The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 735 037. The Nine Emperor Uncles who Arrived Lately!

Chapter 735 037. The Nine Emperor Uncles who Arrived Lately!

Chu Jing.royal palace.

The Queen Mother has been exhausted all the way, and now she has returned to Shouning Palace to rest.

Chu Che stood respectfully in the hall, called Father and Queen, and then remained silent.Sitting on the high seat is his aloof father.

There was silence in the hall for a long time, and Emperor Chu, who was sitting high, hummed in response.

"Now that you have returned to Beijing, you will forget your previous identity. From now on, you are my fifth prince, and your current identity is Chu Che, the fifth prince. In the future, you must always keep your identity in mind. Don't forget Your own identity." Emperor Chu looked at Chu Che below and said in a deep voice: "I can let you go back to Beijing, and I can also let you go back to Wanfo Temple. When Qiu Lie comes back, I will canonize you as the crown prince. At that time You are the prince of Da Chu, I hope you can remember one thing, this world belongs to me, it belongs to our Chu family."

For this son who once wanted to rebel, Emperor Chu was angry and hated.But what's even more helpless is that he doesn't have many heirs, and the only one who can take on the big responsibility is the one in front of him.However, his behavior once made him, as the emperor, have to guard against it.

"Yes. My son always remembers the teachings of the emperor." Chu Che, who was standing below, replied cautiously.Hidden under the eyes is a vicious hatred.Now that he has returned to Beijing, he still has to act cautiously.

"Okay. You go to Fengning Palace to see your mother first. Later, go to the palace banquet." Emperor Chu waved his hand and said in a deep voice.This empress refers to the current empress empress.

"Yes. My son will leave." Chu Che cupped his hands and stepped back respectfully.


Fengning Palace.

"My son pays homage to his mother."

"Get up." The queen looked at Chu Che in front of her and smiled lovingly.It was as if the person in front of him was his own child.And the queen seems to have come out of the grief of losing her prince.

"Thank you, Queen Mother." Chu Che stood up.

"Come, sit next to the queen mother." The queen waved to Chu Che.

Chu Che walked gently to this so-called queen mother and sat down.A flash of hatred flashed under his eyes, his current appearance had something to do with the old woman in front of him.It was she who killed her mother and concubine.It was her who made his mother and concubine die in the cold cold palace.

The queen looked at Chu Che and said lovingly, "It's been so hard for you to be by the queen mother's side all these years."

"It's not hard. It's a blessing to be able to serve by the Queen Mother's side."

The queen smiled, "Good boy. Now that you are able to return to Beijing, it can be regarded as the blessing of the queen mother and her elders."

"Yes. My son understands."

He will never forget how the Queen Mother treated him in Wanfo Temple.He will definitely avenge this revenge in the future.

"Che'er, you have to remember one more thing. From now on, you are no longer an ordinary citizen. You are a child of this palace. You are the most honorable person in the world and the future emperor. You will have a mother and queen in the future. There is the Li family."

"Yes." Chu Che replied from the side.


If they didn't know that these two people had nothing to do with each other, the happy and harmonious appearance in this scene would really make people think that they were really mother and child who had disappeared for many years.

However, if the queen knew who the person in front of her was calling her queen mother, would she still be able to smile so lovingly?
So: people in the royal family are really hypocritical.For a person who has just met, he offers a fake smile.

"Your Majesty, the palace banquet is about to begin." At this time, the maid of Fengning Palace came to report.

"Che'er, together with the queen mother." The queen looked at Chu Che.

Chu Che stood up and said respectfully, "Yes."

The palace banquet is set in the Hall of Eternal Life.At this time, the people attending the palace banquet had already arrived.It's just that before the palace banquet started, the ministers were chatting in the Hall of Eternal Life, and the ladies were arranged to wait in the side hall of the Hall of Eternal Life.

Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan, who had come to the palace banquet early, were really bored staying inside.Taking advantage of no one's attention, the two left the Hall of Eternal Life and came to the Royal Garden not far from the Hall of Eternal Life to breathe.

"Why hasn't Sister Qing come at this hour." Feng Qingluan looked at the flowers in the imperial garden with some boredom.

"Sister Qing should come with His Royal Highness Prince Li."

"Sister Su, I should have known that we should come with Sister Qing. It's too early now, but I'm suffocated." Feng Qingluan complained.A flower that was picked in his hand had already been destroyed by Feng Qingluan.

"..." Su Wanyan just smiled.She knew Feng Qingluan's temperament.Asking her to wait quietly for the arrival of the palace banquet is really embarrassing for her.

"Hey, when will this palace banquet start!" Feng Qingluan said: "I really want to start and end sooner."

"Just wait patiently. It will start right away. Let's hurry back too." Seeing that it had been a long time since the palace banquet was about to start, Su Wanyan also stepped forward and pulled Feng Qingluan and the two of them away with a smile on their faces.

However, when the two left, no one was watching them leave.

"Queen, who were these two ladies just now?" Chu Che asked, staring at the direction Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan left.

How could he not know who these two people were, but he always had to pretend in front of the queen.

