The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 677 Linglong son Yi Linglong

Chapter 677 Linglong son Yi Linglong (4)
As if knowing Yun Qing's doubts, Chu Limo explained: "After taking money from others, it is natural to do things for them."

"You took Lin Zifan's money?" It was not doubt but very certain.

"Well. Your husband and I are a businessman. Naturally, someone will give us money to do things. It just so happened that Lin Zifan gave us 5 taels of silver to ask us to do things at Rueqing Villa. Who would have thought it would be such a coincidence, he was in Shuiling Town, and by coincidence, he was with Linglongzi Related. Of course we will accept such a deal.”

So it is said: You not only collect money from other people, but also take away their dowry.Finally, people should be grateful to you.

"Unfeeling Villa. It seems that you take any business." Yun Qing smiled.

"Well. If there is money to make, of course I have to pick it up. I still have to support Qingqing."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched!
"This Taifu Yi is quite old, and he is still so greedy. How could he resign back then." Yun Qing murmured.

"Who said he resigned voluntarily. He was the most important person of the late emperor, but the late emperor died. Qingqing felt that the current emperor would keep him. He had no choice but to resign." Chu Limo said I have no emotion at all.One bite at a time.You know, the first emperor is your father!
Of course I can't stay.However, it is conceivable that Taifu Yi used Yi Linglong as a pawn in order to return to Chujing.Now that Taifu Yi does not have Yi Linglong's help, it is very difficult to return to Chujing.

Nangong Jin quickly refined Linglongzi and Youhua into medicine.

"Eat." Nangong Jin handed a black pill to Chu Limo, "Eating it will torture you for at least two hours, you have to hold back for these two hours, don't go crazy. "

Nangong Jin was still a little worried. After all, he had never used Linglongzi to make medicine, so he didn't know what side effects would occur after taking it.

Chu Limo took the pill without changing his face, and swallowed it directly.

"Li Mo, how is it? Do you feel uncomfortable there?"

Just after eating, Yun Qing couldn't wait to ask.

"How can it be so fast." Nangong Jin raised his head and looked at the night sky, it was a big night.I guess I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Not long after the time passed, the effect of the medicine began to take effect.

"You guys go out." The effect of the medicine had begun to wear off slowly, Chu Limo said coldly.He didn't want his appearance to be seen by them.

"Okay. Let's go out. You have to hold back." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and pulled Bai Yue outside.

He knew that Chu Limo had always had this problem, and he didn't like being seen in pain.But as long as he doesn't go crazy, he doesn't want to stay and watch him suffer.

"Qingqing, you go out too."

"I'll stay with you, Li Mo, don't drive me away."

"..." Chu Limo's face was already in pain.However, he tried his best not to cry out.

"Don't drive me away, I'll stay with you." Seeing that the effect of the medicine took place so quickly, Yun Qing refused to leave.If she leaves, she is really afraid that Chu Limo will hurt herself in order to reduce the pain of torture.


There are vases, tables, and chairs breaking in the room.

He still has reason, he is in pain, but he will not hurt Yun Qing.But physical torture can only vent to the things in the room.

"Is it really okay?"

Hearing the fierce voice coming from the room, Bai Yue was still a little worried.There was only Yun Qing and Chu Limo who didn't know if he would go crazy.

"Don't worry about him, if he can't handle this, he won't be Chu Limo." Nangong Jin got used to it.Back then, he survived the unfeeling Gu, so that's nothing.

Hearing what Nangong Jin said, Bai Yue had no choice but to sit in the yard with him and wait.

"Li Mo...I'm here."

In the room, Chu Limo was really on the verge of going crazy.It was as if tens of thousands of ants were biting him.

" hurts..."

"I'm...I' feel bad, kiss me! Kiss me and you won't feel bad." Afraid that Chu Limo would do something to hurt herself, Yun Qing could only hug him tightly.

"No, I will hurt you. Qingqing...stay away from me, I will hurt you."

"I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid! I just want you not to hurt yourself."

Seeing him suffer in pain, the pain seemed to spread in her body, and she felt the same.

Yun Qing's lips pressed against Chu Limo's.She didn't know how to relieve his pain at the moment, but someone said that a kiss can temporarily make people forget the pain on their body.


"Don't talk, I know, you won't hurt me."

After the words fell, he kissed him once.

Indulging in Yun Qing's deep passionate kiss, sure enough, the pain on her body seems to have eased a lot.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the people in the room were already entangled.

"Why is there no movement?" Bai Yue said.Outside the room, it was also unusually quiet.

"Let's go. This night is over." Nangong Jin said.Pulling Bai Yue, she left the yard.

The effect of the medicine was as Nangong Jin said, it really tortured him for two hours, and during these two hours, Yun Qing kissed Chu Limo and did not let go.At this moment, the two of them were already lying on the bed dripping with sweat.This kiss lasted for two hours, Yun Qing was really tired and had no energy left.

Sure enough, kissing is also a hard work!

(End of this chapter)

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