The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 727 028. Why are you free to visit the palace today?

Chapter 727 028. Why are you free to visit the palace today?

Chu Jing.

Someone who was in Liwang's mansion also quickly received the news that the emperor invited Yunqing, Nangongjin, Baiyue, Su Wanyan, and Feng Qingluan into the palace.After getting this news, someone quickly got up and headed towards the palace.

The splendid palace.

This is the second time Yun Qing has entered the palace since his rebirth.Just like when she first came here, she still hated this place so much.And still deeply disgusted.

The father-in-law brought them to the emperor respectfully.At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor of Great Chu is sitting in the gazebo in the imperial garden, waiting for their arrival.

"Your Majesty, you've already arrived." After bringing him here, the father-in-law bowed respectfully to the seated person, and then stepped aside.

When Yun Qing saw this face for the first time, there was faint hatred aroused under his eyes.Because, seeing this face, Yun Qing would think of Chu Feiyang's face, all kinds of past lives, and her poor child.

For Yun Qing, that child was the greatest pain in her life.

Sitting in the gazebo, the emperor turned his face and glanced at everyone when he heard the eunuch's words. Finally, he stopped his gaze on Nangong Jin and Yun Qing.

After a long time, the emperor looked at Yun Qing and said, "'s really you."

Qingning!Ha ha, Yun Qing almost forgot about it.She also has another identity, that is, the Princess Qingning conferred by the person in front of her.If he hadn't called this name, Yun Qing would have already forgotten it.

Yun Qing said indifferently, neither humble nor overbearing: "I have seen the emperor."

Su Wanyan, Feng Qingluan, and Bai Yue who followed behind also bowed, "I have met the emperor."

The emperor knew Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan, but he was very unfamiliar with Bai Yue.Turning her eyes to Bai Yue again, she said in a deep voice, "This lady is...?"

Nangong Jin naturally took Bai Yue's hand, saw that Bai Yue's tone softened a little, and replied, "My son's wife."

"Oh!" The emperor was obviously surprised and disbelieving.Looking at Bai Yue's eyes a little deeper, she smiled, "I don't know which family's lady can get Jin's admiration. If my third princess finds out, she might be so sad."

Sure enough, the topic turned to Chu Qiaoyang.

It was the first time Bai Yue saw Emperor Chu, so she was inevitably a little nervous.Especially when Emperor Chu asked her which family she was a lady from, she didn't know how to answer.For the first time, she felt that she was not worthy of Nangong Jin as a female bandit.Nangong Jin also clearly felt the change on Bai Yue's face, and held Bai Yue even more tightly.

Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and looked at Emperor Chu, "Isn't the reason why the Emperor Chu invited me here is to know who my wife is?"

"Haha. I just asked casually. Why should Jin be nervous." The emperor laughed.

Regarding the attitudes of several people, the emperor did not blame them.Instead, he waved his hand and gave him a seat.There are seats to sit, and they will not be stupid to stand.

Yun Qing frowned, and glanced at Emperor Chu lightly.He clearly knew that they were the ones who beat Chu Qiaoyang and invited them into the palace, but he didn't ask the crime immediately but asked some irrelevant questions.She wants to see what kind of tricks this person wants to play.

Among these few people, Nangong Jin was very casual, as if in her own back garden, she casually held Bai Yue's hand and sat down beside her.

As soon as a few people sat down, the good show started.

"Your majesty, the imperial concubine is asking to see you." The father-in-law came over to report just now.

Concubine De.Yun Qing pursed her lips, isn't Concubine De the real mother of Chu Qiaoyang?

"What is she here for? Tell her. I don't have time to see her right now." The emperor said in a deep voice.

Of course he knew why Concubine De appeared at this time.However, it is always necessary to put on a show.

Not waiting for the father-in-law to report back.Concubine De rushed over crying.

"Your Majesty... you save Qiao Yang. She is so miserable... woo woo."

