The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 676 Linglong son Yi Linglong

Chapter 676 Linglong son Yi Linglong (3)
"If we help you get rid of the troubles that Linglongzi brought you. But the premise is: I want Linglongzi." Yun Qing looked at Yi Linglong who was a little sad.But it is also a word of love, and this woman can't escape the word of love.

" really can help me?" Yi Linglong was a little excited.

"Of course. It's just that you have to have the courage." Yun Qing replied confidently.

"What?" Yi Linglong looked at Yun Qing in a daze.

"Leave Shuiling Town with him. Leave your grandfather. And forget that you are Yi Linglong from now on."

"I...we can't escape." Yi Linglong shook her head.

It's not like they haven't escaped before, but every time they can't escape far, they will be found.Every time she was found, she would be beaten badly.

"Don't you want to leave with him?" Yun Qing said again.

how come?How could she not want to leave.She dreamed of getting out of here.The farther the better.

On the surface, she looks like the eldest lady of the Yi family, but only she knows that grandpa doesn't like her at all.If it wasn't for the Linglong son bestowed by the former emperor as a dowry to her, it would be a question of whether she would survive.

But also because of Linglongzi, grandpa always wanted her to marry a rich and noble family, and made her a sacrifice, just to make his grandson's career flourish in the future.

"I think."

"Then just believe me! I'll let you leave. But after you leave, you have to act as if Yi Linglong, the eldest lady of the Yi family, is dead. Can you do it?"

"I can!"

She doesn't want to be a victim of politics.I don't want to sacrifice my life's happiness for the marriage.

But Bai Yue got up at this time, opened the curtain and looked at the window, saw the shadow below, and said lightly, "He's already here."

Hearing Bai Yue's words, Yi Linglong got up and looked towards the window. Sure enough, that person came.

He is the hibiscus flower she has been waiting for for a long time - Lin Zifan!

The man she has always liked.He, like Hibiscus, has been waiting for her tenderly.

It's just that grandpa doesn't like Zifan's family background. Even though Zifan is a respectable person in Shuiling Town, grandpa still dislikes that Zifan was not born into an official family.Can not bring a bright future for his grandson.

"Zi Fan."


Yun Qing and Bai Yue retreated.The room was reserved for two people.

"Yunqing, will the hibiscus flower wait for its blooming season?" Bai Yue looked at Yunqing.Why isn't he using hibiscus flowers to imply the relationship between himself and Nangong Jin.Gentle waiting!Isn't she also waiting gently!

"Yes!" Yun Qing replied.

the next day.

Yi Linglong handed Linglongzi into Yun Qing's hands.Yun Qing never expected that Ling Longzi could get it so easily.It was only from that day that Shuiling Town lost Yi Linglong, and Lin Zifan, Yi Linglong's favorite, disappeared.They will not be separated because of Linglongzi in the future.Linglongzi separated them for the first half of their lives, but it was also because of Linglongzi that they stayed together forever for the second half of their lives.

With Chu Limo behind the scenes to help, even if Taifu Yi wanted to find Yi Linglong and Lin Zifan, he would never be able to find them in his entire life.

After getting Linglongzi, Yun Qing gave it to Nangong Jin to refine medicine.It's just that Yun Qing has a doubt, such a simple matter, why they stayed in Shui Ling Town for a few days, and they also wanted to help Yi Linglong and Lin Zifan.Yun Qing has always known that these two people are not so kind.If they want Linglongzi, they can use other means.

(End of this chapter)

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