The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 726 027. Please enter the palace

Chapter 726 027. Please enter the palace
The news of Chu Qiaoyang's serious injury quickly spread throughout Chu Jing.Naturally, he knew who hurt Emperor Chu Qiaoyang.It was because he knew that the emperor was furious.He could ignore Chu Qiaoyang's life or death, but Nangong Jin was slapping him in the face by doing so.As the emperor, he couldn't swallow this breath.

Chu Qiaoyang was carried back to the palace for treatment.Soon, the emperor sent someone to invite Nangong Jinle and several other people involved in this matter.

In that battle, where there was a call for invitation, it was clearly the use of power to suppress people.

The entrance of Yingfeng Tower.Haohaotangtang's hundreds of imperial troops stood at the door.During this battle, who would dare to stay outside among those common people?

But in the private room on the second floor, Nangong Jin and the others didn't have time to pay attention to the hundreds of forbidden troops. It can even be said that they didn't notice the hundreds of forbidden troops at all.Because Bai Yue vomited really badly in the room.They don't care about anything else at all.

"Yue'er, are you okay?" Nangong Jin was distressed.Bai Yue vomited out all the food she had just eaten.

"I...vomit..." Bai Yue just wanted to say it's okay, but her stomach felt nauseous again, and then she vomited violently again.

"Sister Yue, why are you vomiting so hard? Is your body still not recovering?" Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan were shocked when they saw Bai Yue vomiting so hard just now.

Bai Yue herself didn't expect that she would vomit so badly.Obviously, I didn't feel like vomiting at all when I came earlier.But later, after she didn't know what she ate, she suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

After vomiting for a long time, I finally vomited all the food in my stomach, which made me feel better.

Nangong Jin quickly handed over the water, and Bai Yue took a sip.Pressed the discomfort in the stomach.Originally, she didn't feel sick when eating the dishes she ordered, and everything was fine.

But Bai Yue and Nangong Jin have overlooked one thing. This is a restaurant, so there will inevitably be some fishy smell, and the smell of chicken soup that makes her vomit.She just vomited out what she ate just after smelling these smells.

"I'm fine. I just think it's a little disgusting. Let's go back." Bai Yue said.If she didn't leave here, she was really afraid that she would vomit again, but now, there was nothing in her stomach to vomit.If you want to vomit, it is probably bitter bile.

"Sister Yue is not feeling well, so let's go back quickly." Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan said in unison.

Yun Qing stayed silent all the time, she knew why Bai Yue did this, so she didn't say anything.

Originally, they had almost finished the meal, but Bai Yue vomited halfway through the meal.

But they didn't know that hundreds of forbidden troops were waiting for them at the Yingfeng Building.These forbidden soldiers also knew what kind of place Yingfenglou was, so they didn't dare to come in easily.Instead, he stood by the door.

Hundreds of imperial guards standing at the gate of Yingfeng Tower have already caused a sensation.The shopkeeper of Yingfeng Tower also hurriedly reported the situation to Nangong Jin in the private room on the second floor.

Nangong Jin narrowed his eyes after hearing this, and his entire face darkened.

Yun Qing also noticed her elder brother's sudden change, and asked, "What happened?"

"Look outside." Nangong Jin gritted his teeth, his tone cold.

Yun Qing looked at the window on the second floor, and also sneered, but there was an obvious taste of sarcasm in his tone.Yun Qing said: "This Emperor Chu's movements are quite fast, it seems that he really dotes on the Third Princess."

Hearing Yun Qing's sarcastic words, no one here is a fool, Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan also looked out of the window, only to see hundreds of forbidden soldiers in black clothes standing outside Yingfeng Tower, one by one His face was serious, with a murderous look on his face.

"Chu Qiaoyang wants to take revenge because of his own status. He shouldn't have let her go like this just now." Seeing the forbidden army outside, Feng Qingluan also understood what was going on, and hated her gritted his teeth.

Yun Qing also understood that Emperor Chu wanted to 'invite' them into the palace.Maybe Emperor Chu wanted to make a big fuss about Chu Qiaoyang.That's why they engaged in such a big battle, just to warn them that this is Chu Jing, the territory of his Chu family.Of course, if Nangong Jin could be pulled down, Emperor Chu would probably be very happy.After all, Emperor Chu has always wanted to win over Nangong Jin, but Nangong Jin's attitude has always been very cold.And as an emperor, if you can't get something or someone, you will destroy it.

