The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 737 039. They are unhappy, but I am happy!

Chapter 737 039. They are unhappy, but I am happy!

After dealing with Ms. Liu's matter, Chu Limo was in a good mood and led Yun Qing back to the seat.It seemed as if what happened just now had never happened, and the palace banquet was still going on.

Chu Limo's performance just now made Yunqing's eldest cousin Wang Zixuan very satisfied.The matter of the Liu family insulting their cousin came to an end.

The palace banquet was still going on, but everyone's thoughts had already drifted to His Highness Li Wang.

Although His Highness Li Wang's appearance was very cold, it was intimidatingly cold, but it did not prevent the women in the hall from committing nympho.At this moment, there are a large group of women who have made up their minds. A man as good as His Highness Li Wang must marry.

This palace banquet was originally set up for him, but now it was snatched away by a belated King Li.Don't mention how embarrassing Chu Che is now.

But he also knew that at this moment he didn't have any strength to fight against this Nine Emperor Uncle.For what he wants, everything now, he can only endure.

However, there is one thing that he also wants to confirm is true or false. His Uncle Nine Emperors indeed has a sickly body. Even the master of Lingyin Temple asserted that he would not live to be 21 years old.But it happened that when he was about to pass his 21st birthday, it was reported that his illness had recovered.

He has been sick for 20 years, how could his sick body recover in a short period of time.Chu Che obviously didn't believe it.

Chu Che poured a glass of wine, got up and walked towards Chu Limo and Yun Qing's seats with a gentle face.

"When I was in Wanfo Temple, I kept hearing that the Empress Dowager often mentioned Uncle Nine Emperors. Over the years, the Empress Dowager and her elders have always cared about Uncle Nine Emperors' health, and prayed to the Bodhisattva every day to bless Uncle Nine Emperors to get better soon. Seeing that Uncle Jiuhuang is in good health now, the Empress Dowager is also happy and relieved. My nephew is here to offer a toast to Uncle Jiuhuang. I wish Uncle Jiuhuang good health." Chu Che said gently.

It's just that the inner and outer meanings of these words are all about Chu Limo's poor health, how much the Queen Mother cares about him, and how he is doing well now is all because the Queen Mother's sincerity touched the Bodhisattva.Bodhisattva bless, Chu Limo's health is good.It sounds like there's nothing wrong with that.It seems that the fifth prince is really caring about his uncle Ninth Emperor, but not everyone is a fool.The fifth prince deliberately said such a thing, which was clearly provocative.

It's just that these provocative words are more technical, and people can't find any mistakes.

As long as those present were from the previous emperor's reign, no one would know that His Royal Highness Li Wang and the present Empress Dowager are deeply enmity.It's just that His Royal Highness Li Wang has been recuperating in his mansion all these years, and the Queen Mother is far away in Wanfo Temple.It's just that they didn't tear their skins.

For a moment, everyone in the hall looked at the Fifth Prince who was toasting His Royal Highness King Li.Even Emperor Chu, who was sitting on the high seat, and the queen, who had been silent beside Emperor Chu, looked at Chu Limo.Especially the Queen, since Chu Limo entered the Hall of Eternal Life, her eyes full of hatred have never moved away from Chu Limo's body.The queen thought that Chu Limo hadn't noticed.From the moment she entered the hall, Chu Limo could see her every move clearly, but Chu Limo didn't bother to look at the queen.He didn't pay attention to the hatred in her eyes at all.

Everyone knows that His Royal Highness Li Wang is cold and eccentric, even the emperor sometimes doesn't pay attention to him.Now the Fifth Prince is making a toast to His Royal Highness Li Wang.Will His Royal Highness Li Wang drink this glass of wine?

Yun Qing was also a little curious, she also wanted to see if the man beside her would drink the wine that Chu Che offered.But based on her understanding of Chu Limo, this man doesn't care about anyone.After knowing that their child was killed by this person in the previous life, Chu Limo will not give him any face towards Chu Che.

Chu Limo glanced at Chu Che with indifferent eyes, and said softly on his thin lips, "You are Chu Che? The illegitimate son of the emperor's brother!"

In a word, you are Chu Che?You are the illegitimate son of the emperor's brother living abroad.Suddenly the whole hall seemed to be frozen.It is estimated that Li Wang is the only one who dares to say that Chu Che is an illegitimate child.

