The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 736 038. Sprinkle everyone with a big bowl of dog food!

Chapter 736 038. Sprinkle everyone with a big bowl of dog food!

"Brother Emperor." Chu Limo took Yun Qing's hand and slowly walked towards Emperor Chu, shouted lightly, and there was no more to say.

"I have met the emperor." Yun Qing also said hello lightly.Because of Chu Limo's face, the emperor didn't add any more blame.It's just that the face is really ugly.

But Yun Qing's sound immediately caused everyone to explode.Everyone was discussing: Didn't she burn to death in the fire last year?How would it appear here?Is she a ghost?


Behind, there was a large group of voices discussing whether Yun Qing was dead or not.

"Ninth Brother and Princess Qingning are here. Take your seats quickly. Everyone is waiting for you." Emperor Chu waved his hand and let out a deep laugh.

It's just that the meaning in those words is to blame Chu Limo and Yun Qing for being late.

Chu Limo was also polite, took Yun Qing's hand and walked towards their seats.

The palace banquet continued, but because of the arrival of Chu Limo and Yun Qing.The protagonist of this palace banquet suddenly changed.

After sitting down, Chu Limo replied calmly to what Emperor Chu said just now, "I heard that Brother Huang is blaming me and Qingqing for being late." As soon as these words came out, a needle fell from the hall in silence Sounds can be heard.Emperor Chu looked at Chu Limo strangely, and was about to speak, but Chu Limo took over the words, "My king and Qingqing attach great importance to tonight's palace banquet. So, I went to Chujing's Lanyue Pavilion, I was delayed in Lanyue Pavilion for some time, so I am late. Brother Huang will not be so stingy to blame. If this is the case, the king should not come to attend the next palace banquet .”

So, the clothes you spent so much time getting ready to wear to the palace banquet are all white on you?

Emperor Chu had a sullen face, but his ninth younger brother has always been like this.He had already explained it all, if he really wanted to blame him at this time, it would seem that he was preoccupied.

Yun Qing suppressed a smile listening to Chu Limo's words.He said this on purpose, is this trying to piss off the emperor?Also, when did they go to Lanyue Pavilion, they just picked up a white dress and put it on.

However, if the emperor is really pissed off, then there will be a good show.

But the emperor quickly recovered his face, looked at Chu Limo and said with a smile: "What did the ninth brother say? The ninth brother has not gone out these years, nor participated in any palace banquet. This is the first time to participate in a grand palace banquet. It’s bound to take a lot of thought and preparation.”

That means, you have put a lot of thought into it, and the clothes you wear are also nondescript, without any royal bearing.To be strict.Your attire is a reckless attire.Even if you are given a noble status, you still cannot control this noble status.

The meaning of what Emperor Chu said was to imply that Chu Limo was not qualified to ascend to the highest position at all.

How could Chu Limo not understand the overtones in Emperor Chu's words.

"Yeah! I have to say that the clothes of Lanyue Pavilion are really good. But I heard that the clothes of Lanyue Pavilion can be worn by people with status and money? But if you can wear the clothes of Lanyue Pavilion, then But it's a symbol of status. When did Lanyue Pavilion become a symbol of Chu Jing's status." Chu Limo faintly uttered such a confusing sentence.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, she said, why is this guy messing with Lanyue Pavilion when he has nothing to do.It turned out that they were advertising Lanyue Pavilion for free!
Then, after the palace banquet, all the ladies in Beijing went to Lanyue Pavilion to ask Chu Limo to wear the white clothes. For a long time, white clothes were everywhere in Chujing, but the business of Lanyue Pavilion It's hot.However, that's another story.

As soon as Chu Limo finished speaking, Emperor Chu's face turned green.

The boss behind Lanyue Pavilion is Chu Limo, but Chu Limo does not do business with Emperor Chu.Like other concubines in the palace, Lanyue Pavilion would accept the business of the princess, but the Emperor Chu, the Empress Dowager and others stayed out of Lanyue Pavilion.

Therefore, Chu Limo's slap in the face hit Emperor Chu hard enough!
Not only did he slap Emperor Chu in the face, he also made an advertisement for Lanyue Pavilion for free.

Yun Qing now knows why Chu Limo has such a good business mind and why he is so rich.Why does business spread all over the country?

The atmosphere was a little dull for a while.Emperor Chu's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker anymore, as embarrassing as if he had vomited a fly.The ministers sitting in the hall also lowered their heads to enjoy the food in front of them.No one dared to bump into it at this time.At this time, it is still important to save your life.

Seeing Emperor Chu slumped, Chu Limo seemed to be in a good mood.

"Qingqing, eat vegetables."

Amidst the envy and hatred of all the nympho women, Yun Qing took the food that Chu Limo personally fed.Yun Qing could now imagine that the woman in the hall wanted to tear her apart.Then imagine being fed by Chu Limo with his own hands.

If eyes can kill people, Yun Qing has already been overwhelmed by countless eyes.

Yun Qing could still hear the murmurs of a group of women in low voices.

