The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 734 036.5 Prince Chu Che

Chapter 734 036. Fifth Prince Chu Che ([-])
"This fifth prince looks pretty good." Feng Qingluan would be a bit of a nympho when she sees a beautiful man, she paused and then said: "However, this fifth prince always looks familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere .”

"No way. Qingluan, don't tell me that you've taken a fancy to the Fifth Prince." Su Wanyan twitched.

"How is it possible. He is not the type that this girl likes. And this girl also said that she would never like people in the royal family, let alone have anything to do with people in the royal family." Feng Qingluan looked at Ying Ying with disgust. The purple figure at the bottom of Fenglou.

Su Wanyan and Yun Qing pursed their lips and smiled.

Feng Qingluan frowned and looked at the purple figure downstairs, "I always think he looks familiar, I seem to have seen him somewhere, but I just can't remember."

"It looks familiar." Yun Qing smiled half-smile.

He just changed his face and name, but no matter how he changed, there was always a shadow of the past.

"That's right. Sister Qing, you also think the fifth prince looks familiar." Feng Qingluan said.But I just can't remember where I met this fifth prince.

"He is the emperor's own son, so he naturally looks like the emperor. So, it's not surprising that you look familiar." Hearing that they all said that he looked familiar, Su Wanyan also took a serious look at the purple figure, But no matter how I looked at it, I didn't see it.The only thing that looks familiar is that the fifth prince's eyebrows and eyes look a bit like the emperor.

Feng Qingluan patted her head, with a look of sudden realization, "Why am I so stupid. I said why is it so familiar. It turns out that I look like the emperor."

"Keep your voice down." Su Wanyan quickly covered Feng Qingluan's mouth, and said in a low voice, "You'll be heard if you say it so loudly."

Feng Qingluan's mouth was covered, but she also knew that she seemed really excited just now.If she was so excited, she would have attracted the attention of the downstairs. Fortunately, Sister Su stopped her just now, otherwise she would be ashamed, and might cause some trouble. Thinking of this, Feng Qingluan was also startled and nodded quickly. head.

Seeing Feng Qingluan nodded, Su Wanyan let her go.Feng Qingluan didn't dare to speak loudly, so she had to hold back and quietly watched the Luanjia of the Emperor and Empress Dowager pass by from the Yingfeng Building.

Yun Qing looked at the team downstairs, but her eyes were fixed on the purple figure, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, but if you looked carefully, you would find that her smile was bottomless.

Chu Che, who was riding on the horse, only felt a chill from behind, and he always felt that someone was watching him from behind.

Since that incident happened, he has been cautious like a frightened bird.

He never thought that he could escape unharmed after committing such a big thing.And the person who kept him alive was his father.At that moment, he didn't understand what was going on in the mind of this high-ranking person.

Don't kill him, but throw him to Wanfo Temple.Let him be by the queen mother's side, who the queen mother is, his father will not be ignorant.In the past year, he seemed to be alive, but he lived a life that was worse than death.

It wasn't until he was about to return to Beijing a few days ago that he realized that his aloof father didn't kill him just because he still had value to use.

His father wanted to use him against another person.

So, his aloof father gave him another identity.Let him reappear in this bustling Chujing.

This time, no matter what capacity he came back with, he would never go back to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery, and he would never suffer that kind of life that would be worse than death.

While Yun Qing was looking at Chu Che, Chu Che's eyes also looked towards the private room on the second floor of Yingfeng Tower.

Yun Qing was standing by the window, smiling slightly at Chu Che, and Chu Che was also staring at Yun Qing in a daze.The eyes of the two met in the air but did not meet.Yun Qing seemed to be looking at Chu Che, but not at all.It's just that when Chu Che looked over, Yun Qing still had a smile on her face, but only she knew that her heart was already overwhelmed by hatred.It was this person who caused the tragic death of her grandfather's family in her previous life, and made her watch her own child die tragically in front of her, causing her to die of hatred.

He is back!He is back!

This time, Yun Qing vowed that he would never give him a second chance to way!
Chu Che will never forget who this woman is.He will never forget who she is.

It's just that he didn't expect to meet her on the first day back to Beijing.

Very good, really good!The feud between the Mu family and the Wang family started with her.

In Wanfo Temple for a year, he has been paying attention to Chu Jing's news.

If it is said that the first thing he did when he returned to Beijing was to regain what he had lost, then the second thing was to avenge the past.If it wasn't for the old fellow Wang Qingshan, Yechen and Yunyin, how could he have lost so badly.Why would he return to Beijing as an illegitimate child?What made him hate even more was that Mu Yuanfeng was not implicated in this incident back then.Although he didn't find out what caused Mu Yuanfeng's family to be burned alive.Seeing that Mu Yuanfeng's daughter Mu Yunqing is alive and well now, he is even more convinced that Mu Yuanfeng must have betrayed him back then.Otherwise, how could Wang Qingshan mobilize troops and horses in time to kill him by surprise.

"Sister Qing, what are you looking at?"

Yun Qing has been quietly watching the movement downstairs, which also caught the attention of Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan.The two also looked in the direction Yun Qing was looking at, and the long team had already left Yingfeng Tower.

"I'm watching...Chu Jing is about to have a bloodbath. I just don't know if this blood can drown Chu Jing." Yun Qing chuckled.