The emperor suddenly announced that there was a prince who was living among the people, and he also justified the name of the fifth prince as the son of the empress.However, everyone knows that the empress only gave birth to two children, the eldest prince and the princess.Even if Chu Che returned to the capital, he would not be able to change the fact that he was an illegitimate child without status.This identity will be with him for the rest of his life.

The wine glass that Chu Che held was still up in the air, because of Chu Limo's words.His face suddenly turned blue and white.

Yun Qing wanted to laugh, but held back again.It was the first time she discovered that Chu Limo liked to slap other people's faces so much.

"Ninth brother!" Emperor Chu's face was also a little unsightly, and his tone was a little dark.

"Why, is this king wrong?" Chu Limo raised his eyebrows, and looked at Chu Che indifferently, "Isn't this the illegitimate son of the imperial brother?"

"Ninth brother. Che'er is the direct son born to me and the empress." Emperor Chu said in a deep voice.His complexion was very bad, and there was a coldness hidden under those dark eyes.If he, the ninth younger brother, is allowed to sit at this time, Chu Che's status as an illegitimate child will be confirmed.Not only did he, the emperor, lose his face.It is not so easy to canonize Chu Che as the prince.Since the founding of Great Chu, there has never been a precedent for an illegitimate son to be the crown prince.

"Really?" Chu Limo laughed, "Although this king has not been out of the palace for many years, I also know one thing. The emperor's sister-in-law only gave birth to the eldest son Chu Feize and the princess Chu Junyang for the emperor's brother. When did my sister-in-law give birth to the fifth prince Chu Che? Could it be that the sister-in-law put a green hat on the emperor's brother. If this is the case, this king really admires the mind of the emperor." At the end, Chu Limo's eyes Looking at the empress who was sitting beside Emperor Chu, her tone was also full of endless sarcasm.

When the queen heard Chu Limo insulting herself so much, her whole face was distorted.

However, as soon as Chu Limo said this, he couldn't be so quiet in the quiet hall that he almost lost his breath.

The ministers were so frightened that they hurriedly wiped off their sweat.What is this called!
They really wanted to cover their ears, they didn't hear anything, they didn't see anything.

Not to mention the Emperor Chu who already wanted to kill someone.Chu Limo's words were a naked humiliation.

"Ninth brother, I have never offended you. What do you mean by saying these things to slander me?" The queen gritted her teeth and looked at Chu Limo bitterly.

"Slander." Chu Limo sneered, "How dare this king slander the emperor's wife. Didn't the emperor just say that Chu Che is your son?" Chu Limo deliberately bit the 'sheng' son. superior.That means, if you admit that Chu Che was really born by you, then you have put a green hat on your husband.Otherwise, how could your husband have thrown the child born in October of your hard pregnancy to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, and let him live among the people for 18 years.

Chu Limo's words, the queen suddenly found herself powerless to refute.If she refuted it, wouldn't she admit that she gave the emperor a green hat?Apart from staring at Chu Limo bitterly, the queen couldn't say anything at the moment.

The queen didn't open her mouth to refute, but she indirectly admitted one thing, that Chu Che was just the emperor's illegitimate child.

"Royal brother, although Chu Che is the illegitimate son of the royal brother and is of the blood of the royal family, but the illegitimate child is an illegitimate child after all. If the royal brother feels that he owes the illegitimate son a prince to compensate, it is fine. But, the royal brother should not be left out in the cold." The other two princes. Anyway, King Qi and King Shou were born by the concubine of the emperor's brother. If King Qi and King Shou were not seen at such a big palace banquet, if everyone in the world knew about it. Maybe how to scold the emperor for being cold-blooded and ruthless " After finishing speaking, Chu Limo looked at the queen again, sneered and said: "Even though the emperor's sister-in-law has lost the eldest son of the emperor, she is inevitably sad. If you want to adopt a prince under your knees, you don't have to choose an illegitimate son. This is not suitable for the emperor. Sister-in-law, your mother honors the world. Compared with illegitimate children, aren't King Qi and King Shou more honorable?"

Chu Che was told by Chu Limo that he was an illegitimate child, and that he was unworthy.Viciousness flashed across his dark eyes.

He actually compared King Qi and King Shou with himself.What kind of thing is King Qi? His biological mother is nothing more than an unfavorable nobleman.And King Shou's biological mother was a lowly court lady.How can the two of them compare with him.

But now Chu Che has forgotten one thing.Compared with King Qi and King Shou, who are noblemen and court girls, his illegitimate son is the most unworthy.