A certain woman said: "It's just that she has the face of a vixen. She is proud of it. If she didn't have that face, she would be nothing special."

A certain woman also said angrily: "It's really shameless to seduce His Highness Li Wang in public."


Yun Qing pursed her lips and smiled.She still doesn't know that she has the face of a vixen, and she still seduces the man in front of her.However, does the man in front of him need her to seduce him?
"What's wrong with Qingqing?" Seeing Yun Qing's strange smile, Chu Limo couldn't help being curious.As for those voices, Yun Qing could hear them, and Chu Limo naturally heard them clearly.

"It's not your face that both people and gods are angry with." Yun Qing curled her lips, "It's too Nima's tricks. If you say I'm jealous, I won't die from this big altar of acetic acid."

"So. Is Qingqing jealous?" Chu Limo smiled.It seems that it is still difficult to see clearly how jealous he is.

"No." Yun Qing answered very simply.

For these women's jealousy, Yun Qing was lazy to eat it.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo's tone was somewhat resentful.

But in the eyes of some women, Yun Qing became the culprit even more.Those scolding voices from behind are still in an endless stream.They think they are smart, and they can't hear them when they speak so softly.However, people like Chu Limo with profound inner power and Yun Qing with spiritual power, their words are whispered, and none of them can be heard clearly.

"Li Mo, someone is calling me a vixen for seducing you shamelessly." Yun Qing said, "Then I am a vixen for seducing you shamelessly?"

It's fine for those women to say a word or two, but they keep calling her a vixen and seducing people.Even though she has a good temper, she doesn't have that kind of patience.What's more, she has always had a bad temper, and she has always been vengeful.

"I shamelessly seduced you."

Then the corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched.Before Yun Qing could say the following words, Chu Limo got up.And he still walked towards the seats of the two young ladies who just called her a vixen and called her shameless and seductive.

Chu Limo got up suddenly, but it caused a sensation.

Everyone didn't understand what this master was going to do when he got up suddenly.She could only stare blankly at his movements.

Emperor Chu, who was sitting high, also looked at the ninth younger brother who got up suddenly, not understanding what the hell he was going to do.But Emperor Chu did not stop Chu Limo's movement, but squinted his deep eyes and just looked at him like this.

Yun Qing watched Chu Limo walk over and frowned. Could this guy want to hit a woman at the palace banquet?

Although Chu Limo has no precedent for not hitting women.However, that doesn't mean he won't hit women.

At this moment, Chu Limo stopped in front of the two ladies who scolded Yun Qing so much just now.

Then, the main hall was still for a while.

The two young ladies who were scolding Yun Qing just now were so excited that they spoke.At this moment, Chu Limo was standing in front of them, and they couldn't say a word.But the shyness on their faces betrayed their current mood.

The people in the hall also watched Chu Limo's actions, wondering why he stood in front of the two young ladies.A group of people began to make up pictures in their brains: Could it be that His Royal Highness Li Wang has taken a fancy to the two of them.I want to marry them both as concubines.

Then, the whole hall began to jump for joy.

But Yun Qing was the only one worried there, this guy wouldn't really want to hit a woman, would he?

"What did you two just say? Now, say it again, say it out loud." Chu Limo opened his lips and said coldly.



The two young ladies were still fantasizing about a happy life just now, but they were instantly extinguished by these cold words.Now, all that is left to them is endless fear.It seems that as long as they don't say anything, maybe there is a wrong word in what they said just now, they will immediately kill the man in front of them.

"Say it." Chu Limo cherished words like gold.His tone was as cold as ice for a thousand years.

For a moment, everyone in the hall looked at the two terrified ladies again.They just said something to offend this master.

"Ninth Brother. I don't know what to say to these two young ladies? They are just two little girls. Ninth Brother, don't bother with them." The Emperor Chu, who was sitting in a high position, said displeased.His ninth brother completely ignored his existence.

"What do you mean by what the emperor said, does the emperor want to protect them?" Chu Limo said in a cold voice, "I made a mistake, because they are young and don't care about it. Does it mean that we can kill people and set fires at will? .Brother Emperor, the Son of Heaven commits the same crime as the common people when he breaks the law."

Chu Limo's words were a pun, referring to the matter of Chu Che.

Chu Che, who was at the side, couldn't help but get nervous when he heard Chu Limo say that the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people.

Because of Chu Limo's words, those people in the hall looked at the two young ladies in a strange way.They all discussed what it was that made His Royal Highness Li Wang so furious.

Chu Limo glanced at the two ladies again with his cold eyes.

"I... I don't know what to say." The lady who just scolded Yunqing as a vixen said in a low voice.

"I... I don't know what to say." Another person also took up the conversation.Then panicked with fear.

"I don't know. Very good!" Chu Limo glanced coldly at the person next to the two ladies, "Master Liu teaches women well, this king really opened his eyes."

Master Liu, whose name was mentioned by Chu Limo, got up quickly, and said in horror: "My lord, please forgive me. I don't know what mistakes the two young girls have made to anger the lord." The two ladies who scolded Yun Qing were just She is Master Liu's daughter.