Concubine De cried very sadly, her crying was not fake at all.Really, Chu Qiaoyang was really miserable.

"What are you crying about?" the emperor said displeased.However, there was no sense of blame in the tone.

Concubine De told the story while crying.He specifically told how seriously Chu Qiaoyang was injured.And how she was beaten, it seemed that Concubine De had witnessed that scene with her own eyes.

Yun Qing and the others watched the emperor and concubine De sing together.I really feel sick.

After De Concubine finished crying, it seemed that De Concubine discovered that the culprit who whipped Chu Qiaoyang was here.Seeing Yun Qing and the others, Concubine De's eyes were poisoned.

"Your Majesty, it's them, it's them who hurt Qiao Yang." Concubine De was very excited when she saw Yun Qing and the others.Especially after listening to the words of the maid in Chu Qiaoyang's body, after knowing who hurt her daughter, she wanted to go up and tear them up to bury Qiao Yang for her.

Concubine De pointed out that they hurt Chu Qiaoyang.And it's what they did.They didn't even think about hiding it.Isn't it for this reason that the emperor invited them here?

Therefore, in the shock of everyone, Yun Qing stood up and said calmly: "Reporting to the emperor, what the Concubine De concubine said is true. It is true that we hurt His Highness the third princess. But... we are right about this matter." The last sentence, Yun Qing was simply challenging the majesty of Emperor Chu.

Yun Qing spoke, Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan also stood up and said the same thing, but they didn't think it was their fault.

Yun Qing's sudden opening made the emperor somewhat unexpected.After all, the emperor did not expect that Yun Qing would suddenly admit it.She admitted this matter, and the crime of beating the princess is not a small one.But just because she admitted it, for a while, he really didn't think of what to do.

Nangong Jin pursed his lips and smiled, his sister is really too smart.Since the younger sister is so smart, as the eldest brother, he should take a good look at how this scene will play out.Nangong Jin gave Bai Yue a look, signaling her not to worry.The two watched this scene quietly.

"Your Majesty, they have admitted to hurting Qiao Yang. The Emperor must make the decision for Qiao Yang. They must be killed." Concubine De took the opportunity to cry.

Because of Concubine De's words, Yun Qing's tone immediately turned cold, "Ms. Concubine De, I made it very clear. It is true that we hurt Your Highness the Third Princess. But we are not at fault for this matter." After finishing speaking, Yun Qing looked at the emperor again, "I believe the emperor knows that we are not wrong. Otherwise, the emperor would not have invited us into the palace." Yun Qing's words were very meaningful.The emperor narrowed his deep eyes.He couldn't help giving this woman who had disappeared for a year a big look.

All of a sudden, Yun Qing's aura was too strong, and Concubine De was stunned for a moment.He just stared blankly at the woman.

While the emperor was still looking at Yun Qing, Yun Qing said again, "If the emperor thinks we are at fault, then punish us. After all, we did hurt the third princess. We are willing to accept the punishment."

Yun Qing's appearance didn't admit that he was wrong, but he clearly didn't admit it.

"Your majesty." Seeing that the emperor did not speak for a long time.Concubine De called anxiously.This is a good opportunity.Her daughter could not have been beaten in vain.

"Sister Qing." Feng Qingluan whispered from the side.

Yun Qing smiled and looked at Feng Qingluan, her voice was neither loud nor soft.Anyway, everyone in the imperial garden can hear it.Yun Qing looked at Feng Qingluan and said: "The emperor understands the righteousness, and will definitely deal with it fairly. Of course, we hurt His Royal Highness the Third Princess after all. If the emperor must punish us, we should admit it. Sister Feng and Su Don't worry about the two sisters. If the emperor really wants to punish us like the third princess, the two cousins ​​will not dislike the two sisters."

Yun Qing's words were very light.But the latter sentence is the point.If the emperor really wanted to punish them for Chu Qiaoyang, it wouldn't be worth offending Wang Ziqing.What's more, Wang Zixuan is now the prime minister of Da Chu.

