The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 725 026. Nangong Jin's Rotten Peach Blossom!

Chapter 725 026. Nangong Jin's Rotten Peach Blossom!

"Ah...Feng Qingluan, you bitch, bitch, you ruined this princess's face, this princess wants to kill you! This princess wants to kill you!" Chu Qiaoyang yelled like crazy.There is no trace of princess dignity, that appearance, a typical shrew.

Ignored Chu Qiaoyang's crazy appearance.

"Sister Su, Sister Qing, Sister Yue, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Su Wanyan said.Looking at Bai Yue again, Bai Yue was recovering from illness just now, and quickly asked, "Sister Yue, did you get hurt anywhere?"

Yun Qing knew that Bai Yue was pregnant now, so she quickly asked, "Are you okay? Is there any discomfort?"

"I'm fine. She can't hurt me yet." Bai Yue replied.With her skill, this princess can't hurt her at all.What's more, since Qingluan helped her just now, she will be fine.

Yun Qing just rescued Su Wanyan, but she never thought that Chu Qiaoyang would go crazy and attack Bai Yue.Yun Qing's eyes suddenly turned cold.After returning to Chujing, she didn't want to kill people so soon, but this Chu Qiaoyang really provoked her.

She shouldn't, shouldn't have wanted to kill Sister Su, let alone the pregnant Bai Yue.

Fortunately, Bai Yue was fine just now, if something happened, Yun Qing can guarantee that Chu Qiaoyang is already a corpse at this moment.

"This princess killed you, you bastards."

At this time, Chu Qiaoyang picked up the sword that had been knocked to the ground, and stabbed at them fiercely.And it was obvious that the person stabbed by this sword was not Feng Qingluan, not Su Wanyan, not Yun Qing, but Bai Yue.

Xu Shi's last sword was easily dodged by Bai Yue.Feng Qingluan ruined her face again because of this woman in red.Therefore, Chu Qiaoyang transferred all the resentment and hatred to Bai Yue at this moment.

"I don't know what to do." Seeing Chu Qiaoyang's sword stabbing towards Bai Yue, Yun Qing's tone turned cold.The hand under the sleeve moved slightly.If someone pays attention, they will find that there is a cold light under Yun Qing's sleeves.

The four of them stood there motionless, watching Chu Qiaoyang's sword stabbing towards him.

This was the first time Yun Qing used spiritual power to kill someone.Originally, she planned to use the spiritual power in her body freely before doing it.However, this Chu Qiaoyang really pissed her off.As long as the spiritual power in her hand hits Chu Qiaoyang.There was no way for Chu Qiaoyang to escape.


There was the sound of the sword shattering into dregs, and the sound of Chu Qiaoyang's body falling hard.

The sound of breathing suddenly stopped on the street.No one dared to speak out.Even Yun Qing and the others were taken aback.Yun Qing was even more surprised.She hasn't made a move yet.Why did Chu Qiaoyang fall out?Moreover, Chu Qiaoyang's sword was actually shattered into pieces.It was really broken into pieces.

"You can hurt my son's woman, you dare to hurt her, are you prepared to die?" The cold voice sounded on the street, like a curse from hell.

Following the sound, I saw Nangong Jin walking over, wearing a blue brocade suit.However, there was a piercing chill on that face.This was the first time Yun Qing saw her elder brother with a look on his face as if he came from hell.This was also the first time that Yun Qing felt that her eldest brother was by no means the simple identity of a so-called genius doctor.

If he hadn't experienced this hell-like chill, it would be impossible for him to have this kind of aura.

Therefore, Yun Qing is sure.In addition to the identity of a genius doctor, her elder brother has another identity.

At that moment, Yun Qing had to admit that she was actually a nympho.And she was still crazy about her elder brother.At that moment, she really felt that her big brother was so cool!

Nangong Jin gently walked in front of Bai Yue, with doting tenderness, but also in a reproachful tone: "Are you a fool? Didn't see her sword, wouldn't you hide?"

Bai Yue was speechless.She saw the sword stabbed by the princess, and knew to hide.But, didn't it just happen that there was no time to hide?

"Nan...Young Master Nangong." Chu Qiaoyang, who fell to the ground, shouted in a daze.

She just wanted to see this man, so she sneaked out of the palace.

However, just now, she didn't expect that the man she had been longing to meet would actually hurt her.Also, what did she just hear?Chu Qiaoyang couldn't believe it, she must be hallucinating, it must be.How could Nangong Jin have anything to do with that woman?

However, when she watched Nangong Jin look at the woman tenderly, she couldn't accept it anymore.The hatred in my heart burned up once.Why, why can that woman get the best Nangong Jin in the world.She is not reconciled, she is not reconciled!

Nangong Jin didn't even bother to look at Chu Qiaoyang.It seemed that just looking at her was an eyesore.

"Master Nangong...I..." Chu Qiaoyang said stupidly.

At this moment, Chu Qiaoyang's thoughts on Nangong Jin did not escape the eyes of those present.

"Today is a little lesson for you. Next time, if you dare to hurt her, I will kill you with my own hands!" Nangong Jin warned coldly without even looking at Chu Qiaoyang.

At that moment, it seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.Chu Qiaoyang was lying on the ground, dying.

Feng Qingluan had already suffered a lot of injuries on her body, and Nangong Jin's palm just now seriously injured her.Nangong Jin didn't kill Chu Qiaoyang immediately, it wasn't that he was afraid of the emperor, it was a warning to the emperor for Chu Qiaoyang.

I still remember that a year ago, the emperor thought of marrying Chu Qiaoyang to him.But then he coldly refused.

