The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 730 031. Love is love, there is nothing worth it!

Chapter 730 031. Love is love, there is nothing worth it!

"What's the reason?" Yun Qing asked.

They didn't use contraception, so why didn't they get pregnant?

If you don't figure it out, Yun Qing will definitely not be able to sleep all night.

"Is Qingqing anxious to conceive a child?" Chu Limo asked.

He didn't know if Qingqing had come out of the emotion of losing a child in her previous life.Therefore, he didn't dare to let Qingqing get pregnant immediately.He was afraid that Qingqing would not be able to accept it.And with his current situation, it is impossible for Qingqing to conceive a child.

"I'm not in a hurry. However, it would be a very happy thing to have a child of our common blood."

Yun Qing is not very anxious to conceive a child.If possible, she also hopes to let nature take its course.You can enjoy the world of two people with him.The main reason she would ask this was because Bai Yue was suddenly pregnant.And they conceived once in the previous life, but in this life, they have not conceived so many times, so, in this matter, it may be that she was a little stimulated.

"I'm not in a hurry, I still want to spend more time alone with Qingqing. If Qingqing becomes pregnant suddenly, Qingqing will put all her thoughts on the child."

Chu Limo admitted that if Qingqing had a child, he would be jealous if Qingqing devoted half of his attention to the child.

Yun Qing curled her lips, how could this man be so stingy that he would even eat a child's jealousy.

"Then you haven't told me why I'm not pregnant?" Yun Qing said, "Li Mo, are you hiding something from me? I remember that we didn't use contraception!"

Yun Qing is now fully focused on this issue, and doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with it.So, there is no shyness at all.

"Qingqing still remembers Shuiling Town."

Remember!How could she not remember?
However, what does this matter have to do with Shui Ling Town?

"What does it have to do with Shuiling Town that I'm not pregnant?" Yun Qing was curious about the baby's appearance.

"Linglongzi's cooperation with Youhua can not only temporarily relieve the poisonous hair on my body, but also temporarily prevent pregnancy." Chu Limo said.

At that time, he didn't think about it. At that time, he wanted to get Linglongzi completely to delay the poisoning, so that he could have a longer time.In this way, he doesn't have to take the life extension pill that Nangong Jue gave him.He can have more time with Qingqing.Later, after taking the medicine, Nangong Jin still mentioned that sentence.

"Oh! So that's the case. Then how long will the effect of this medicine last?" Yun Qing is still very concerned about this issue.Three-drug.Chu Limo took so many strange medicines, and if he took too much, his body would always have problems.

"I don't know. Maybe we have to wait until Linglongzi's drug to slow down the poison has passed." Chu Limo himself didn't know how long Linglongzi and Youhua could last him, but he thought that one more day would be worth it.In this way, he can spend one more day with Qingqing.

"Linglongzi's medicinal effect will definitely keep you going for a long time, until the day we find the Moon Spirit Flower. After you find the Moon Spirit Flower and your health recovers, we can have children again. At that time, do you want to have a baby?" A few, we will have a few." Yun Qing said.

If she had to choose between the child and Chu Limo's health, she would choose Chu Limo's body.

"It's enough for me to have Qingqing in this life." Chu Limo kissed Yunqing's forehead and said softly.

In this life, he doesn't expect anything else, it's enough for him to be clear!

"Okay. Let's let the child's matter take its course." Yun Qing replied softly, leaning on Chu Limo's arms.

"I'll take you to the shower."

"En." Yun Qing nodded.



From Yuhen's poisoned arrow to his coma, Chu Liyou stayed by Yuhen's side all the time.Nongyue didn't lie to Chu Liyou, she couldn't cure the poison on Yuhen's body, but for the time being, Yuhen's poison would not attack so quickly.As for how long Yuhen can last, it depends on Yuhen's own fortune.

"Miss, you haven't had a good rest these few days, go down and rest first." Nongyue advised from the side.

Chu Liyou shook his head, looked at the person lying on the bed, and said stubbornly: "I want to wait for him to wake up, I hope the person he sees when he wakes up is me."


"Nongyue, I'm really not tired. If I am, I will rest."

