The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 702 Spit out Nangong Jin

Chapter 702 Spit out Nangong Jin (3)
Halfway through the meal, Xiaoxiao came up with the stewed soup.

"Xiaoxiao, your cooking skills are getting better and better now. What kind of soup is this stewing?" Yun Qing felt like drooling when he smelled the aroma.

Being praised by her own lady, Xiaoxiao smiled happily and said: "It's chicken soup." After finishing speaking, she quickly backed off.

"Bai Yue, I see that your complexion has been bad these two days, so you should make up for it."

Yun Qing's words are not false, Bai Yue's complexion is indeed not very good these two days.

"I'm fine. Maybe it's because I just arrived in Chujing and haven't adapted to the environment here." Bai Yue said.

"Yue'er, I see that you really have a bad complexion these two days, drink a bowl of chicken soup to make up for it." Yun Qing was about to fill a bowl for Bai Yue, but Nangong Jin grabbed a bowl for Bai Yue first.

Bai Yue looked at the bowl of chicken soup in front of her. She never liked to drink anything in chicken soup.

"Qingqing, you have to make up for it too."

"I don't like to drink." Here, not only Bai Yue doesn't like to drink, but Yun Qing also doesn't like to drink chicken soup.I always feel that I am too tired to eat.

"Be obedient. Does Qingqing want me to feed you?" Chu Limo's voice was very low, but Yun Qing still heard it.

I don't like it, but it's okay to drink once in a while.

"Yeah. Xiaoxiao's craftsmanship is getting better and better." Yun Qing praised while drinking chicken soup.Seeing Bai Yue not moving, Yun Qing smiled and said: "You also try Xiaoxiao's craftsmanship. It's really good."

Seeing that Xiaoxiao has been stewing for a long time, Nangong Jin has already prepared it for herself.If you don't drink, the man next to you may not know how to talk.

Picking up the spoon, he took a sip of his lips.Bai Yue thinks the smell is a bit weird, but she thinks it should be her own problem.Xiaoxiao's craftsmanship is indeed undeniable, and soon, a bowl of chicken soup will bottom out immediately.Seeing this, Nangong Jin filled another bowl.

"I do not want it.The words hadn't come out yet.Nangong Jinsheng's chicken soup was placed in front of her, "Drink more."

Bite the bullet, Bai Yue put the chicken soup in front of her into her mouth mouthful.


I don't know if I ate too much or what.The next moment, Bai Yue covered her mouth and vomited.And all the soup that hadn't been swallowed was vomited on Nangong Jin's body.

This scene happened too suddenly.Startled the people at the dinner table.

"Bai Yue, what's the matter with you?"

Before she could answer Yun Qing's words, Bai Yue vomited again.And with this spit, all the food I ate before was spit out.

"Yue'er, I see that your complexion is not good these two days, is there something wrong with you?"

This spit seemed to spit out the entire contents of the stomach.

I don't know how long she vomited, but Bai Yue felt a little better.Nangong Jin hastily handed over a glass of warm water.Bai Yue took it and drank it.This is a little more comfortable in the stomach.

"Sorry to scare you. I have never liked chicken soup, nor did I like the taste. I didn't expect that I would become like this after drinking a bowl." Bai Yue explained apologetically.

"You idiot, you can say you don't like to drink." Nangong Jin felt a little distressed, seeing her vomit so badly just now frightened him.

"I wanted to say it too. But you didn't give me a chance to say it."

"Bai Yue, I think you look really bad, are you sick?" Yun Qing asked worriedly.Although I don't like to drink chicken soup, but I won't vomit like this after drinking it.

"I'm not sick." Bai Yue said with a smile, "Did my appearance just now scare you?"

"I'm still a little worried. Brother, you are a genius doctor after all. Let's see if Bai Yue is sick."

"No. I'm really fine. I'm not sick. I really just don't like the smell." Bai Yue explained.After finishing speaking, he looked at Xiaoxiao who was standing aside apologetically, "I'm sorry for wasting the chicken soup you've boiled for so long."

"The servant did not notice." Xiaoxiao also felt sorry.

"Xiaoxiao, remove the chicken soup first." Yun Qing ordered.

If he didn't remove the chicken soup, Yun Qing was really afraid that Bai Yue would vomit once he smelled it.

"Yes." Xiaoxiao quickly removed the chicken soup.

Bai Yue looked at the soup vomited on Nangong Jin's body, she knew that he always liked to be clean.But she was lucky, and she vomited all over him.

"Dirty your clothes. You go back and change them, and I'll wash them for you."

Nangong Jin looked at the residue on the clothes and nodded.

"Yunqing, Master Jiu, I'll accompany him back to his room to change clothes." After speaking, Bai Yue hurried away.She was really ashamed today.

Fortunately, this meal is almost finished.Now, after being spit out by Bai Yue, the two of them couldn't eat anymore.

Yun Qing pursed her lips as she watched the direction Nangong Jin and Bai Yue left.

Is it true that Bai Yue just doesn't like the smell of chicken soup?Why did she feel that Bai Yue's situation just now seemed familiar?
"What is Qingqing thinking?"

"Nothing." Yun Qing replied flatly.

What is she thinking?Of course she was thinking...

But she was just thinking about it.

After a pause, Yunqing looked at Chu Limo and said, "Do you want me to accompany you back to your residence? You should go back by yourself."

"Qingqing..." Chu Limo's resentful voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

"Good boy! I've been enduring for half a month, and we're going to get married in half a month."

"Then Qingqing will accompany me tonight. If you're not here, I will miss you so much that I won't be able to sleep, and then I will go crazy tomorrow. Does Qingqing want to see me go crazy tomorrow?"

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded, "But, only tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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