The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 729 030. Not pregnant, how could this happen?

Chapter 729 030. Not pregnant, how could this happen?
"Haha..." Wang Qingshan laughed happily in the room.

Yun Qing reckoned that her grandfather would be happy for a long, long time after he found out that Bai Yue was pregnant.

Sure enough, after learning about this, Nangong Jin didn't have to transfer people.Her grandfather directly sent someone in the mansion to take care of Bai Yue's food.Originally, Nangong Jin was still thinking about where to find a considerate cook.With the person trained by his grandfather's mansion, Nangong Jin accepted it with peace of mind.

As for Nangong Jin's need to find someone to protect Bai Yue's safety, Nangong Jin already had a plan in mind.It would be troublesome to transfer other people, so let Nonghua stay.Nonghua obeys orders. As for the candidate for the housekeeper, I don't know how Nangong Jin told Chu Limo that he actually transferred Wuxin back from the outside.

Therefore, when Yun Qing gets married and goes to Li Wang's mansion, only Xiao Xiao will be with Yun Qing.

However, by doing this, Nangong Jin seemed to be creating opportunities for some two people who were not good at speech and cold.It is said that a long time ago, when they were training together, Wuxin took care of Nonghua everywhere, and Wuxin looked at Nonghua differently from others.

As for whether this is true or not, whether the two of them have developed or not depends on the good fortune of the two of them.

Wang Qingshan specially ordered the cook to take good care of his precious niece, daughter-in-law and great-grandson in terms of food and drink.He also ordered Nangong Jin to take good care of his daughter-in-law.Don't let Bai Yue get angry.At this time, no matter what happens, follow her.By the time his grandfather took Nangong Jin and finished giving orders, more than half an hour had passed.

Yun Qing dared to estimate that her elder brother was on the verge of collapse at the moment.

Just because of his casual sentence, and then his grandfather pulled him and said a lot.It is said that after Yun Qing and the others left, his grandfather took Nangong Jin aside and talked a lot.Warn Nangong Jin not to have anything to do with Bai Yue during this period.Of course, Yun Qing and the others did not hear these words.But when Nangong Jin came out of the palace, he couldn't laugh anymore.



In the battle between Beiyuan and Xiyue, although Su Baiyi shot Yuhen an arrow in Fengcheng, after that arrow, Su Baiyi and Su Wudao seemed not to have appeared in Beiyuan's army , without Su Baiyi behind Beiyuan's disastrous defeat, the Xiyue army took back the border of Yucheng.

Yuhen has been unconscious for two days since she was shot by an arrow.The arrow was smeared with poison, but not something so deadly that it would kill instantly.However, Yuhen was hit by an arrow after all, and lost a lot of blood.This life was only saved temporarily.Now Yuhen is still in danger of life at any time, unable to move, and can only stay in Fengcheng for the time being.What's more, Fengcheng and Yucheng had just been recovered.There are still many things to be busy with, this official duty has temporarily fallen to Chi Yu, Yuhen's personal bodyguard.But this is not a long-term solution. It will be fine for a few days, but after a long time.However, the news that Yuhen was unconscious after being hit by a poisoned arrow was temporarily blocked.

"Miss, this poisonous servant really can't be solved." Standing outside the door, Nong Yue said flatly.

She has said this sentence at least a hundred times in the past two days.It's not that Nongyue is puzzled, but as she said, she can't cure this poison.This is Su Baiyi's poison personally, how could it be easy for her to cure it.But seeing Yuhen lying on the bed these two days, Chu Liyou was about to collapse.The only thing here that made her believe in medical skills was Nongyue, so Chu Liyou could only keep asking.

"Nongyue, I know you must have a solution. Can you save him, save him?" In the past two days, Chu Liyou had been crying until he lost his voice.

"Miss, I really can't do anything about it. Although it's not a deadly poison, it's very poisonous, and I've never been in contact with it before. Therefore, I really have no way to cure it." Nongyue said It's true.

"Then what should I do? What should I do? If he doesn't detoxify, will he die? I don't want him to die. Nongyue, it's hard for me to stay by his side. If he dies, I can't live anymore. If he If I die, I will die too." Chu Li cried sadly, "Nongyue, your medical skills are so good, you think of a way, you save him. I know you must have a way. You save him OK."