But no matter how Nongyue tried to persuade him, Chu Liyou just didn't listen.Chu Liyou has been taking care of Yuhen's affairs non-stop for the past few days, even Yuhen's personal bodyguard Chi Yu has changed his mind about Chu Liyou after seeing it.This woman is so infatuated with his highness, but his highness...

Yuhen finally woke up on the third day after being shot by the arrow.If he didn't wake up, Chu Liyou would really be in despair.

Apart from Yuhen lying unconscious on the bed, Chu Liyou was the only one in the room.

"Yuhen, you finally woke up, you finally woke up. Great. You finally woke up." Seeing Yuhen finally opened her eyes, Chu Liyou wept with joy. In the past three days, she has really experienced great sorrow Overjoyed.

Yuhen moved his body and found that his whole body was in pain.The scene from three days ago came back to my mind.The man in white with the mask on the horse was the one who shot himself with an arrow.This is the first time he has been seriously injured in many years.The man in white with the mask must be the one behind the First Prince Beiyuan.He seems to know himself very well, but he doesn't know who he is?
Three days ago, on the battlefield outside Fengcheng.

Su Baiyi was dressed in white, with a mask covering half of his face, just sitting on the horseback looking at Yuhen.Yuhen was also sizing up the man who appeared suddenly.

"You are Yuhen, the prince of Xiyue." Su Baiyi looked at Yuhen and said indifferently.

Yuhen looked at Su Baiyi who was wearing a mask, and said in a cold tone, "Your Excellency is the person behind the Great Prince Beiyuan."

Su Baiyi snorted coldly, "You don't need to know who I am. It's just that person's idea, you'd better not hit her. She's not something you can get your hands on."

The her in Su Baiyi refers to Yun Qing.

"What if I have to?" Yuhen didn't know who Su Baiyi was referring to, but he had never been threatened by anyone.

"Then I have no choice but to give you a ride." Su Baiyi said: "You don't know yet. They are going to get married on the eighth day of November. No matter how much you loved her in your previous life, you still want her in this life .She has never loved you from the beginning to the end. The only person she loves is that man, that man named Chu Limo. And you, if you want to hinder her happiness, I will cut off your obstacle for her. "

Yuhen looked at Su Baiyi, and only then did he realize that the girl he was referring to was Yun Qing.

It is also because of his sentence: They are going to get married on the eighth day of November.No matter how much you loved her in your previous life, you still want her in this life.She never loved you from beginning to end.The only person she loves is that man, that man named Chu Limo.Because of this sentence, he lost his mind for a moment.It was also that moment of absence that gave Su Baiyi a chance.The arrow hit him.

At the moment when Yuhen was hit by an arrow, he looked at the back of the masked man in white and asked the last sentence, "Who are you? What is your relationship with her?"

"She is the most important person in my life. Anyone who dares to hinder her happiness, I will cut it off for her one by one." After finishing speaking, Su Baiyi left indifferently.

Yuhen was lying on the bed, and Su Baiyi's words when he left three days ago still sounded in his head: She is the most important person in my life, whoever hinders her, I will cut off for her one by one.

Who is that man?Another person who loves Yun Qing?
Yun Qing is getting married.They are getting married!
Did she still choose to marry him?He didn't even give himself a chance.How could it be, how could she be so cruel.

He is not reconciled, he has loved her for so many years.In the previous life, she protected her for 15 years, and in this life, she is her own destiny.How could he let her go.How can I watch her marry another man, and be tender and tired with other men.

"...Yuhen." Seeing that Yuhen woke up but his face was a little strange, Chu Liyou shouted, "Yuhen, how are you?"

Because of Chu Liyou's words, Yuhen was pulled back to reality.

"What day is it today?" Yuhen asked.

"October...October [-]th." Chu Liyou said, "Yuhen, do you want some water?"

October twenty.He has been asleep for three days.There are eighteen days left until the eighth day of November.There are still eighteen days before they will be married.How could he just watch them get married, he couldn't do it.

"Akabane." Yuhen yelled loudly, because he was too excited and involved the wound on his chest, and the blood flowed out again.

"Yuhen, what are you going to do? I can help you. Don't move. Your injury hasn't healed yet, and it will open again when you move." Chu Liyou stepped forward and said hastily.

