The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 703: Tired Gas Moved

Chapter 703: Tired Gas Moved (1)
Bai Yue returned to the room before Nangong Jin. When Nangong Jin arrived, Bai Yue had brought hot water and clean clothes were ready.

"I didn't mean to spit you all over, you go and wash."

Although Nangong Jin was not angry, Bai Yue apologized first.

"I know. It's my fault. I didn't know you didn't like chicken soup."

If he had known, he would not have let her drink it.

"Go and wash up, I'll go out first." Bai Yue said.A blush flashed across her face.

"Yue'er, are you still angry?" Nangong Jin put his arms around Bai Yue's waist.

Bai Yue pursed her lips, looked at his face for a long time, then pushed him away, "I'm not angry anymore. Really. You go and wash up."

She knew what Nangong Jin was referring to by being angry.But she really wasn't angry anymore.Women may be like this, they will only be angry for a while, and after it is over, they will forget about it, and then they will continue to love this man.

And she, she still loves this man deeply.Whether he really loves her or not.But she is so unreasonable and deeply in love.Even if she knew she was going to get hurt, she still didn't regret it.

So: women are really stupid sometimes!silly!
"Yue'er." Nangong Jin suddenly stopped Bai Yue and said, "Yue'er, is what you said true?"

"Yes." Bai Yue nodded.

"Then help me."

help him!She heard it right, he wanted to help him take a bath by herself.

"Help me." Nangong Jin said again.

Bai Yue stood there like this, looking a little at a loss.She had never given him a bath.But after thinking about it, it was she who vomited all over him, so it wasn't too much for him to ask her to help him.

Bai Yue nodded, "Okay."

Nangong Jin pursed his lips and smiled.

Bai Yue stepped forward and carefully unbuttoned his clothes.Every time, Bai Yue was so nervous that she could even feel her hands trembling.

Nangong Jin suddenly grabbed Bai Yue's hand, and said in an extremely ambiguous voice, "Yue'er, I won't be able to stand it if you do this."

Bai Yue wanted to pull out her hand, but Nangong Jin grabbed her tightly.

"Don't you... want to take a bath?"

"I suddenly felt that we should do something more meaningful than taking a shower. Like..."

Nangong Jintie gently exhaled by Bai Yue's ear.Bai Yue's whole body froze, and her face turned even redder.

In the next second, Bai Yue was already hugged.I don't know what's going on, but I've been crushed under him.

"Nangong Jin." Bai Yue called out.


Nangong Jin responded, but his movements still did not stop.

"Nangong Jin, do you really love me?"

Bai Yue feels that she is stupid, and it is a big fool to ask such questions when doing this.But she still couldn't help asking.

Maybe knowing that Nangong Jin will answer that he loves her!But she still couldn't help but wanted to ask, wanted to hear him say that he loved her!
"Love. I don't know when I fell in love with you." Nangong Jin replied.

Although she knew that he would say that, at that moment, her heart still felt a little throbbing.

"I don't know if what you said is true, but Nangong Jin, I want to tell you. I love you and never stop!"

I love you and never stop!
Look, this is her Bai Yue.

She dares to love and hate!She never buried her feelings deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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