Chapter 679 To Chujing (2)
"Where is Baihualou?" Bai Yue always felt that the name of this place didn't look like the name of a mansion.

Can she say it?Can she say it?It was not easy for Bai Yue to come to Chujing with her.Last time, she had a cold war with her elder brother for a long time because of the brothel.This time, if she was told directly, would her elder brother's residence be in the brothel, Baiyue, and she would leave right away.

"Brothel." Chu Limo's cool voice.He was just telling the truth.

"Chu Limo, I have a grudge against you!" Nangong Jin scolded while staring.

If his wife ran away, he would never end with him.

"Yue'er, listen to me. Don't be angry. This Baihualou is a brothel owned by this bastard. I followed him, but he didn't even give me a place to live." Nangong Jin pointed at Chu with a sad face. Limo.After a pause, he continued: "Yue'er, I'm going to buy a house tomorrow. Let's stay in a hotel tonight."

"It's okay to live in a mansion, why should I go to live in a hotel with you." Bai Yue raised her eyebrows.It's hard to see if she is angry about Nangong Jin's living in Baihualou.However, Bai Yue is not so stingy, Nangong Jin has always been in the romantic place in the past.She would be angry even about the past.It is estimated that he will be pissed off already.

"I think so. It takes time to buy a good mansion. Brother and Bai Yue will live in Yun Mansion first. Anyway, there are more rooms there." Yun Qing quickly answered.After finishing speaking, he glared at Chu Limo.Chu Limo said he was innocent.Nangong Jin originally lived in Baihualou.Who is to blame if he doesn't want to live in the mansion?

Back to the long-lost Yunfu.Although left for a year.But the furnishings here are all placed by Yun Qing himself.It's still the same now, nothing has changed.The only thing that changes is the mentality.

Nangong Jin stood at the gate of Yunfu, looked at Chu Limo with displeasure, raised his eyebrows, and said to Yunqing: "Sister, it seems that you are the best, this bastard actually gave you this house." Think about him At the beginning, I had been looking at this house for a long time.The bastard just won't let him live in it.If it wasn't for this, how could he have been living in Baihualou.

"How do you say that?" Seeing Nangong Jin staring at Yunfu, Yun Qing couldn't help asking.

"Sister, don't you know. The original owner of this house is the bastard next to you. I talked to him for a long time, but he just didn't want to let me live in it."

"Oh. But he didn't give it to me. I bought it for 5000 taels of silver." She didn't know who the owner of the house was when she bought it.Chu Limo didn't say anything at the time.So she never cared about it.Anyway, she has already bought the house.

"I've made up my mind. There is already a ready-made mansion here. I won't buy a house. Sister, take off the plaque outside tomorrow."

"As long as you like it." Yun Qing smiled.Anyway, when she marries Chu Limo, she will live in Prince Li's Mansion.It's okay for her elder brother to like this mansion so much, and she can go back to her mother's house at any time.

"It's better to be a younger sister. Unlike this bastard, who has no conscience at all." Saying that, Nangong Jin glared at Chu Limo again.

"Don't be so ambiguous, my son didn't do anything to you." Chu Limo replied calmly.

Already accustomed to the way the two of them get along, Yun Qing and Bai Yue are no strangers to it.

"Bai Yue, I'll show you the room."

"Okay." Bai Yue smiled and nodded.

Because Bai Yue and her eldest brother are not married yet.Although they are all a family here, even if they sleep in the same room, no one will say anything.But only if you're outside.Now back to Chujing, what should be avoided is still to be avoided.After all, Bai Yue is still an unmarried woman.Yun Qing still has to think about Bai Yue's reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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