Without Yuhen, Chu Liyou really couldn't survive.If Yuhen suddenly died of poison at this time, Chu Liyou might go with him without hesitation.

"Miss..." Nongyue called out a little unbearably.With this sound, Chu Liyou seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and firmly grasped Nongyue, "You have a solution, don't you?"

Nongyue shook her head, it wasn't that she wanted to hit Chu Liyou, it was that she really had no choice.but…

Chu Liyou's eyes sank instantly.Muttered: "If he dies, I will accompany him. At least, he will not be alone on the road to Huangquan."

"...Miss, although I can't cure his poison, I have a way to stop his poison for a while."

"Really." Chu Liyou looked at Nongyue with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah." Nongyue nodded.

Chu Liyou suddenly stepped forward and hugged Nongyue, and said a few times, "Thank you...thank you. Nongyue, thank you very much. If he dies, I will die too."

At this moment, Chu Liyou, who had been tense for two days, was finally relieved temporarily because of Nong Yue's words.

Nongyue let Chu Liyou hug her like this.At this moment, I never knew that this woman loved that man so deeply.


Chu Jing.

Nangong Jin and Bai Yue returned to Nangong Mansion.However, Chu Limo pulled Yun Qing and insisted that Yun Qing go back to Li Wang's Mansion with him. The excuse was: the emperor dared to invite her into the palace today. If Yun Qing was not by his side, he would not be at ease!
For his excuse, Yun Qing had no choice but to follow.Nangong Jin was naturally very happy when Yun Qing wanted to go back to Prince Li's Mansion with Chu Limo. In this way, no one could disturb him.

It seemed that the two of them hadn't been here for a long time. They just held hands and walked quietly.It seems that this is the first time after returning from Xueyue City.Holding hands like this, the two walked slowly to Li Wang's Mansion.

This should be regarded as Yun Qing's fourth time stepping here.

Yun Qing looked at this mansion located in the most central part of Chujing, it existed, but it didn't seem to exist.This feeling is the same as when I first came here.Yun Qing knew that this hallucination occurred because of the formation outside the mansion.

"I still remember the first time I came here, I always felt like this mansion didn't exist. Later, when I entered your mansion, I was actually trapped, which made me jump into the lake." Yun Qing recalled the first time. The scene when I came here once smiled lightly.She probably didn't expect that the first time she went to his house, she would be so embarrassed.

After a pause, Yun Qing said again: "You have had a hard time these years."

If not, who would have set up formations inside and outside their own mansion.

"It's all over. There will be Qingqing in the future, and this formation will not be needed in the future." Chu Limo said very softly.

"You have to withdraw this formation."

"Well, when we get married in the future, we can't keep this formation. We keep this formation because we don't want people to enter. Now, we will still live here in the future, so this formation is no longer needed."

Yun Qing also understood what Chu Limo meant.Chu Limo didn't live in Liwang's mansion all the year round, and often wandered outside as Yechen. He kept this formation at the beginning because he didn't want people to break in.Now that he is back, this formation is naturally unnecessary.

It was only when the formation was withdrawn that Yun Qing realized that the formation inside was connected to the formation outside the mansion.As long as the inner formation is removed, the outer formation will also be removed.What surprised Yun Qing even more was that after the phantom formation outside the mansion was removed, Yun Qing found out.Li Wang's Mansion is actually only a wall away from Nangong Mansion where her elder brother lives now.Although, the two mansions are not on the same street, but.There is really only one wall between their mansions.

Yun Qing opened his mouth and looked at Chu Limo, "So, when I wanted to buy this mansion, you sold it to me for 5000 taels of silver without hesitation. I said why do you often come over the wall? It's because there is only one wall separating the two mansions."

Now that Yun Qing thinks about it, he was elusive for a few days back then, and even climbed over the wall and came in in the middle of the night.At that time, Yun Qing was still a little puzzled, how did this fellow come in.It turned out that the problem was here.

Chu Limo nodded with a smile, "Qingqing only found out now, I thought Qingqing had discovered it earlier."

"……"Ok!Yun Qing swore that she really didn't pay attention.It was also discovered today.

So: Chu Limo had already made up her mind at that time, and was going to come to a nearby building.

"So at that time you started thinking about me, didn't you?" Yun Qing asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Chu Limo replied very gently, "From then on, I knew that my only wife in this life is Qingqing."

