The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 728 029. Don't bother your mother, be careful and teach you a lesson!

Chapter 728 029. Don't bother your mother, be careful and teach you a lesson!
Inside the Royal Garden.

The emperor looked gloomyly at Chu Limo pulling Yun Qing away like this, but there was nothing he could do.

Nangong Jin stood up and raised his eyebrows, "I don't want to disturb Emperor Chu's pleasure anymore. Farewell!"

After finishing speaking, she pulled Bai Yue and left.Seeing this, Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan also hurriedly followed.It's just that they didn't see how gloomy and terrifying the gloomy face of Emperor Chu was at the moment!
Nangong Jin originally wanted to trouble the emperor, but the appearance of Chu Limo made him lose interest.Having said that, he wants to vent his anger on Yue'er, and the future will be long.Now that everyone is gone, he doesn't want to stay in this disgusting palace.

Nangong Jin and the others quickly caught up with Chu Limo and Yun Qing.

Yun Qing looked at the few people who were chasing up, and pursed her lips into a smile.Then he looked at Chu Limo and Nangong Jin, "You guys did it on purpose today, right?"

Chu Limo and Nangong Jin understood what Yun Qing meant.But the two did not answer Yun Qing's words.

Seeing that the two were silent, Yun Qing pouted, "Did I say something wrong?"

Yun Qing didn't think that Chu Limo and Nangong Jin were really interested in chatting with the emperor there, and they even told the emperor about their acquaintance.The two of them were cooperating there, singing together, they must be thinking about something.This is Yun Qing's idea.

But Yun Qing did not guess wrong, the two of them did deliberately let the emperor know that they knew each other very well, and Chu Limo also deliberately let the emperor know that his body was really fine.Even if something happened, as long as Nangong Jin was there, he would be fine.Anyway, with that one sentence, with Nangong Jin around, Chu Limo couldn't die!
Chu Limo pursed her lips, "It's still clear and smart."

"Can you tell me the reason?" Yun Qing asked.She didn't believe that the two of them would talk to the emperor on a whim, and let the emperor know about it and start to fear him.Yun Qing just felt that Chu Limo told the emperor that he wanted the emperor to be jealous.

"Qingqing still remembers that when he left Dachu, Qingqing suspected that Chu Feiyang was not dead." Chu Limo said, "Chu Feiyang is indeed not dead. However, it is impossible for Chu Feiyang to escape from the prison." matter."

"You mean to say that it was the Emperor Chu who made Chu Feiyang..." The following words are self-evident.

Yun Qing once suspected it too, but at that time, her ability was limited, so she couldn't find out where Chu Feiyang was at all.In other words, whether Chu Feiyang is really dead or fake death.And it took Chu Limo so long to find out that Chu Feiyang was not dead, and the only person was Emperor Chu.After all, this is the territory of Emperor Chu, and it is easy for Emperor Chu to hide someone.

"Let him know today that I'm fine. He must have felt threatened. He values ​​his throne the most, and he won't let it fall into my hands. Even if I don't like that seat. But he won't Think so. In his heart, the heir to the throne is Chu Feiyang, even though Chu Feiyang once rebelled. However, among his candidates, Chu Feiyang is still his best candidate for the crown prince." Chu Limo said.

"The whereabouts of Chu Feiyang can be found." Knowing that Chu Feiyang is not dead, Yun Qing's eyes burned with hatred unconsciously.

"There is no confirmed seat yet, but he will show up by himself in a few days." At this time, Nangong Jin took the conversation.

Nangong Jin's words are true. Now that Chu Limo has posed a threat to Emperor Chu, Emperor Chu will definitely not wait for Chu Feiyang to appear in another identity.As long as he appears, they will definitely let Chu Feiyang die again.

"...Qingqing." Chu Limo called out to Yunqing, and tightened Yunqing's hand.

"I'm fine." Yun Qing gave him a smile.

She's really fine.In the previous life, the feelings for Chu Feiyang disappeared when she died in the previous life.

They had just left the palace when they met Wang Zixuan at the gate of the palace.Thinking about it, Wang Zixuan also got the news, so he rushed over.

"Big cousin." Yun Qing called out.

Wang Zixuan nodded.Then she looked at Su Wanyan and said softly, "Are you alright?"

Seeing that Wang Zixuan's eyes were all on her, and there were so many people watching, Su Wanyan couldn't help feeling a little shy, and shook her head hastily, "I'm fine."

