The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 672 I’m going to Fengcheng

Chapter 672 I’m going to Fengcheng (2)
"Brother. There are not as many good men in the world as he is. I have grown up, and I have the right to pursue the happiness I want."

"No matter how old you are, you will always be my sister, Chu Limo. Without my permission, you can never be with him."

"Are you still my real brother?" Chu Liyou's beautiful face was covered with tears.

If he had known about her earlier, he would have secretly gone to Xiyue to prevent her cold-blooded brother from knowing.

"I'm not your real brother. Chu Liyou, don't you know what kind of person he is?"

Chu Limo was really angry.He would never allow his sister to have anything to do with that person.But what he didn't know was that his sister had already been involved with that person.

"I don't care what kind of person he is. I only know one thing, I like him. Brother, since today's talk has been said, I will tell you. I will not go back to Dachu. I will go to Xiyue to find him. "

She had already made this decision before coming here.She wants to go back to Xiyue with Qi Rong.She also heard along the way that Xiyue is now at war with Beiyuan.He was alone at this time, and she just wanted to be by his side.But to go to his current battlefield, Qi Rong must lead her.Otherwise, if she still arrives, she will definitely get lost, or be caught as a spy.

"Ruthless! Immediately send her back to Lingyin Temple and keep her under strict supervision. She ran away, so you don't need to see her anymore."

With an order, Wuqing immediately appeared in the room.

"Brother! I don't want to go back to Lingyin Temple."

"If you don't go back, you have to go back. Take her back."

"Brother, even if you send me back to Lingyin Temple, I will definitely run away."

"If you dare to run, I will break your legs."

"Li Mo. Let Li You decide on this matter."

It was supposed to be a good meal.Who would have thought that it would develop like this all at once.Although Yun Qing has no love between men and women for Yuhen, but there is always a bit of family affection in those 15 years in the previous life.She also doesn't know if Yuhen can give Liyou happiness.But what Li You said just now is right, she has the right to choose her own happiness.Not even her brother can interfere.

"Brother." Chu Liyou looked at Chu Limo and lowered his tone, with a bit of pleading.

Qi Rong has been watching silently.On this matter, he and Yun Qing maintained the same attitude.At the same time, I also admire this woman, who can pursue without hesitation for the love she wants.Even knowing that this love does not belong to her.She still doesn't regret it.

"Li Mo. Li You has grown up. She has the right to choose. Instead of marrying someone she doesn't love and suffering for a lifetime, it is better to fulfill her. Li You is your own sister. You are willing to see her suffer in the future." Live a lifetime?" Yun Qing asked aside at this moment.

I just don't know if she should say this today.Should we support Li You to bravely pursue this relationship?

Until many years later, Yun Qing was very fortunate to have supported Li You back then.Although after Li You left, she began to experience too many great joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, and that person never looked at Li You, but later, she still met her own happiness, and her life was finally happy.

At this moment, Chu Limo may have struggled in his heart for a long, long time.Looking at this grown up but extremely stubborn younger sister, she said lightly, "You don't regret it!"

"Yes! I have made up my mind. I will never regret it!"

"Liyou, once you leave, don't come back. Do you still have no regrets?"

Yun Qing also tightened Chu Limo's hand.He is...

(End of this chapter)

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