Just such a simple sentence instantly changed Emperor Chu's face.

What Yun Qing said was not wrong.If he really wants to move the people here, the Wang family will not let it go.Especially Wang Ziqing.This is also the reason why Emperor Chu is still afraid of the Wang family.Although Wang Qingshan returned the military power.However, the power of the Wang family is still unshakable.Once he broke his face with the Wang family, his position as emperor would be in jeopardy.

"Okay, I will investigate this matter myself." The emperor vented his anger on Concubine De.


"Enough! I will investigate this matter, don't let me repeat it." Emperor Chu said in a deep voice.

"What is it that made brother Huang so angry?" A clear male voice came from the imperial garden.

Yun Qing raised her head and saw Chu Limo walking towards her slowly.

"Ninth brother! Why... are you here?"

Seeing Chu Limo appear in the palace, the emperor was the one who was most shocked.At that time, he knew about his going out of the city, but he sent someone to invite him, but he, the ninth younger brother, didn't show up.Now it's here.Emperor Chu couldn't help but glanced at the woman in the gazebo again.

"Brother Huang, this is not welcome." Chu Limo's voice was very light, very light.But looking at Yun Qing is very gentle.Chu Limo said again: "I don't know why the emperor invited the king's concubine into the palace with great fanfare?"

This is the second time Yun Qing heard Chu Limo claiming to be the king.She would have thought that Chu Limo had forgotten that he was King Li.She still remembered the first time when Chu Limo called himself the king in front of her, she was actually asked to take responsibility.

Although he is the emperor, he always feels a little uncomfortable in front of this ninth younger brother.

Nangong Jin also finally saw the funny scene, raised his eyebrows and smiled and said, "Isn't this our sickly Prince Li? Why don't you have time to go out today?"

"Young Master Nangong, why are you free to visit the palace today? Why, are you tired of visiting Baihualou?" Chu Limo said coldly.

When Chu Limo and Nangong Jin said this, Yun Qing wanted to laugh.Do the two of them have to fight each other here?However, Chu Limo actually compared the palace to Baihualou, so what is the emperor in the palace?What's the matter with the queen concubine?

Thinking about it, Yun Qing really wanted to laugh.

However, when Chu Limo said these words, Yun Qing clearly saw the emperor's face turning blue and turning pale, which was very ugly.

"Ninth brother and Jin are very familiar?" The emperor asked in a deep voice.

Everyone in Chujing knew that Nangong Jin had a weird personality.Never deal with royals.The only reason for Nangong Jin to stay in Chujing is said to be because of Yechen.Therefore, the emperor really didn't know when Nangong Jin became so familiar with Chu Limo.If the emperor knew that his ninth younger brother was Ye Chen, he wondered if he would vomit blood.

"Familiar. If not, his sickly body would have died before long." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows.It is admitted that Chu Limo is not dead until now, he was the one who saved him.

"I see." Hearing this news, the emperor's face became even more serious.The emperor looked at Chu Limo again, with a very concerned look, "How is the ninth brother?"

"Can't die."

"With my son here, I can't die."

This time, the two said in unison with a very tacit understanding.

Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin coldly, his tone was still very cold, "If there is nothing wrong with the emperor, this king will take Qingqing out of the palace first." After speaking, he walked in front of Yunqing naturally, Holding Yun Qing's hand, not paying attention to the emperor's ever-changing face, he said indifferently: "Remember to tell me if you want to go out in the future. You don't want to be invited by anyone, just go with you. Qingqing needs to know, Chu Jingli, isn't it Everyone is a good person. I can rest assured only if you are by my side."

Yun Qing nodded obediently, "I see."

Yun Qing was sure that the emperor must have vomited blood in his heart!
Not to mention that Yun Qing felt that Chu Limo didn't take the emperor seriously, even Nangong Jin and other people present, when they heard Chu Limo's words, everyone's jaws would drop.However, they had already dragged the princess away from the Royal Garden swaggeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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