"That's right! Sister Qing didn't tell me that I almost forgot, it will be November soon. Every time at the end of October, the weather in Chujing starts to get colder and it snows. I don't know what the emperor thinks. I will go to autumn hunting in three days. The emperor is not afraid that there will be a heavy snow at that time, which will trap everyone in the hunting ground." Feng Qingluan curled her lips and complained: "I heard from my father that this autumn hunting, the emperor In fact, there are other purposes. The emperor specially chose this time to go to Autumn Hunting. It is said that he wanted to choose a lady with outstanding morals and talents to be the fifth prince's concubine for the fifth prince. If you say that the emperor chooses a concubine for the fifth prince, then choose a concubine. , why do you still have to go to some autumn hunting. Isn't this tossing around?"

"Qingluan, you really dare to say anything." Su Wanyan nodded Feng Qingluan's nose.Fortunately, Luanjia has passed by this time.Otherwise, it would be another disaster if this word was heard.

However, she is probably the only one who dares to say that the emperor is messing around.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, they heard it again." Feng Qingluan curled her lips disapprovingly.She also dared to speak when she saw Luanjia passing by.After a pause, Feng Qingluan said again: "I also feel sorry for my father. He has been busy with autumn hunting these days. Now he has arrived at the royal hunting ground."

"Did the emperor entrust Uncle Feng to handle the safety around the hunting ground?" Su Wanyan asked.

Feng Qingluan nodded, "Yes! Who told my father to be General Feng? If he doesn't do this, who will!" But at this juncture, the emperor sent her father to maintain the safety of the hunting ground. If something happened to the security around the hunting ground, her father was the first to be unlucky, followed by her entire Feng family and people related to the Feng family.

"In previous years, the security matters around the royal hunting grounds were not all handled by the Imperial Forest Army? Why did it fall to Uncle Feng this year?" Although Su Wanyan is a woman raised in a boudoir, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand Chu Jing. matter.

"...The royal family is ruthless!" Yun Qing, who had been silent all this time, replied lightly.

Su Wanyan's face also sank, "If something happens to the security around the autumn hunt this time, I'm afraid it will be our Su family's turn next." Then came the Wang family and Li Wangfu.

I'm afraid that the emperor has confirmed one thing now, Feng's family, Su's family, Wang's family and Li Wang's mansion are already grasshoppers on the same rope.Now I can't wait to get rid of it and then quickly.

Because of Su Wanyan's words, the room fell silent.

After a while, Yun Qing smiled slightly, "Sister Feng, don't worry too much. Since General Feng has accepted this task, he will definitely take care of the safety around the hunting grounds. I mean, this is the royal hunting ground. Who dares to break in at the risk of beheading. As for the others, General Feng's ability will definitely handle it."

Yun Qing believed that, being able to carry the name of a great general under the eyes of the emperor without being suppressed in court, but silently standing in front of his great general all the time, this General Feng was not just a reckless man.What's more, Yun Qing wouldn't believe that Feng Qingluan was lawless in Chujing and dared to beat the princess only because of her second cousin.More or less General Feng still played a big role in this.This General Feng came from my grandfather's subordinates.The people under my grandfather's command are not warriors who know how to fight.

"Sister Qing also makes sense. We still have to worry about how to deal with tonight's palace banquet." Su Wanyan took the words.

Speaking of tonight's palace banquet, Feng Qingluan was in a bad mood.Lying on the window with a bit of annoyance, he frowned and said, "I really don't want to participate in this kind of palace banquet!"

"Okay, it's getting late. I've seen the Empress Dowager's Luanjia, so let's go back and prepare for tonight's palace banquet." Su Wanyan stepped forward to pat Feng Qingluan, and said with a smile: "Isn't there still Shall I accompany you with sister Qing? What are you worried about?"

"That's true. It's just a palace banquet, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Feng Qingluan puffed her cheeks and said.

This action made Su Wanyan and Yun Qing amused.

"It's getting late, let's go back." Yun Qing said calmly.

The other two also nodded.

Yun Qing saw that it was getting farther and farther away, and a cold smile flashed across the faces of the team that disappeared at the entrance of the imperial city, "..." Since the emperor wants to hunt in autumn, how can she not give it up if he has given him such a good opportunity? What about a big gift?


Nangong Mansion.

Just as Yun Qing came back from Yingfeng Tower, Chu Limo came over the wall.

"I saw him."

What Chu Limo said about him was the current Fifth Prince Chu Che.

"Yeah. See you."

Yun Qing nodded, not intending to hide anything.Chu Limo also knew why she was going to Yingfeng Tower.

Chu Limo was silent, his face was a little cold.

"Angry?" Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, seeing that he was silent, Yun Qing said again: "Don't tell me that you are jealous in this way. And you are still jealous of a person who has a deep hatred. "

"It's just that I don't like Qingqing seeing him, and I don't like letting him see Qingqing." Chu Limo said.

Originally, he could go with Qingqing, but he still didn't go.But when Qingqing saw him, he felt more or less uncomfortable.Even if he clearly knew that Qingqing no longer had that person in his heart.

"I don't want to see him either, but it's inevitable that we will meet at the palace banquet tonight." After a pause, Yun Qing recalled what he said in Yingfeng Tower and said, "Will you go to Autumn Hunting in three days' time?"

"I don't want to go." Chu Limo was a little childish.

Yun Qing said coldly: "But I want to give this His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince a big gift... a big gift that he will never forget in his life."

"Just let me do this kind of thing. Qingqing just stay by my side with peace of mind." Chu Limo stepped forward to hug Yunqing and said softly: "I will give him a big gift, let him Unforgettable."

"En." Yun Qing leaned against Chu Limo's arms and responded softly.She whispered: "Then tonight's palace banquet, what should I wear?"

"Just like me."

(End of this chapter)

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