"Get out! Stay away from me." Yuhen gave Chu Liyou a cold look and said coldly, "Chiyu."

"I won't get lost. Yuhen, don't move." Chu Liyou held back tears and said softly, "If you don't want to see me, I can stay away from you, but I won't get lost. I won't leave your."

Akabane who was guarding outside and Nongyue who lived not far away heard the movement in the room, and both of them came in after hearing the movement.

"Your Highness. You are awake."

"Akabane, order me to go down to Chujing. Let's go immediately."

"...Your Highness." Akabane didn't understand.Why did His Highness set off for Chujing immediately after waking up, regardless of his injuries?It will take at least half a month to go from Fengcheng to Chujing in a hurry.But now, His Highness is in such a state that he can't ride a horse at all, and he can't stand the bumps on the road at all.

"Go! Don't make me say it a third time." Yuhen said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Akabane knew that once His Royal Highness made a decision, it was impossible to change it.After answering, I had no choice but to go down and get ready.

"Yuhen, you are not in good health yet, so you can't go." Seeing that Chiyu really went down to prepare, Chu Liyou said again.

"It's none of your business how my body is. I don't need you to tell me about my affairs." Yuhen said: "Don't think that if I keep you, I will tolerate you. Don't think that I won't kill you !"

Chu Li's anxiety sank.yes!How could she not know what kind of person Yuhen was.How heartless this man is.As long as he really wants to kill himself, he will not soften his heart.

"Do you think it's great that you are the prince of Xiyue? You think my lady is willing to take care of your affairs. You just rely on my lady's love for you, so you can trample her at will?" Nongyue saw Chu Liyou Crying, seeing Yuhen say such unfeeling words again, he cursed bitterly: "If my lady hadn't told me to save you, you thought you would still be alive now. She has been taking care of you non-stop for three days. Don't you say Thank you, but you still want to kill my lady. Do you have any intentions? My lady is really blind to fall in love with a ruthless man like you. If my lady didn’t insist on saving you, you would have died She will also die together, I will not save you, but let you die of poison."

"Nongyue, don't talk about it." Chu Liyou, who was crying on the side, pulled Nongyue cautiously.

"Miss, I really feel unworthy for you. Look at yourself, what kind of torture have you made yourself into in the past three days. You haven't had a good meal or slept a good night's sleep in the past three days .It's all for this heartless man. Miss, he doesn't deserve your love for him so wholeheartedly. Let's go. Let's go back. "

It's really hard to see the moon.She has seen how Chu Liyou treated Yuhen in the past three days.However, it's fine if this man is not grateful, he still wants to kill someone.Now she is also angry and wants to kill.Kill this heartless man.If she wasn't afraid of Chu Li's sorrow, she really wanted to kill this ruthless man.

This may be the first time Yuhen has been scolded so arrogantly in person.

"...Nongyue, he's not in good health yet, so I won't leave." No matter how unfeeling Yuhen is to her, she will not leave him at this time.

"Miss, do you still want to stay with this man who doesn't love you at all? Why do you waste your feelings for a man who doesn't love you? Is it worth it? Miss, you are so nice, he doesn't know how to love you. Someone will love you and love you."

"Nongyue, love is love. There is nothing worth it." Chu Liyou smiled bitterly, "Nongyue, you will understand when you meet someone you love in the future. In this world, loving someone No one is worth anything, it depends on whether you are willing or not.”

Nongyue really didn't know what to say about her infatuated young lady.How could she be so stupid?

Chu Liyou glanced at Yuhen, "I know you will not change after you have made your decision. Since you want to go to Chujing, I will not stop you. I have no right to stop you. You just woke up, and I will go to Chujing first." Go down and make some porridge for you."

Yuhen didn't speak, Chu Liyou had already gone out to cook porridge.Nongyue gave Yuhen a hard look and quickly followed out.

The room was suddenly quiet and only Yuhen was left alone.

Love is love, there is nothing worth it!

Chu Liyou's words seemed to still be lingering in the room, lingering in his ears.

In this world, it turns out that he is not the only one who is stupid.There is another person who is as stupid as him, or even more stupid than him.

(End of this chapter)

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