"Master Liu should ask himself." Chu Limo snorted coldly.

"You two, you haven't taken it seriously. Hurry up and make amends to the prince." Seeing that the emperor had just opened his mouth, he no longer cared about His Royal Highness Li's behavior.Master Liu angrily scolded his two daughters who did not live up to expectations.After offending His Royal Highness Li Wang, there will be no good fruit for him in the future, even if he is in this position, he still doesn't know if he can keep it.

After being scolded like this, the two young ladies had already turned pale with fright.

"I know I was wrong. Please forgive me, my lord."

"I also know I was wrong, please forgive me, my lord."

"...My lord." Master Liu also begged for mercy.

At this time, Chu Limo didn't even look at the two young ladies, but walked towards Yunqing.Holding Yun Qing's hand, he got up and walked towards Master Liu and the two Miss Liu next time.Yun Qing didn't refuse either, and let Chu Limo pull her. She also wanted to see what Chu Limo was going to do?

"This king doesn't have that much patience, repeat what you just said."

At this moment, when they saw Yun Qing, there was something that the two Miss Liu didn't understand.What they said just now was heard by His Royal Highness Li Wang.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak ill of you behind your back. I shouldn't call you a vixen, I know I was wrong, please, forgive me. I know I was wrong." The other one also began to cry: "I also know I was wrong Now, I shouldn't have scolded you behind my back, I shouldn't have said that you shamelessly seduced His Royal Highness Li Wang. I know I was wrong, please forgive me. I know I was wrong. "

Yun Qing just looked at the two of them apologizing indifferently, without any wavering in his eyes.

However, as soon as the words of these two people came out, the hall immediately pointed their fingers.Looking at the two Miss Liu's eyes was also full of disdain.

Not to mention Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan who were good friends with Yunqing, and Wang Zixuan who sat aside and didn't speak.They clenched their fists tightly after hearing these ugly words from them. If Su Wanyan hadn't pulled Feng Qingluan, Feng Qingluan would probably rush up and slap each of these two Miss Liu.

"Your Majesty." Wang Zixuan suddenly saluted the emperor, "My cousin is insulted by this, and I ask the emperor to give her justice." After finishing speaking, Wang Zixuan looked at the two sisters of the Liu family, "My Wang family will never do this. give up."

Master Liu's heart sank suddenly.It's over!
Originally, Yun Qing had a somewhat indifferent face, but after hearing Wang Zixuan's words, he couldn't help feeling warm.This is the family, no matter when and where, no one will allow others to insult her.

"Please pay the emperor back... Princess Qingning is fair." After Wang Zixuan came out, Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan also stood up and saluted the emperor.

What was supposed to be a good palace banquet became a matter of seeking justice for Princess Qingning in no time.

Emperor Chu glanced at Chu Limo and Yun Qing in the main hall with a sullen face, then swept Wang Zixuan and the others, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Liu has lost her virtue, she insulted Princess Qingning with [-] slaps. Master Liu teaches daughter If there is no way, you will be demoted to one level, and you will be fined for half a year."

"Thank you, Lord Ron." Master Liu said in a deep voice.

Just because his daughter offended someone who shouldn't be offended, not only was he demoted to one level, he was also fined for half a year.I'm afraid that the road to official career will be over in the future.

As for the two Miss Liu, they were dumbfounded after hearing such punishment.Starting today, they are really finished.

Soon, someone came and wanted to take the two Miss Liu down and give them fifty punishments.

Chu Limo looked at these two people who dared to insult Qingqing, his eyes were cold.His innocence would never allow anyone to insult him even the slightest bit.

"Slow!" Chu Limo said quietly.The people who came to take the two Miss Liu to execute also stopped.

At this moment, Chu Limo held Yun Qing's face and kissed it.

Then... everyone was shocked.

After the kiss, Chu Limo gave the two Miss Liu a disgusted look, and the voice was not loud, but enough for the whole hall to hear clearly, "You can see clearly. It is the king who is shameless." Seduced Qingqing. This king is willing to be that fox to seduce Qingqing. From now on, when this king hears who insults this king's Qingqing, you are ready to be dead."

When Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan heard this sentence, their first reaction was to burst out laughing.Because, just now His Royal Highness Li Wang actually said that he was shameless.After laughing, the two quickly covered their mouths.

Then, the hall was quiet and there was no sound.

The only thing that still lingers in my ears is Chu Limo's sentence: This king shamelessly seduced Qingqing!
One second, two seconds passed.Yun Qing also looked at the man in front of her in a daze. What did she hear just now?
When Yun Qing realized it, she realized that she was really moved by Chu Limo's sudden and inexplicable confession.

After a while, Chu Limo said coldly again: "From now on, don't let me see them appearing in Chujing."

In a word, the future of these two Miss Liu has been decided.

It was later said that the two Miss Lius were crazy.But that's another story.

The people in the hall just looked at this aloof and noble man, and all of them thought for a while that they must instruct their daughters and sons not to offend this lord, let alone the future King Li princess.

(End of this chapter)

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