"Looking at this battle, we have to go to the palace." Yun Qing sneered.He didn't worry about entering the palace at all.This Emperor Chu was going to see him sooner or later, but unfortunately, he met him at this time.It's just that Yun Qing looked at Bai Yue worriedly, "Are you in good health?"

Emperor Chu sent hundreds of imperial troops here, but Yun Qing would not believe that he wanted to see Nangong Jin alone.With Emperor Chu's means, he must have found out who was whipping Chu Qiaoyang in the street.Although they are all people that Chu Jingli dare not offend casually.But who makes the emperor of the family?In this place the emperor is the biggest.

"I'm fine." Bai Yue replied lightly.There was nothing serious about her at first, and naturally she wouldn't cause trouble for everyone at this time.

After several people left Yingfeng Tower, some people came immediately.With a respectful tone, "Young Master Nangong." Yun Qing knew this person, and he was the eunuch next to the emperor.

"My father-in-law came to Yingfenglou...he is a rare visitor!" Nangong Jin coldly glanced at the hundreds of forbidden soldiers behind his father-in-law.

The father-in-law smiled and knew that this man should not be offended now, and said respectfully: "The emperor knows the news of Mr. Nangong's return to the capital, and specially ordered the servants to invite Mr. Nangong to enter the palace." After speaking, he glanced at Yun Qing and the others Finally, he stopped his gaze on Yun Qing.This father-in-law had seen Yun Qing at the Qionghua Banquet last year, and he had a deep impression of Yun Qing, and he recognized Yun Qing at a glance as Princess Qingning, who was conferred by the emperor last year.As expected, the news is not wrong, Princess Qingning is really not dead.After only one glance, the father-in-law looked away again, and said in a still respectful tone: "I also invite Miss Feng, Miss Su, Mu... Princess Qingning and this girl together." When the father-in-law mentioned Yun Qing, he specifically called out Becoming the princess of Qingning meant that Bai Yue should enter the palace together.

Yun Qing's eyes were slightly cold.Sure enough, Emperor Chu didn't just invite Nangong Jin alone, he invited them all into the palace, could it be that he wanted to catch them all?
"Stop talking nonsense." Nangong Jin was very upset.

The father-in-law stopped talking nonsense, and soon, a large carriage appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone, please get into the carriage."

Looking at the carriage in front of them, Su Wanyan, Feng Qingluan, and Miss Baiyue twitched their mouths.Don't understand what's going on here.Didn't the emperor want to arrest them and enter the palace for questioning?How can there be such a good treatment, there is actually a carriage.Of course Yun Qing would not tell them a few, the emperor deliberately did this for the people to see, not only that, but the emperor was a little afraid of the forces behind Nangong Jin.As long as the matter has not gotten out of hand, the emperor will not tear his face at this time.

Yun Qing just smiled coldly.Emperor Chu's move is really high!

In this way, they are really just invited into the palace.

Everyone got into the carriage, the carriage was very spacious, and the five of them sat in it without being crowded.The carriage drove towards the palace, but there were hundreds of imperial troops following behind.



After Chu Li worried about it for a few days, the cold has completely healed.But since that day, she has never seen Yuhen.This mansion was also empty, only Chu Liyou and Nong Yue were left.

Chu Liyou also knew that if he wasn't here now, he must be on the battlefield.She has never seen what the battlefield looks like, but she also knows how dangerous it is.These days, she really doesn't know how she got here.She was afraid that something would happen to him on the battlefield, and she was also afraid that he would be injured.Several times, she wanted to go out of the mansion, but she was afraid that she would cause trouble for him, so she had to wait for him to come back to this mansion.

In fact, Chu Liyou didn't know that Yuhen had come back, after all, Yuhen was in Fengcheng.But every time Yuhen came back, Chu Liyou had already fallen asleep.Then, Yuhen was busy dealing with Beiyuan's army.

The Beiyuan army is also strange. Since Yuhen took back Fengcheng, they have been stationed tens of miles away from Fengcheng and have not made any major movements, but sometimes they will make a little sneak attack from time to time.In the past few days, Beiyuan's army has been making small moves, attacking Fengcheng.

Both sides have lost, but the damage is not great.

However, what made Yuhen grit his teeth was that it had been so many days.He has never found out who is the person in Beiyuan's army who advises the great prince of Beiyuan.

The Great Prince Beiyuan's martial arts are good, but Yuhen still knows a little about the Great Prince Beiyuan.This eldest prince is purely a warrior.If there is no one to point out from behind, it is impossible to capture the two cities of Yucheng and Fengcheng in such a short period of time.