"The lady in blue is Su Wanyan, the daughter of Su Shaoyue, Minister of Rites. The lady in red is Feng Qingluan, the daughter of General Feng." The queen said, "Che'er is also eighteen, and she is also around. That person is serving."

The queen did not mention at all that Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan were married.Come to think of it, at that glance just now, the queen also took the idea of ​​these two people.One is the only prostitute daughter of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and the other is the daughter of a general who holds the military force in his hand.If you marry the two of them, you are marrying the family behind them.

Chu Che had just returned to Beijing, and without any power in his hands, he could not secure the position of prince.Now Chu Che is her son, representing the glory of her Li family.

"It's all up to the queen mother." Chu Che's eyes flashed as he watched Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan leave.


At this moment, Yun Qing, who was complained by Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan for not coming to the palace banquet for a long time, was carefully choosing what clothes to wear with Chu Limo.

Because the two disagreed, the clothes were not chosen for a long time.

But to put it bluntly, the two of them were just delaying time on purpose.In fact, the clothes they are going to wear have already been selected.

Finally, after more than an hour of dawdling, the two finally chose the same style of white clothes.Obviously it would be inappropriate to wear white clothes on an occasion like tonight, but the two chose white clothes anyway.And it's still the plain white clothes without a trace of pattern.There is no other color to be found on the whole dress.

By the time they set off for the palace, the palace banquet had already begun.

The Imperial Palace, the Hall of Longevity.

The emperor's gloomy eyes glanced at the two empty seats next to his head.There was a rage burning in my heart.

His ninth brother, he did it on purpose.

The other ministers also looked at the empty seat, but they didn't dare to say anything more.After all, His Royal Highness Li Wang's temperament is really weird.It is normal not to come to the palace banquet.

The palace banquet is going on, like tonight's palace banquet is to let the ministers know that Da Chu still has a fifth prince, and he will be crowned prince in the near future.So, apart from the emperor, Chu Che is the protagonist tonight.

The palace banquet is already halfway through, and the palace banquet tonight is about to end.But the cold and noble Prince Li and Princess Li have not come yet.

Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan, who were sitting among the female relatives at the back, also looked outside the hall from time to time.At this time, the two did not dare to sneak out.I can only think silently in my heart, at this time, it is best for sister Qing not to come to the palace banquet.If sister Qing came in the middle of the palace banquet, it would really be...

I don't know if God heard the prayers in the hearts of these two people.The two were still praying silently in their hearts, only to see the pair of Bi people walking towards the main hall holding hands.

Then, the whole hall suddenly fell silent.Everyone looked in the direction outside the hall.

Not to mention those young ladies, they already had nympho and admiring eyes when they saw this god-like man.They have long forgotten that they still despise this god-like man as a sick person, and they sympathized with and loathed him back then.Now, I can't wait to marry this noble and cold man.Even if it is to be a concubine, they are willing.

Under everyone's gaze, the two walked over slowly, but they walked very slowly, very slowly.It's like walking out of a landscape painting.

"I think there should be warm applause here." Yun Qing looked at the man beside her and smiled sweetly.

"Qingqing like this?"

"It's not that I like it, but..." Yun Qing paused for a moment, "Look at these women, seeing you drooling one by one, I wish I could wipe you clean. Shouldn't this be some excitement Applause... to celebrate?"

"I can understand that Qingqing is jealous?" Chu Limo smiled softly.He didn't care that there were other people in the hall.

His smile melted the hearts of all the women present.

"Yeah. I'm jealous." Yun Qing nodded, "I'm done with this bowl of vinegar!"

The corner of Chu Limo's mouth slightly tugged, what do you mean her bowl of vinegar is dry!
Everyone's eyes were fixed on these two people, but no one noticed that Emperor Chu who was sitting on the high seat had a gloomy expression on his face.Especially when Emperor Chu saw Chu Limo and Yun Qing's white clothes that couldn't be seen in white.

As for Chu Che, when he saw Yun Qing appearing, an inexplicable throbbing and a coldness of prey flashed in his eyes.He felt a little uncomfortable watching her feel so intimate with another man.It's as if my most precious thing has been snatched away by someone else.

But at this moment, Chu Limo swept his eyes lightly and glanced at Chu Che.His eyes were full of cold warning.

Chu Che's body trembled a little when Chu Limo just looked at him lightly.

He just looked at the woman next to him one more time, but his eyes seemed to kill people.If eyes could kill, Chu Che had no doubt that he would have died under the eyes of this Nine Emperor Uncle just now.

This was the first time he saw the legendary Nine Emperor Uncle so closely.

At the first glance, he understood why his father wanted to use him to deal with this Nine Emperor Uncle.

His Nine Emperor Uncle has the innate noble temperament of an emperor, and when he stops there, he has a sense of innocence that cannot be desecrated.It only takes a slight look in the eyes to make people feel scared.

Chu Che finally understood why this Uncle Nine Emperors had been ill for so many years.His royal father would still be so afraid of him, it should even be said that he was afraid of him!His father was afraid of this Nine Emperor Uncle!

Because he was afraid of him, his father let him come back from Wanfo Temple.

Or maybe his father had expected such a day, so he didn't kill him at the beginning, but spared his life.In order to use him to deal with this Nine Emperor Uncle today.

(End of this chapter)

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