The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 733 035.5 Prince Chu Che

Chapter 733 035. Fifth Prince Chu Che

Chu Jing, October 22.

city ​​gate.

It is said that today is the day when the Empress Dowager returned from Wanfo Temple.The Empress Dowager has been going to Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple for ten years, and now that she returns, the welcome ceremony is unprecedentedly grand.

Such a grand day, how can there be less excitement?

Therefore, the emperor at the gate of the city led the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty to greet them in person, and the battle was mighty.

The elegant room on the second floor of Yingfeng Building.

"Sister Qing, why don't you see Sister Yue? I was thinking that she must be bored these days and found a place to relieve her boredom."

Yun Qing looked at Feng Qingluan who was talking, and said with a smile: "Yesterday, elder brother took Bai Yue out to visit the mountains and rivers, and he probably won't come back until the big wedding."

"What?" Feng Qingluan yelled, then looked at Yun Qing resentfully and said, "They went on a tour. Sister Yue didn't invite me to go on a tour."

Yun Qing and Su Wanyan, who were sitting in the private room at the same time, twitched their mouths.

"If Sister Feng follows, maybe she wants to be a light bulb. At that time, Sister Feng is not afraid that the two of them will irritate you." Yun Qing joked with a smile.

Feng Qingluan thought about it, what she was most afraid of was seeing them flirting with each other.Feng Qingluan quickly shook her head, "Then I'd better not go."

Su Wanyan said with a smile at this time: "Actually, Qingluan also heard that Sister Yue has been bored at home recently, and she is afraid that she will get sick. No, I plan to ask Sister Yue to go to the countryside to go to the lake to relax. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I went to the countryside to swim in the lake. I just didn't expect that Big Brother Nangong took Sister Yue to play first."

"When they come back, we will go together next time." Yun Qing said.

When it came to the next time, Su Wanyan couldn't help but sighed, looked outside the door, and said in a low voice: "I've been busy these days, sister Qing, you don't know. I heard that the Queen Mother is back, There is also a fifth prince by his side. It is said that the fifth prince is the prince who was exiled by the emperor many years ago. But in fact, I heard that the fifth prince was born to the empress and the emperor. It is said that this time the fifth prince returns to Beijing, the emperor is going to canonize the five princes. The fifth prince is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Da Chu."

Yun Qing sneered in her heart: It's so funny.This fifth prince will be the empress's child, if the empress knows who this fifth prince is, how will she feel?
"Sister Su, where did you hear about such a cryptic matter?" Feng Qingluan looked curious.

"I also overheard my father mentioning that. I listened to my father's tone. The emperor wants to canonize the fifth prince as His Royal Highness as soon as possible."

"Uncle Su is the Secretary of the Ministry of Rites. If he said so, this matter should not be false. I also heard from my father that the emperor planned to go to the royal hunting ground for autumn hunting in three days. It is already late autumn, and he will enter soon It’s winter. The Great Chu is usually held once every three years, and it’s only been a year since the last autumn hunting. Moreover, the autumn hunting in the Great Chu is held in September. It’s really a good time for the emperor to go to the autumn hunting. It's so strange." Feng Qingluan said: "Sister Qing, His Royal Highness Li Wang is in good health, will you go to participate in the autumn hunting this year? But sister Qing, I want to tell you something, you have to pay close attention to Li Wang. Your Highness, there has been a lot of news from Chu Jing recently, and many ladies are trying to get rid of His Highness."

Mentioning this, Su Wanyan also nodded, "Sister Qing, you ladies from Chujing, you have to be careful. Now they have a grudge against you. Be careful when you go out, Miss Chujing Ladies, if you go crazy, you won't look like a lady at all."

Yun Qing smiled lightly and nodded, "I know, I will make up my mind."

While the three were talking, the Empress Dowager's Luanjia had already arrived at the downstairs of Yingfeng Tower.

At this time, Yun Qing and Su Wanyan appeared in Yingfeng Tower because they knew they would pass by Feng Qingluan. She came here just to see the queen mother and the fifth prince.

Yun Qing did not forget that Su Wudao said when he left the snow mountain that the current queen mother is the younger sister of Feng Tianlan from the Feng clan.She was the one who took the heartless Gu from the Feng clan back then, and put it on the newly born Chu Limo.In terms of emotion and reason, Yun Qing would never let the Queen Mother go.And His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince.

"Look, the empress dowager's Luanjia." Feng Qingluan pointed towards the window: "I don't know what the empress dowager looks like. I heard that a few years after the death of the first emperor, the empress dowager went to Wanfo Temple. It’s been ten years since then.”

"Yes! I still remember seeing the Empress Dowager from a distance when I attended the palace banquet. I was too young at that time, and now I can't remember what the Empress Dowager looks like." Su Wanyan also took the conversation.

"Sister Su, you have seen the queen mother before. Unlike me, I don't even know what the queen mother looks like, tall or short, fat or thin." Feng Qingluan said.

"It's not easy for the two sisters to want to see the Queen Mother. Isn't there a palace banquet tonight? At that time, you can see what the Queen Mother looks like at the palace banquet." Yun Qing pursed her lips and smiled.She is also looking forward to tonight's palace banquet.

"Sister Qing, I really don't want to attend the palace banquet tonight." Feng Qingluan raised her eyebrows and said.

