The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 673 I’m going to Fengcheng

Chapter 673 I’m going to Fengcheng (3)
Chu Liyou bit her lip, her brother and Yuhen were her most important people.However, my brother was right.If you leave, don't come back.After all, brother and Yuhen will be enemies in the future.She fell in love with the enemy!


"Can you possibly do it?"

"Yes." In the end, Chu Liyou made up his mind.Decided to plug it in.

"Nongyue. From today on, you follow her. If she dies, you die!" Chu Limo ordered.

Chu Liyou burst into tears immediately.Her brother still loves her the most, but she makes him difficult.

"Yes. This subordinate obeys the order." Nongyue also appeared in the room after receiving the order and respectfully responded.

"Liyou. You have to remember that you are the noble eldest princess of Dachu. You are my sister, Chu Limo. No one in this world can bully you."

"Yes. Brother. Liyou remembered." Chu Liyou nodded with tears in his eyes.

In the end, Chu Liyou planned to go on the road with Qi Rong tomorrow.Chu Limo nodded in agreement, and Yun Qing was finally relieved.

It's just that this night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Chu Liyou lay on the bed tossing and turning sleeplessly, and the two people in the other room were also sleepless all night.

"Qingqing, am I right?"

"Liyou has her own choice. I know you are reluctant to leave Liyou. You are afraid that she will get hurt. However, if you keep her, she may not be hurt. These days, she is not happy." Leaning on Chu Li Yun Qing said softly in Mo's arms: "Don't worry, even if everyone leaves you, I won't leave you either. I will always be with you."

"It's good to have Qingqing! Fortunately, Qingqing is by my side."

Kissing Yun Qing's forehead, said lightly.

the next day.

Qi Rong had been waiting at Yunqing's inn for a long time.Chu Liyou woke up early after not sleeping all night and prepared the last breakfast for everyone.

Knowing that Li You and Qi Rong were going on their way today, everyone got up very early.

After breakfast, I packed up my things.The carriage Qi Rong is ready.Just waiting for Chu Liyou to leave.

A group of people were sent outside the town of Shuiling Town.

"Liyou, be careful all the way. Remember, no matter what happens, you still have us. Your home will always be there."

Chu Liyou looked at Yun Qing and nodded, "Yes. Thank you Yun Qing. My brother will take care of you alone from now on."

"We are a family." Yun Qing smiled.

"Liyou, I really don't want you to leave." Bai Yue also stepped forward to hug Chu Liyou with a look of reluctance.

"I will miss you."

Yun Qing gave some instructions to Nongyue from the side.Along the way, the safety of Li You will be entrusted to Nongyue in the future.Chu Limo stood aside with a cold face.

Chu Liyou walked in front of her elder brother, although they were brothers and sisters, they were fine when they were young, but when they grew up, Chu Liyou didn't dare to hug him and act like a spoiled child.But this time, Chu Liyou hugged Chu Limo, "Brother, please forgive my sister's waywardness."

Chu Limo rubbed Chu Liyou's hair, and said in a tone of doting on her younger sister like when she was a child: "Who told you to be my sister. We are the closest blood relatives. Liyou, my brother is there for everything. No matter where you go Where, remember, there is a brother to support you."

"Well. Brother."

Chu Liyou really felt that she was very willful this time.For the sake of my love, for the sake of Yuhen, I don't want my brother who loves me the most.

"Brother Rong, Liyou is asking you to take care of her." Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong and said.In Xiyue, the only person who can ask her is Qi Rong.

"I will. Sister Qing, you should take care too."

No matter how reluctant you are, you always have to say goodbye.

"Brother. I'm leaving."

The carriage had gradually left, and Chu Liyou's figure was getting further and further away.until it is completely invisible.

"Okay, they have gone far. Now, we have to do what we should do." Nangong Jin reminded.

In the carriage, Qi Rong looked at the little girl and said gently: "Is Li You planning to go to Xiyue to wait for him, or go to Fengcheng to find him."

"Brother Qi. Take me to Fengcheng to find him. Okay?"

"Okay." Qi Rong nodded.After that, he was not talking.

(End of this chapter)

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