However, what made Yuhen even more puzzled was that Beiyuan had already captured Yucheng and Fengcheng.It is not a problem at all to take over the other cities near Fengcheng.However, unfortunately, there was no movement in the Beiyuan army.Yuhen could even feel that it was the intention of the person behind the First Prince Beiyuan that he took Fengcheng back so quickly.

And in the next few days, Yuhen could feel more clearly that the person behind him deliberately wanted to consume him in Fengcheng.

The only possibility that can make Yuhen suspect that this person wants to spend himself in Fengcheng is Chu Limo.Yuhen will never forget what Chu Limo said in Xueyue City.However, so many days have passed.He still hasn't found out who this person is.

At this moment, in Beiyuan's military camp, Su Baiyi and Su Wudao received a letter from Chu Jing.After reading the letter, Su Baiyi just said lightly, "They are getting married. Should we do something?"

"Of course. That girl is your younger sister after all. You must give her a big gift when your younger sister gets married." Old man Su Wudao said with a smile.

"Yes. You are right. Therefore, time is tight. I will give you one day. After one day, I will see Yuhen lying on the bed...not to get out of bed for half a year." Su Baiyi said lightly.

He doesn't have time to spend here with Beiyuan and Xiyue's army, his younger sister gets married, he, the second brother, always has to be there.Anyway, that person also said, as long as Yuhen can't leave Xiyue for half a year.

As for the means used, he didn't mind at all.



The mansion where Yuhen lived temporarily.

Chu Liyou saw that Yuhen was covered in blood and was shot with an arrow in the chest. He was terrified when he was helped in by Akabane.

"Yuhen... Yuhen..." At that moment, seeing Yuhen's appearance, Chu Li cried sadly.She was very afraid, very afraid that Yuhen would die like this.

"How did this happen? How did this happen? How did you get so badly injured."

In Chu Liyou's heart, Yuhen is like a god, he will not be injured or die.

"Go get some hot water." Akabane shouted, ignoring his injuries.

Chu Liyou didn't care about crying anymore, and hurriedly went out to fetch hot water.

Chu Liyou quickly called for hot water.Yuhen was already sitting on the bed, because an arrow was shot in his chest, he couldn't lie down, he could only sit.

Yuhen's face was already very pale due to excessive blood loss.

At this moment, apart from the injured Yuhen and the injured Akabane, there was also the accompanying military doctor in the room.The military doctor looked at the arrow in Yuhen's chest, and dared not make a move for a long time.This arrow hit the seat not far from the chest.One miss, that is the life of His Highness the Crown Prince.How could he, a little military doctor, take care of him.But if you don't draw your sword immediately, His Royal Highness will lose too much blood and die.

"Hurry up and draw the arrow for His Highness." Chi Yu shouted at the military doctor who had been delaying in drawing the arrow.

"Your Highness..."

"If something happens to your Highness, you will not survive."

No one expected that Beiyuan would suddenly attack aggressively.With His Highness's skill, no one can get close, but accidents often happen.The person behind whom His Highness had been trying to find out also appeared, dressed in white with a mask on his face.And his goal seemed to be to shoot His Highness.By the time they reacted, His Highness had already been shot.And this battle also suffered heavy casualties.Although they won, His Highness was injured.

"Yuhen..." Chu Liyou looked at the pale Yuhen and didn't know what to say.

"Pull the arrow." Yuhen said.

Although he was hit by an arrow, he still held back and didn't show any painful expression at this moment.It can be seen how tolerant this man is.

The military doctor walked forward tremblingly. He was just a small military doctor accompanying him. It's not like he hasn't done such things as drawing arrows before, but this person in front of him is their Prince Highness!How could he not be afraid.

Unfortunately, he was the only military doctor who survived in Fengcheng.Now in the entire Fengcheng, the military doctors who followed are all dead.

Bite the bullet and pull out the arrow.Blood splashed all over his face immediately.

During the process of pulling out the arrow, Yuhenkeng didn't make a sound.

Chu Liyou stood there, heartbroken.

"Your Highness!" Akabane shouted.

After the arrow was pulled out, Yuhen suddenly fell unconscious on the bed.

"The arrow is poisonous!"

Because of this sentence, the whole room suddenly fell into chaos.

 Say sorry!

  Recently, Yun Duo has lost his hand.I wanted to update it a bit more.

  Therefore, in the last few days, the update time will be later, and there will not be many updates.When the claws recover, the clouds will be updated more.

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(End of this chapter)

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