"..." Hearing Chu Limo's answer, Yun Qing's face turned red again.

Thinking about it now, how lucky she was to meet Chu Limo at that time.If she hadn't met him, she thought, her life would not be what it is now.She has always longed for a warm home, and this man around her gave her one.

"Li Mo, thank you! Thank you for letting me meet you."

"Qingqing, do you know how beautiful you are now, I can't stop being so beautiful..."

In front of her, Chu Limo felt that he had no self-sustainability at all.He had only one thought, to throw her down, savor her beauty, and ruthlessly crush her on his body.

Yun Qing didn't know what was going on, the two of them were chatting in the yard just now, why they rolled onto the bed all of a sudden.

By the time she realized it, she had already been dazzled by the kiss in his affection.Desire.

Having been intimate so many times, the two have already become very familiar with each other.

Yun Qing was not as shy as before.Instead, he hooked Chu Limo's shoulder, followed his example, and lightly bit him.Then Yun Qing started to grope at him as if on purpose, setting fire to him.

"Qingqing, you are killing me." Chu Limo grabbed Yun Qing's fumbling little hand.

Chu Limo admitted that he had been distracted by the woman in his arms.

"How can I be willing." Yun Qing smiled lightly, with affection and desire on his face.Her smile charmed Chu Limo's heart even more.

"I know Qingqing is reluctant. So let's not waste this wonderful night..."

"Well..." All Yun Qing's words were drowned in the night.

The kiss fell gently again.With tenderness, with pity, and with a hint of wildness.

"Li Mo, with your appearance, I really think you haven't seen a woman for a long time." Yun Qing smiled slightly, hooking his shoulder.

"Because that person is you. So..." Don't waste such a beautiful night.


Before the two of them reached the last step, Yun Qing's face suddenly twitched.

"What's wrong, Qingqing?"

"My relatives seem to be here." After holding back for a long time, Yun Qing choked out a sentence that Chu Limo seemed to understand.

"What relative?"

At this time, she was very sure, because she already smelled a bloody smell.

Yun Qing blushed, "It's what you're talking about here... Kui Shui. We can't go on with my menstruation."

After finishing speaking, Yun Qing quickly buried her head in Chu Limo's arms.What a shame!How come that came at this time?
Because Chu Limo's face was still stained with emotion and desire, after hearing Yun Qing's words, his face also turned blue, with a look of grievance on his face.

"Qingqing, what should I do then?"

At this moment, his whole body is still pressed against Yun Qing's body, and the smell of Yun Qing's body is still filling his ears and nose.However, he knew that they couldn't continue at this moment.

" get up first." Yun Qing poked Chu Limo's chest, and suggested: "I think you seem to be very uncomfortable. I heard that it's not good to hold back. Why don't you take a cold shower."

"Actually, you don't have to take a cold shower." Chu Limo said, "Qingqing, help me."

With a swipe, Yun Qing's face instantly turned red like a boiled shrimp.

"Qingqing, it's autumn now, and it's going to be winter soon. Taking a cold shower will make you sick. Do you have the heart to see me sick?"

"I don't want it." Yun Qing whispered.She didn't want to help him with that, and she didn't want him to get sick.

"Does Qingqing want it or not?"

If he kept holding back, he would really be crushed as Yun Qing said.

"Get up, let's talk, I heard that talking can divert attention."

"En." Chu Limo responded, compromising on Yun Qing's words.However, he didn't get up, but continued to press Yun Qing.

Yun Qing also let him go, thinking for a while, and wanted to say something to divert his attention.

"By the way, I've always been curious why Emperor Chu thinks you are a threat, even if you have been sick for the past 20 years, he still thinks you are a threat." Yun Qing felt that this matter was not that simple.Emperor Chu would not fear a sick prince for no reason.

"Of course I will be his threat. Because I have something he wants but can't get." Chu Limo said.


"military power."

"Military power?" Yun Qing was also taken aback, "You hold military power?"

"Yes. The first emperor gave it to me when I was poisoned. The most elite Chu family army in Dachu."

Yun Qing said that he was really shocked, military power!
The first emperor wanted to make Chu Limo the crown prince when he was born. If Chu Limo hadn't been poisoned, the emperor would have been Chu Limo's long ago.