"It's fine." Wang Zixuan said again: "Grandpa was very worried about you after hearing about it. Let's go back."

Two carriages had already parked at the entrance of the palace, and several people got on the carriages and headed towards the palace.

Not long after, the carriage stopped at the palace.The housekeeper knew they were coming, and had already been waiting at the door.Seeing them coming, they happily welcomed them in.

"Girls, are you all right?" Wang Qingshan asked quickly when he saw Yun Qing and the others coming.If Wang Zixuan hadn't stopped him of course, Wang Qingshan would have broken into the palace to ask the emperor's important person.


Several girls replied in unison.

"It's fine. Don't be afraid, it's just hitting the third princess. If you hit it, you'll hit it, and the third princess should too. If the emperor wants to trouble you, there is still grandpa." Wang Qingshan said.

The girls couldn't help feeling warm.

"So, we didn't embarrass grandpa." Yun Qing said.


The corners of the mouths of the others twitched.

Seeing that they were really all right, Yun Qing told Wang Qingshan the whole story again.He also said that Chu Limo came to the palace to take them away later.After Wang Qingshan finished listening, he was full of praise for Chu Limo.

It was her elder brother who muttered unhappily when he saw his grandfather kept praising Chu Limo as a bastard.

Time flies, and soon it's time for dinner.It's been a long time since everyone got together.Wang Qingshan ordered the kitchen to prepare a few more dishes today, as if he was about to get drunk.

During the banquet, the family sat and ate together in a warm atmosphere.However, for Yun Qing, there is always some regret.The whole family cannot be together.For example, Su Baiyi who is still in Beiyuan, such as her uncle, aunt, and second cousin who is away, her father who doesn't know where she is now, and her mother who has never woken up.If everyone can sit and eat together, it will be a real family reunion.

At this time, Yun Qing remembered another thing, the day of their marriage was approaching.Getting married is such a big thing.Their father must show up.After all, he was going to marry his wife and daughter on the same day.

"Brother, have you heard from your father recently?"

Nangong Jin was picking up vegetables for Bai Yue when she heard her sister's question.He raised his eyebrows and said: "I don't know where he is still floating. Maybe he is still in the depths of the East China Sea and has not returned."

Hearing what Yun Qing said, Wang Qingshan sighed and said, "I don't know how Luo Yan is doing now. If she can see you get married, she will be very happy."

"Grandpa, with Uncle here, Auntie will definitely wake up soon." Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became serious, Wang Zixuan said quickly.

"That's right. Grandpa, don't worry. With my old...father here, mother will definitely wake up." Nangong Jin thought of something and said quickly.But what Nangong Jin said was true.With his father around, his mother would wake up sooner or later.That's why he wasn't worried.

The topic passed quickly.However, the topic came back to the matter of their marriage.

"It's only a few days before you get married, time flies so fast." Wang Qingshan said: "After you guys get married, you should come back often to see me, old man. And you..." Wang Qingshan looked Looking at Nangong Jin, he said: "You must treat Yue girl well. If you treat her badly, see how grandpa will deal with you. Yue girl, if this kid dares to bully you in the future, you can come to grandpa, and grandpa will make decisions for you .”

Wang Qingshan has heard about Nangong Jin's romantic past.But their Wang family has always been very strict in family education, and they will only marry one wife in their life.Nangong Jin is his nephew, so he can ignore the past, but after getting married, he naturally hopes that they can live well.

"Grandpa, don't worry. I will definitely be good to Yue'er. I will only be good to Yue'er in my life." Nangong Jin said affectionately.

Bai Yue blushed immediately.So many people are still watching.

"Okay, with your words, grandpa can rest assured." After finishing speaking, Wang Qingshan looked at his eldest grandson with a serious face, "And you, such a good granddaughter-in-law is here, when will you give your grandson to me?" Marry back."

As soon as these words came out, Su Wanyan, who was eating silently at the side, held back for a while, but fortunately she held back and did not make a fool of herself.But what happened to them again.

"... Soon." Wang Zixuan looked at Su Wanyan and said.

Hearing what his grandson said, Wang Qingshan nodded in satisfaction.Feng Qingluan intuitively has a line of sight looking at her.I had no choice but to pretend to eat without knowing anything.

"Girl Qingluan, when Ziqing comes back, grandpa will definitely let him explain to you about the matter between you and Ziqing." Wang Qingshan can be said to be very satisfied with these juniors.

Feng Qingluan smiled.Then continue to eat.She doesn't want Wang Ziqing to give her any explanation.

