The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 731 032. Am I That Scary?

Chapter 731 032. Am I That Scary?

Fengcheng.In the kitchenette.

"Miss, he has treated you like this, and you still cook porridge for him."

"Nongyue, you won't understand now." Chu Liyou said lightly, "I did all of this willingly."

It would be a lie for Yuhen to say that she is not sad to her like this.She also knew a long time ago that she would have to bear these things by staying by his side, but even so, she never thought of leaving.Compared to leaving Yuhen's side, she is willing to stay by his side.

A word of willingness, so that Nongyue didn't know what to say.

There was a moment of silence in the small kitchen.Chu Liyou concentrated on cooking porridge.In fact, her craftsmanship is not good at all, even after traveling with Yunqing and the others for a year, her craftsmanship has not been very good.However, it was cooked for Yuhen, and she cooked it very carefully.

Soon, the porridge was ready.Chu Liyouduan came into the room.In the room, Yuhen was the only one.

Yuhen has not fallen asleep since she woke up.Chu Liyou's words and all kinds of memories of the past kept lingering in his ears.This made him more determined. He must go to Chujing, and he must arrive at Chujing before they get married.

"I made porridge, you drink some."

Yuhen didn't say a word, just raised his head and quietly watched Chu Liyou's movements.

"You slept for three days, how can you have strength if you don't eat something...Go to Chujing." Chu Liyou said lightly, "I'll feed you."

After finishing speaking, Chu Liyou stopped talking.Because she really didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Yuhen didn't refuse to drink the porridge, and the only thing in the room was the sound of Yuhen drinking the porridge.

Chu Liyou fed a bowl of porridge very slowly and carefully, for fear of scalding him.Yuhen also eats slowly.But soon, a bowl of porridge was finished.

"Do you want to drink more?" Chu Liyou asked.

"En." In the quiet room, Yuhen responded softly. 
Chu Liyou quickly filled a bowl.Neither of them spoke.Chu Liyou slowly fed the porridge, while Yuhen drank the porridge quietly.After drinking three bowls in a row, I gave up.

When the porridge was finished, Chu Liyou couldn't find anything to talk about.

"Help me up."

Chu Liyou was stunned for a moment.

"Help me up and walk." Yuhen said again.

If it wasn't for the pain in his whole body, if there were only the two of them in the room, he wouldn't have asked Chu Liyou to do it.But he must get up now.

"The injury on your body shouldn't get you up and walking around. It's getting late now, even if you're going to Chujing, you don't have to be so anxious." The more she spoke to the end, Chu Liyou spoke in a softer voice.Until seeing Yuhen's extremely indifferent face that insisted on getting up, Chu Liyou had no choice but to compromise, "I'll just help you up."

Yuhen is very tall, she looks very petite in front of him.

Carefully lifted him up, for fear of tearing the wound on his body.It's just a pity that the injured person himself didn't cherish his body at all.Every step he took, he could see the wounds on his body.But he, as if he didn't care at all, still walked slowly.

"Yuhen, your wound will bleed if you walk down."

Every time he took a step, Chu Liyou knew that he was enduring the piercing pain.What made him insist on getting up and walking regardless of his injuries.Is it because Chu Jing has someone he likes?That's why he couldn't wait to get up.

As if Yuhen didn't hear Chu Liyou's words, he still walked slowly.Only he himself knew that he could rush to Chujing as quickly as possible only if he endured the pain in his body.Compared with losing her and asking him to accept her marrying someone else, this little pain on his body is nothing.

"Yuhen, you are bleeding. You can't go on anymore." Chu Liyou shouted: "I will help you back to lie down, your wound needs medicine."

At this moment, her heart really hurts.He ignored his injuries for another woman, but she didn't even feel jealous or resentful, because she didn't have the qualifications, and she couldn't be jealous and resentful towards Yun Qing.All of this has nothing to do with Yun Qing.

Fortunately, Chu Liyou didn't go far with Yuhen supported, he just walked a few steps in the room, and didn't even go out the door.

He quickly helped Yuhen to the bed and lay down. There were wound medicines in the room.Chu Liyou first fetched a basin of clean warm water.At this time, she didn't have the heart to think about anything else, so she carefully took off the clothes on Yuhen's body.On the chest, the place where the arrow wound had been split open, and the wound was still a little black.That's left over from the poisoning.Nongyue couldn't cure the poison, so he had to temporarily seal the poison.Therefore, all the poisonous gas gathered at the place where the arrow wounded.

Chu Liyou carefully wiped the blood around the wound with warm water for him, and wiped very carefully, lest the water accidentally get on his wound, so after wiping, he quickly applied the wound medicine to his wound.I applied it very carefully, the medicine still hurts when it touches his skin.

"Does it hurt?" Chu Liyou asked: "If you are in pain, just call out, I will be more careful."

Yuhen was silent, besides the pain when applying the medicine on the wound, there were traces of her gentle hand touching it lightly.Maybe it was because she was very careful, so he didn't feel much pain.

During the whole process, Yuhen didn't say a word.

"Okay, the medicine has been prescribed for you. You really can't get out of bed and walk around. As Nongyue said, the poison on your body has only temporarily stopped. You pull like this, and after the wound is opened, you The poison on the body will also attack." Chu Liyou said, Yuhen listened quietly and still did not answer Chu Liyou.Chu Liyou looked at the blackened area of ​​his arrow wound, she was really afraid that the poison on his body would explode just now.After a pause, Chu Liyou said again: "Yuhen, I don't know why you have to rush back to Chujing in such a hurry, and I also know that I can't stop you. But, can you wait for your injuries to heal a bit, wait After the poison on your body is detoxified, you are going. At that time, you will go to Chujing, and I will not stop you. "

Chu Liyou said so much, but Yuhen still didn't say a word.Chu Liyou didn't want to say a word, so he could only help him put on his clothes silently.With fingers lightly stroking his skin, Chu Liyou didn't think much about it at all.It's just that when he looked at the seat injured by the arrow, tears rolled in his eyes.

