you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm afraid... black." Bai Yue, who had just finished crying, was obviously very pitiful.But when she said she was afraid of the dark, it made Nangong Jin feel very distressed.

He never knew that she was afraid of the dark, and he always thought that she was not afraid of anything.However, she never thought that she would have such a fragile side.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have left you alone." Embracing Bai Yue, Nangong Jin gently kissed Bai Yue's forehead and said softly: "I won't leave you behind .It won’t happen anymore.”

Bai Yue just stood there in a daze, watching this soft-spoken man seem to have forgotten to breathe for a while.

Is it a dream?Or is it all an illusion.

Nangong Jin didn't dare to ask her why she was afraid of the dark, he just vaguely felt that there must be a sad past behind it.He didn't want to ask, didn't want to touch her sad past.

"Let's go back." Nangong Jin squatted down halfway.

Bai Yue stood on the spot for a while, watching him half-squat.Is he going to carry her back?
"Come up quickly." Nangong Jin shouted.

Bai Yue was a little at a loss, she didn't know whether to let him recite it or not.

"Yue'er. Do you want me to carry you home? I don't mind."

"No need." Bai Yue said quickly.Let him carry her back, she still thinks it is better to carry her.

Lying on Nangong Jin's warm and hard back, at this moment, no matter how dark it is here, she seems to feel less afraid.He made himself feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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