"So you are rich and powerful." Yun Qing said, she found a rich and powerful tall, rich and handsome.

"Well. So Qingqing, now you know how good your man is."

"Yes, you are the best in this world." Yun Qing said again: "I remember you said that your mother is because... Later, you also crushed the late emperor in the imperial mausoleum. The late emperor gave you the military power. Is it because of... guilt?"

Yun Qing didn't understand the entanglement between the first emperor and the concubine Li, Chu Limo's mother, and whether the first emperor loved the noble concubine Li or not.If love, why did the first emperor kill Concubine Li before he died.Could it be that the first emperor chose to let Concubine Li be buried with her because she loved Concubine Li so much?
But if this is the case, Chu Limo will not go to the imperial mausoleum when he grows up to crush the bones of the dead emperor.Something must have happened to this?
Chu Limo was silent for a moment, and said, "I don't know. Maybe he lost his head and gave Da Chu's most elite Chu family army to a poisoned child."

"Li Mo... can you tell me about the events of that year? If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." Yun Qing said.

Although this is somewhat selfish, doing so may ease the pain in Chu Limo's heart once.However, Yun Qing hoped that he would not be immersed in the pain of that year in the future.Those pasts were not his fault.It shouldn't be his responsibility.

"I can tell Qingqing." Chu Limo said: "My mother is the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Chujing. She was the number one beauty in Chujing back then. Back then, my mother had a childhood sweetheart. They have arrived to talk. Marriage is the point of marriage. But one day, my mother saved a person, and her life has changed since then."

"It's the first emperor."

"It's Chu Sheng." Chu Limo said: "Back then, Chu Sheng was still a prince without real power. At that time, he fell in love with the mother of the first beauty at first sight. But at that time my mother was about to get married. Sheng was just being kind for a while. However, Chu Sheng..." At this point, Chu Limo paused.After a while, he said again: "He killed all of the Li family. I only found out about this later. He threatened my mother's childhood sweetheart. As a last resort, my mother had no choice but to agree to Chu Sheng and marry him .”

"What happened later? Why did your mother become the late emperor's imperial concubine again?"

"Later, Chu Sheng brought my mother into the palace, and asked the late emperor to make my mother a concubine. At that time, the late emperor fell in love with my mother at first sight. The late emperor did not agree to this marriage. Chu Sheng At that time, I also knew what the late emperor was thinking. In order to please the late emperor, he dedicated my mother to his superior father. From then on, he jumped from a prince with no real power to a prince who was valued by the late emperor. My mother also became a divorced The noble concubine favors the harem."

A few short sentences summed up the tragic life of Concubine Li.She couldn't grow old hand in hand with her childhood sweetheart.But became a victim of imperial power.

"Li Mo... the past is over. The first emperor is dead, and the remaining Chu Sheng will die too, and he will go to make atonement for mother." Yun Qing hugged him and said softly.

She really didn't want him to take everything from the past to heart.Put yourself through that.

"Qingqing, I know. So, I won't let him go." Chu Limo murmured: "Qingqing, it's lucky to have you by my side, fortunately to have you."

"I will always be here. Li Mo." Yun Qing also remembered that the man was still pressing on her body and moved, "Li Mo, are you feeling better now?"

The emotion and desire on Chu Limo's face had already dissipated.


"Then get up, you're hurting me."

"Then I'll let you suppress me."

After the words fell, the postures of the two had changed.

" clothes are dirty, and your clothes are also dirty." Yun Qing could clearly see the blood-red spots on his and his clothes.

"Let me hug you and change later." Chu Limo didn't mind the blood on his clothes at all.

"OK then."

He doesn't mind anymore.Yun Qing also let him hug her.It was already dirty anyway, and she didn't mind getting a little dirty on the bed.

The two hugged each other like this, lying quietly on the bed, neither of them spoke.But the hearts of the two are connected at this moment.

After a long time, after the topic of Emperor Xian and Concubine Li was over, Yun Qing suddenly remembered something, got up abruptly, looked at Chu Limo and said, "Li Mo, I think of something."

"what's up?"

"I'm having my period. Doesn't that mean I'm not pregnant? I remember we were pregnant once in our previous life? How come we've been here so many times but didn't get pregnant? What's going on?"

Chu Limo also seemed to have remembered something, and his face became so dark that it couldn't be darker in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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