Yuhen, don't you really know?I love you!So, I don't want to see you like this at all.You hurt, how much pain you have, and how much pain I have.How I want to transfer the wounds on your body to mine.

Chu Liyou leaned down gently, and suddenly planted a light kiss on Yuhen's chest.Closing his eyes, tears dripped down Yuhen's chest.

Yuhen was stunned by this sudden kiss and tear.He could feel that her kisses and tears were cold.

It wasn't until Chu Liyou opened his eyes that he realized what he had just done.She couldn't help it just now, she wanted to kiss his wound to relieve his pain, but she was afraid that she would tear his wound, so she kissed his uninjured place.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean it." Chu Liyou whispered.

Like a child who has done something wrong.Her eyes were still red, and there were wet tears on her face.She just looked at him in bewilderment.He must be very angry, angry that she just kissed him?

"I know."

Chu Liyou looked up at Yuhen.What did he just say?
he knows.So, he didn't blame himself for kissing him just now, did he?

After I knew what Yuhen said, the room became silent again.

Chu Liyou looked at the clothes he hadn't put on yet, and at the place where she had boldly kissed just now, her face couldn't help but feel a little hot.This is the first time she has been so bold.

Yuhen saw that she was at a loss, and her face was hot.Yuhen's face is very calm

"Help me get dressed."

"Ah..." Chu Liyou was startled for a while, then said again: "Oh."

This time, she didn't dare to look at him, for fear that she was doing something bold.

But once people get nervous, they tend to panic easily, and when flustered, they tend to do wrong things.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Chu Liyou kept apologizing with red eyes.

"Just put on some clothes, do you want to kill me?" Yuhen grabbed her hand that touched her wound.In fact, Chu Liyou didn't really hurt him, but just touched him lightly with his hand.But he just didn't know why he would be very angry when he saw her flustered and didn't look at himself.

"I didn't..." Chu Liyou protested softly.

She really didn't, how could she want to kill him?
"Can you let go of my hand first, you hurt me from scratching." Chu Li said worryingly.

Her hand was tightly held by Yuhen, and she could feel the anger on Yuhen's face.However, she really didn't mean it just now.She didn't mean to touch his wound.

Yuhen didn't know what happened to him at that moment.How can you be so angry.But obviously, he wasn't angry at her for hurting him.

"Am I that scary?" Yuhen asked.

Is he that scary?She was afraid that he was too scared to look at herself.

"What?" Chu Li looked at Yuhen in a daze, with tears still in those bright eyes.She doesn't understand what he's talking about?What's scary?
But Yuhen let go of her hand at this time, and said indifferently, "Put on your clothes."

Yuhen's changes were too fast, Chu Liyou didn't understand at all, nor did he understand what he meant.

"Oh." Chu Liyou replied.

This time, Chu Liyou didn't dare to make the mistake just now, looked at him, and carefully put his clothes on for him.

"Okay. It's getting late, you go to bed early, and I'll be here with you. You can call me if you have anything to do."

It was indeed getting late, Yuhen lay on the bed and closed her eyes slightly.But he didn't sleep at all.Chu Liyou stood by his bed, not daring to move for a moment, and not daring to close his eyes for a moment.She was afraid that if he woke up, he would fall asleep.

Due to the mental stress for several consecutive days, Chu Liyou has never had a good rest or slept peacefully in the past few days.Now at this time, she dared not fall asleep easily.

However, the more so, the more sleepy she was and couldn't keep her eyes open.After a while, the whole person fell asleep by the bed.Yuhen suddenly opened his eyes at this time, and saw that Chu Liyou was already tired and fell asleep.

"Your Highness." Just as Chu Liyou fell asleep, Chi Yu pushed open the door and came in.And Chu Liyou didn't wake up at all.


"It's ready. Let's go tomorrow." Akabane said: "Your Highness, this subordinate is too talkative. Your Highness wants to punish this subordinate, but this subordinate will never complain. It is not worthwhile for His Highness to torture yourself for a woman who doesn't like you. Your Highness is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Xiyue, there are so many women who love you in the world." There is a woman who loves you deeply in front of you.

"Akabane. I'll give you three days. I want to see him within three days. Tell him, if he still wants to be my master, he should get lost, otherwise I'll go back to his deep mountain."

"Yes. This subordinate obeys." Akabane glanced at Chu Liyou who was lying on the bed and fell asleep, and finally retreated without saying anything.His Highness gave him three days, which meant that His Highness would not leave Chujing for these three days.Now, the most important thing is to find His Highness's master, as long as His Highness's master is found, His Highness's poison can be cured.As long as the poison is detoxified, he can rest assured that His Highness will go to Chujing when the time comes.

In the room, only Yuhen who was not sleepy and Chu Liyou who was already asleep were left in the quiet room.

I don't know what Chu Liyou dreamed about in her sleep, she was crying even in her sleep.

Yuhen's hand gently wiped the tears off her face, even he himself didn't realize that he would wipe the tears off a woman's face.

"What did you dream about that made you so sad?"

(End of this chapter)

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