As for later, the emperor wanted to marry Chu Qiaoyang to Wang Zixuan, but this matter was rejected again.It is equivalent to the Wang family, the emperor may think about it one day and want to give this woman to himself.Therefore, Nangong Jin was giving the emperor a warning.Warning not to get his way.

Chu Qiaoyang was lying on the ground with sad tears streaming down his face.He said it was a small lesson for her, which is really a big lesson!It almost killed her.

How could this man be so cruel?What's wrong with her, this man doesn't even look at her.

She is really not reconciled!

Chu Qiaoyang suddenly turned all the hatred on Bai Yue at that moment.She hates this woman, she hates this woman for taking away her favorite Nangong Jin.

She is going to kill her!She must kill her!

This was the only thought in Chu Qiaoyang's mind when he passed out.

Chu Qiaoyang just passed out on the street, but no one dared to go there, after all, she was the emperor's daughter.The maid beside Chu Qiaoyang had already gone to find someone when they were fighting.It is estimated that the people in the palace are coming soon.

"Brother, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, you're going to be bullied." Although Nangong Jin knew that few people in this world could bully her sister and Bai Yue, when she saw Chu Qiaoyang pointing her sword at Bai Yue just now, He is really angry.At that moment, watching Chu Qiaoyang pointing his sword at Bai Yue, he was thinking, what would happen to Yue'er if something happened to her?
"Brother, how could it be?" Yun Qing smiled, "Don't you believe me, brother?"

Nangong Jin glanced at the four of them, "This is Chujing after all, don't you know how to bring your maids with you when you go out?" After speaking, Nangong Jin looked at Yun Qing and Bai Yue again, "If you brought Nonghua with you, what would you do just now?" Is there still room for that woman to make a move?"

Yun Qing pouted.How could they have thought that they would meet Chu Qiaoyang after going out for a meal?Originally, he planned to go out for a stroll, so he didn't bring Nonghua and Xiaoxiao by his side.Instead, let Nonghua and Xiaoxiao watch Huolinghu at home.

But unfortunately, Chu Qiaoyang was unlucky. He met them and even provoked them.

How did Yun Qing and Bai Yue know that after this incident, Nangong Jin quickly called a few people over.

Nangong Jin thinks this way: Once Yun Qing gets married, Nong Hua and Xiao Xiao will definitely follow her to Li Wang's mansion to serve her, and there will only be herself and Bai Yue left in his mansion.It is really troublesome to have no butler in such a huge mansion.Moreover, Bai Yue is pregnant now, and here is Chu Jing again, and there is no one to protect her personally, so he is really worried.

Nangong Jin looked at the four girls who were said to be stunned and stopped talking, wondering if his appearance just now frightened a few of them.The tone finally softened a bit, and said: "In the future, remember to bring the maid with you when you go out."

Shocked by Nangong Jin's aura, Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan nodded hastily.The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, and she rolled her eyes at her elder brother.Her elder brother is bullying some little girls!
"Brother, since you are here, please treat us to dinner. Comfort our wounded hearts."

After Chu Qiaoyang made such a fuss, Yun Qing, who was already starving, was even hungrier now.

"You haven't eaten yet." Nangong Jin asked.

Yun Qing nodded, "Just as I was about to eat, it was destroyed by someone."

Nangong Jin's face darkened in an instant, he stared at Bai Yue's stomach, and said, "Are you hungry?"

"Well. I'm hungry." Bai Yue also nodded.

"Go to eat." After finishing speaking, regardless of whether there were people on the street, she picked up Bai Yue and went into Yingfeng Tower.

"..." Bai Yue knew that everyone must be looking at her now.He could only bury his head in Nangong Jin's arms.Nangong Jin is also very satisfied with Bai Yue's shy appearance at the moment.

"Oh my god! Yun Qing, I suddenly found out that your eldest brother is so handsome! Why have I never met such a good man." Feng Qingluan looked nympho.As everyone knows, a man somewhere sneezed hard.

A black line was drawn across Yun Qing's face.It turns out that Feng Qingluan is also a nympho.And still facing her elder brother.

"Sister Feng." Yun Qing yelled helplessly.But Feng Qingluan acted as if she didn't hear it.Yun Qing curled her lips, this girl won't look at her big brother... Sichun, right?But think about it, this is a very creepy thing.

"Qingluan, don't tell me, you like..." Su Wanyan pulled Feng Qingluan, who was a nympho.

"How is that possible." Feng Qingluan curled her lips, "I just suddenly admired him a little bit. How could I have fallen in love with him. What I like is a hero with great martial arts skills, righteousness, and righteousness. Although Nangong Jin His martial arts are good, but he is still far from the hero in my heart. Besides, he belongs to Sister Yue, so how could I like a married man."

"How far is that second cousin from the hero in your heart." Yun Qing said with a smile.

"Sister Qing, although I have a good relationship with you, I have to say that Wang Ziqing is an ignorant bastard, and he smells like copper all day long. You don't even know, Sister Qing, that the period you left During the time, he often bullied me with my old man in different ways. If he hadn't run fast and was no longer in Chujing, I would have lied to him..." Feng Qingluan gritted her teeth angrily when she mentioned Wang Ziqing.

The corners of Yun Qing and Su Wanyan's mouths twitched, watching Feng Qingluan talking endlessly about how to deal with Wang Ziqing.

What made Yun Qing even more surprised was that the second cousin turned into an ignorant bastard who bullied her after being told by Feng Qingluan, and also smelled like copper.She was really curious, how did the second cousin bully Feng Qingluan, and it made this girl itch to mention him.

However, if Feng Qingluan knew that the second cousin was not some ignorant bastard, but a hidden master.I don't know how surprised Feng Qingluan will be.Of course, the stench of copper on her second cousin's body couldn't be removed.

(End of this chapter)

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