"What's the matter? Didn't you still envy Sister Su for seeing the Queen Mother when she was a child?" Yun Qing laughed.

Feng Qingluan lowered her voice, and said: "Sister Qing, you don't know, I heard that our empress dowager is not a good person, which one of the late emperor's concubines did not die in the palace. In those days, noble concubine Li was very fond of the harem, but Later, it was said that it was because of the Queen Mother that Li Guifei..." After a pause, Feng Qingluan said again: "Sister Qing, I heard that the Queen Mother hates Li Guifei and Li Wang. Now you and Li Wang I'm afraid that the empress dowager will spread this resentment on you. So, sister Qing, you have to be careful at the palace banquet tonight."

Yun Qing looked at Feng Qingluan and knew that she was also thinking of herself.My heart warmed up.

However, these things are hidden things in the palace, where did Sister Feng hear about them.

"Sister Feng, where did you hear these things?"

Feng Qingluan glanced at the team downstairs, and lowered her voice even more, "I also overheard mother and father mentioning that Li Guifei back then was too pitiful."

In fact, this matter is not a secret anymore, like their father's generation probably knew what happened when the late emperor was around.

"Sister Qing, my mother reminded me when I went out today, telling me to be careful when attending the palace banquet tonight, and don't provoke the queen mother. At that time, I was still thinking, why did mother tell me these things? "Su Wanyan said softly: "Later, it was my mother who told me that when her queen mother was still the late emperor's concubine, she cruelly framed another late emperor's concubine at a palace banquet. It is said that that concubine is the current emperor At that time, my mother and Aunt Feng, who was hiding in the dark together, saw this incident. It is said that the Empress Dowager took the opportunity to frame that concubine because she wanted to adopt the current emperor into her palace."

"Sister Qing, my mother also said the same thing when I went out. Especially let me be careful of the Queen Mother." Feng Qingluan said.It was also when her mother reminded her when she was going out, so she didn't want to attend tonight's palace banquet at all.

The Aunt Feng that Su Wanyan was referring to was Feng Qingluan's mother, and the two mothers were close friends in their boudoir back then.They accidentally saw this incident but did not dare to mention it.But they may not have thought that the Queen Mother would come back after going to Wanfo Temple.That's why I reminded my daughter to be careful when attending palace banquets.

From the words of the two, Yun Qing understood one thing.The queen mother and the current emperor are not biological mothers and children.Then, there must be something else hidden in the Queen Mother's ten-year visit to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.Now that the Queen Mother is back, it seems that there must be some ulterior secret or some kind of transaction between the Queen Mother and the Emperor.

So: what a filthy royal family!
"Two sisters, don't worry. I will also attend the palace banquet tonight, as long as we don't provoke the Queen Mother, everything will be fine." Yun Qing said.

"hope so."

Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan said at the same time.It seems that they are still a little afraid of the queen mother.

"However, there is one more thing I'm curious about. I don't know if the fifth prince was born by the empress or not. If he was really born by the empress, how could he have been living among the people for 18 years?" Waiting to see the empress dowager After passing by, Feng Qingluan looked at the team downstairs and raised her eyebrows.

"This is just to silence the people of the world. Who cares if the fifth prince is born to the empress dowager?" Su Wanyan continued, "However, I have heard that the fifth prince has been following the queen mother all along. By my side, I have been staying in Wanfo Temple for these years. When the Queen Mother left Beijing, she also said that she would die in Wanfo Temple in this life, so it is really strange that the Queen Mother and the Fifth Prince suddenly returned to Beijing at this time?"

Yun Qing smiled, "Maybe it's because the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is too poor, how could the Empress Dowager, with her golden branches and expensive body, endure this kind of hardship."

"Sister Qing, it's understandable for the Queen Mother to return to Beijing, but it's unbelievable that a fifth prince who is living among the people suddenly appears at this time. Besides, the emperor also intends to register this fifth prince as a prince. When will Da Chu be registered in these years?" Pass the prince." Feng Qingluan lowered her voice and said: "I heard from my father that this fifth prince is not a good person. Chujing may be in chaos."

"Don't talk nonsense. How is it possible?" Su Wanyan was a little disbelieving.But I had to believe it, after all, it was so strange for the Fifth Prince to appear at this time.

Yun Qing pursed her lips and smiled lightly, instead of answering the words of the two, she looked at the scene downstairs.There was an icy coldness under the eyes.

Beside the Empress Dowager Luanjia, a man in purple clothes, about eighteen years old, rode beside him with a gentle smile on his face. Although that face was no longer the familiar face, but hidden behind it The smiling smile and those deep eyes are exactly the same as the previous person, no matter how he changes, no matter what kind of face he changes, even if he turns into ashes, Yun Qing will not admit his mistake.

He was Yue Wang Chu Feiyang who was burned to death in the prison a year ago!
He is finally back!

Back with another identity!

"By the way, Sister Su, do you know the name of this Fifth Prince?" Feng Qingluan also noticed the purple figure downstairs and asked.

"Chu Che!"

Chu Che!

Yun Qing squeezed the teacup in her hand, her eyes were slightly cold.

No matter whether your name is Chu Che or Chu Feiyang, this time, I will definitely make your life worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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