Yun Qing on the side was holding back her laughter all the time, she really thought that grandpa was so cute.But grandpa seems to be very satisfied with the man around him.

A meal, very happy to eat.

However, something that made Wang Qingshan happier soon happened again.

Originally, she ate well, but at this moment, Bai Yue vomited once.Moreover, he vomited very badly.

Yun Qing was really curious, whether the guy in Bai Yue's belly was deliberately torturing her mother.

"..." Halfway through the meal, Bai Yue quickly apologized and ran away, then vomited wildly.

At the dinner table, seeing Bai Yue suddenly ran away and vomited, everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks in a hurry.

"Yue'er. How could you vomit so hard?" Seeing Bai Yue vomit so hard, Nangong Jin couldn't even think about eating.He hurried to the side to pat Bai Yue on the shoulder and hand him water.

"..." Bai Yue just felt uncomfortable.Even if she knew that she would vomit so badly.All this is his fault.

"Sister Yue, you vomited so badly at noon, is it because you're still sick." Su Wanyan didn't know the reason why Bai Yue vomited, she just thought that Bai Yue was still sick.

"Madam Yue is sick?" Wang Qingshan asked.

Nangong Jin didn't say anything about Bai Yue's illness.

"That's right. Sister Yue was sick two days ago, and I thought she was all well. Who knows, Sister Yue also vomited in Yingfeng Tower at noon today." Feng Qingluan explained.

"Housekeeper, hurry up and invite the doctor." Hearing that his precious niece and daughter-in-law were ill, Wang Qingshan hurriedly ordered.So much so that she forgot that Nangong Jin is a miracle doctor.

In the end, it was Yun Qing who said, "Grandpa, the elder brother is the doctor." Yun Qing actually said this because the matter of Bai Yue's pregnancy would not be known for the time being.After all, it wouldn't be good if the news got out.

"Yes. Hurry up and show Yue girl." Wang Qingshan looked at Nangong Jin and said.

"I'm fine..." Bai Yue, who just vomited for a while, just said a few words, before she finished speaking, she vomited again.This time, I vomited out everything I just ate.Bai Yue who vomited turned pale for a while.

"Ah! It's so serious and you still say it's okay." Wang Qingshan said, "Hurry up and show Yue girl. Prescribe some medicine."


Seeing Bai Yue vomit so badly, her face turned pale this time.Not to mention, Nangong Jin felt distressed.

It's been a long time since she vomited. It's probably because Bai Yue has nothing in her stomach to vomit, so it's better.

Nangong Jin quickly handed over another glass of warm water.Bai Yue took it and took a sip.

"Is it better?" Nangong Jin asked.

Bai Yue shook her head, "Uncomfortable."

She is really suffering.I didn't eat much at noon, and I vomited all of it. At night, I finally ate a little, and vomited all of it again.Can she not be uncomfortable?
She is not only uncomfortable now, but also has no energy in her whole body.

"It made you suffer." Nangong Jin said.After finishing speaking, she looked at Bai Yue's stomach again, gritted her teeth and said, "Be honest with me, don't bother your mother. Otherwise, when you come out, I will see how I teach you!"

As soon as Nangong Jin's words came out, Bai Yue blushed instantly.Then he glared at Nangong Jin unhappily, which means, if you dare to hit him, this girl will never end with you!
These words were not lowered, but everyone heard every word clearly.The corners of Chu Limo and Yun Qing's lips twitched even more, his eldest brother is...

For a moment, the whole room was silent.Then everyone looked at Nangong Jin and Bai Yue with what you said just now, especially at Bai Yue's belly with a deep meaning.

"...What did you just say? Grandpa didn't hear clearly, so you are repeating it." Wang Qingshan was sure that he heard clearly, but he just wanted to hear Nangong Jin say it again.

Hearing Wang Qingshan's words, the room became even more silent.

It was only at this time that Bai Yue realized what Nangong Jin had just said.Only then did I notice that everyone seemed to be staring at her, and they were still staring at her stomach.

"What did I just say?"

Nangong Jin began to recall what he had just said.

Before Nangong Jin could answer again, Wang Qingshan suddenly smiled happily: "Hahahaha... I, Wang Qingshan, will have a great-grandson."

Then, this time, Bai Yue was ashamed and wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

Bai Yue felt that this time she was ashamed and ashamed.She never thought that she would let everyone know about her pregnancy in this way.And the culprit is the child's father!
 Happy holidays everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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