Chu Limo fell behind, and the entire hall was silent.It's kind of scary to be quiet.Even Feng Qingluan, who has always been a little impatient, dared not do any small movements in the hall at this time, let alone make a sound.Not to mention some timid ladies.At this time, which one didn't shut up, wishing to leave this cold hall immediately.

"Chu, Li, Mo, don't think that I will tolerate you everywhere." Emperor Chu said in a deep voice.This was the first time that Emperor Chu called Chu Limo's name. It can be seen that Emperor Chu was really angry.Angrily, he wanted to kill this ninth brother who was against him.

"When did the emperor bear it again?" Chu Limo's tone also cooled down a bit, "The emperor is the master of the world, so how can he bear it?"

Emperor Chu's face was very embarrassed.Even if he knew that Chu Limo said these words tonight to provoke himself on purpose, he couldn't use this reason to do anything to him.

After a pause, Chu Limo said again: "Or, this king is wrong. Chu Che is not the illegitimate son of the emperor's brother outside? Chu Che is just a bastard born to the emperor's wife and other men. Because this king poked the emperor Brother’s sore spot, so Brother Huang became angry from embarrassment?”

Yun Qing also had to admire Chu Limo.In front of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, one mouthful of illegitimate children, and one mouthful of queens gave the emperor a green hat.This will change the emperors of several other countries. Hearing this, Chu Limo was dragged down and executed long ago.

However, this Emperor Chu did not do so.He was obviously very angry, but he held back the anger.

There is only one possibility that Emperor Chu can be so forbearing, and that is the Chu family army in Chu Limo's hands.Emperor Chu was afraid of the Chu family army in Chu Limo's hands.Before he got it, he would never dare to make a move against Chu Limo.

"Ninth Brother, there is no need to guess. Che'er is indeed not the legitimate son born to me and the empress. His mother is a woman whom I have betrayed many years ago. I owe them both mother and son. Although Che'er was not born to the empress, from today onwards , His mother's queen is the queen. From now on, if I hear anyone mentioning the matter of illegitimate children, I will never forgive you lightly." Emperor Chu said solemnly.

"Oh! In this way, he is not an illegitimate child." Chu Limo deliberately wanted to make Emperor Chu unhappy, so he sneered and said, "In this way, the emperor has failed that woman. Now I want to make up for it." But once you fail or do something wrong, you can’t just make up for it.” In the latter sentence, Chu Limo meant something even more.

How could Emperor Chu not understand the meaning of Chu Limo's words.Does he regret what happened back then?No, he doesn't regret it.Compared with the throne he wanted, what was a woman worth?What happened back then is repeating itself, and he will still do that.If he did it all over again, he would have personally killed the ninth brother instead of letting him survive.

It was a good palace banquet, because of Chu Limo's words, he had no intention of continuing.The ministers of civil and military affairs in the hall are also eager to end quickly.The palace banquet ended in a hasty manner.

But before leaving, Chu Limo gave Chu Che a meaningful look, and left a cold sentence, "Human, you have to recognize your identity. If you are an illegitimate child, you can enjoy the things that an illegitimate child brings to you." Everything.” Because you don’t have much time left.

Chu Che watched the cold figure leave, and the veins in his hands under his sleeves were already bulging.That face was already deep and ugly, and there was a sinister and ruthless intent under the eyes.Today's humiliation, he will return it to him!
"Did you do it on purpose?" After leaving the hall, Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and asked.

"... I'm happy to see them unhappy." Chu Limo said, "This is a little bit of unhappiness for them. Next, I will make them unhappy every day!"

"However, I think the emperor is still very afraid of you. You put such a big green hat on his head, but he can still hold back. It seems that the Chu family army in your hand is enough to make him afraid. " Yun Qing said, looked at Chu Limo, and asked softly: "How many troops do you have in your hands?"

"... Qingqing, you can guess."

Yun Qing curled her lips, "Childish. I don't want to guess."

Chu Limo was a little frustrated, and he was interested to know after seeing clearly.That's why I wanted to tease her, why did she lose interest all of a sudden?

How did Chu Limo know, Yun Qing didn't guess, it was because Chu Limo was able to hold military power that made Emperor Chu afraid, which meant that the Chu family army was not just a little bit.As for how much, she believed that one day she would know, and she would know soon, because she had such a premonition.

Yun Qing's premonition was not wrong. In the near future, when Yun Qing saw the Chu family army, he would be shocked.

 Power outage and network outage... Woohoo!
(End of this chapter)

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