Chapter 678 To Chujing (1)
Day two.

The group packed up their things and headed towards Chujing. This time, there was no delay on the way.

I arrived in Chujing in late September.Yun Qing looked at this place where she had lived for 15 years, and she finally came back.

This farewell has been away for a year!

In a year, people in Chu Jing had already forgotten her past identity as Mu Yunqing.Now, she is Nangong Yunqing, the daughter of the East China Sea!
From the palace.

"Jiuye's mansion is so big! It's even bigger than Baihuzhai." Bai Yue came to Chujing for the first time, and she was much happier.

Chu Limo, as the noble King Li of Great Chu, naturally had a large mansion.In this capital, it is estimated that apart from the imperial palace, this is the largest city.

"However, will it be inconvenient for me to live here?" Bai Yue asked softly.After all, this is Chu Jing, and Master Jiu has a different identity.Unlike when they were still traveling around the rivers and lakes, it didn't matter if they could stay in a hotel together.

"If you don't mind, you can live in Yunfu with me." Yun Qing didn't plan to live in now anyway.When she left Chujing, she used Yunyin's identity to buy a mansion in Chujing, and her cousin has been helping to take care of it.Now just live in it.

"Okay. Okay. Let's go and have a look now." Bai Yue still doesn't like living here, after all, it's not convenient to go out and play here.There were formations inside and outside the palace, and she accidentally broke in.

"That's good. I'll tell Li Mo. We're going to Yun Mansion now. We're going to see Grandpa tomorrow." It's getting late now, and it's not convenient to go to Wang Mansion at this time.

"Okay." Bai Yue nodded.

The two just fell silent.Chu Limo and Nangong Jin walked over.

Yun Qing also said what he wanted to say, "You two came just in time. Bai Yue and I are preparing to move our things to Yunfu." We said we were moving things, but in fact it was just a few clothes.And they don't need to take it at all.Xiaoxiao and Nonghua had already cleaned up.

"Qingqing, I forbid you to move to Yunfu."

"We're not married yet. It's not good to live in now." Yun Qing said.

Even if she doesn't care about her reputation.However, in Chujing, she always has to go out, and she will always be recognized by others.She could not care about it herself, but she couldn't ignore her grandfather and the Wang family's reputation.

"Then we'll get married tomorrow."

Yun Qing was a little dumbfounded.This man is in a hurry.

"Then I won't be able to move in until after tomorrow."

"Then I will stay with you in Yunfu tonight." These days, he is used to sharing the same bed with Qingqing.Suddenly separated, he will not be able to sleep.

Yun Qing took a look at Chu Limo and was unable to defend herself, so she nodded, "Okay then."

Fortunately, when she bought the mansion, it had enough rooms.

"You guys go. I won't join in the fun." Nangong Jin said.After a pause, Nangong Jin looked at Bai Yue, "Yue'er, you live with me."

Yun Qing and Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin in a daze at the same time.Just now he said stop.That is to say, Nangong Jin does not live in Li Wang's Mansion, he has a mansion in Chu Jing.

"Brother, where is your mansion?" After getting along for so long, she never knew that her brother had a mansion in Chujing.

"In Baihualou." Chu Limo said.


Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin, and the corner of his mouth twitched.Her elder brother's residence is actually in the biggest brothel in Bai, Hua, Lou, and Chujing.It turned out to be her elder brother's... mansion!
(End of this chapter)

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