The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 738 040. Don't forget who I am? !

Chapter 738 040. Don't forget who I am? !
The two had just left the Palace of Longevity, and when they walked to the Imperial Garden not far from the Palace of Longevity, they saw Wang Zixuan, Su Wanyan, and Feng Qingluan waiting there.

Thinking about it, they must have sweated for Chu Limo in the hall just now, right?
I was afraid that Emperor Chu would be furious at that time and execute him on the spot.

"Sister Qing, it was very dangerous just now. It really scared me to death."

Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan haven't recovered from the shock just now.Especially when seeing Chu Limo and Yun Qing walking over together, I can't help but think of Chu Limo's words in the hall.And the gloomy faces of the emperor and fifth prince Chu Che.

"..." Yun Qing smiled. To be honest, she didn't expect how rude Chu Limo would be.

"Zixuan seldom admires one person, His Highness is the first." Wang Zixuan looked at Chu Limo and said warmly.In the past, when he betrothed his cousin to him, he still felt that his cousin deserved better.But today, no matter from his protection of his cousin or everything he did in the hall, he has completely changed his view.In this world, the only man in front of him who could be worthy of his cousin was the one in front of him.

"My honor." Chu Limo laughed.

"Don't stand here anymore, let's get out of the palace." Yun Qing didn't like the palace at all.She really hates this place, not only because there are people she hates living here, but also the painful memories of her previous life are here.


Several people also nodded.

As soon as they left the imperial garden, they saw Aunt Cui, the maid in charge of Shouning Palace walking towards them.Since the queen mother entered the palace, this aunt Cui has been with the queen mother and spent decades of spring and autumn with her in this huge palace.

When Chu Limo saw this person, his eyes froze.

"My servant has met His Royal Highness Li. I have met Prime Minister Wang, and I have met all the ladies." She respectfully bowed to Chu Limo and the others, and the aunt in charge of the Queen Mother looked at the woman next to His Royal Highness after the salute, neither humble nor overbearing. , but her tone was a bit cold, and she said: "The Queen Mother heard that Princess Qingning has entered the palace, and she has been waiting for Princess Qingning in Shouning Palace for a long time."

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at the maid in charge beside the empress dowager.Indifferently said: "The queen mother wants to see me?"

The maid in charge beside the queen mother nodded.In front of His Royal Highness Li Wang, she was not sure if she could invite Princess Qingning over.After all, His Royal Highness Li Wang's temperament is really weird, he didn't take the Queen Mother seriously at all.If it is said that in the past 20 years, everyone in the queen mother's world here will be afraid of the queen mother's majesty, but now, the person in front of him doesn't take the queen mother seriously at all.It can even be said that the current situation has been reversed from that of 20 years ago.

The Empress Dowager left Beijing to go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple that year, so it can be said that it has a lot to do with this one in front of her.

"Go back and tell her that Qingqing has no time to see her now." Chu Limo's tone was very unkind, and he refused directly.

"...Here, His Royal Highness Prince Li."

Yun Qing pulled Chu Limo and gave him a suggestive look.When Chu Limo received Yun Qing's eyes, his face softened.

The first thing the Queen Mother wanted to do when she returned to Beijing was to see her, and she was quite curious.However, she happened to also want to meet this person from the Feng clan.She also wanted to see how powerful the Feng Xiaolan Su Wudao was talking about.

"Cousin, Sister Su, Sister Feng, you go out of the palace first." Yun Qing turned around and smiled at the few people, signaling them to rest assured.After finishing speaking, she watched the tone of the palace lady in charge calm down, "Let's lead the way."

The maid in charge frowned when she saw that King Li was going with her.The queen mother only said that she wanted to see Princess Qingning alone.But His Royal Highness Li also went, which is...

But if it was said at this time that the queen mother only saw Princess Qingning alone, King Li would definitely drag Princess Qingning out of the palace.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but nodded and replied: "Yes."

Although they didn't know why the Queen Mother wanted to see Yun Qing at this time, they were relieved to have Chu Limo by their side.Several people nodded and left the palace.And Yun Qing and Chu Limo went to the Queen Mother's Shouning Palace.

Shouning Palace.

The queen mother probably didn't expect to see Chu Limo appear here.When seeing Chu Limo appear, the queen mother gave the maid beside her a cold look, but she didn't have an attack because of the presence of Chu Limo and Yun Qing.

The queen mother looked at Chu Limo and Yun Qing in this way.But his eyes were more focused on Chu Limo.

Yun Qing could clearly feel the deep hatred in the Empress Dowager's eyes when she looked at Chu Limo.And Chu Limo's face was so indifferent that he couldn't be indifferent.There is also a deep hatred under the eyes.Compared with the queen mother, Chu Limo's hatred was not hidden at all.

While they were looking at each other, Yun Qing also glanced at the Queen Mother.The current queen mother is only a few years older than the current emperor.The well-maintained face of the fifties looks like it is only in the early 40s.If she is standing with the emperor, people will definitely mistake her for the emperor's concubine.

The empress dowager's eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to Feng Tianlan's, and the eyebrows and eyes are a little more fierce than Feng Tianlan's.According to Su Wudao, this martial artist is mediocre, but he is good at using poison.In the Feng clan, they are considered masters of poison use.

Back then, she was the one who secretly brought out the Heartless Gu from the Feng clan, and then put the Heartless Gu on the newly born Chu Limo.

"This king thought that the queen mother would die in Wanfo Temple and never return to Beijing."

"I haven't seen you die yet, how could the Ai family die." There was deep hatred in the queen mother's eyes.Seeing Chu Limo's face, she would think of that face that made her want to tear it apart.Reminds me of that bitch.

Sure enough, when enemies meet, they will tear each other up as soon as they meet.

"But let the queen mother down. For so many years... the queen mother has sent countless killers to kill the king, but the king is still alive and well. But the queen mother is not so lucky, right? These years, but tasted Life is worse than death." Chu Limo smiled coldly, looking coldly at the queen mother sitting on the imperial concubine chair.

Chu Limo's words made Yun Qing feel that there was a lot of information in it, and following Chu Limo's eyes, Yun Qing also looked at the Queen Mother seriously.Seeing this, Yun Qing was startled for a moment.

If she didn't guess wrong, the queen mother's legs are crippled?
Yun Qing has always been puzzled, Chu Limo clearly knew that it was the empress dowager and the emperor's unfeeling gu, why he tolerated the empress dowager living in Wanfo Temple for so many years.But now it seems that Chu Limo had crippled the queen mother's leg, making her life worse than death for more than ten years.

This revenge really fit Chu Limo's temperament.

"Chu Limo." The Queen Mother glared at him bitterly, "Do you think you won because you crippled Aijia's leg? Hehe, Aijia won in the end. Your mother died under the unfeeling Gu, And you, you can't escape. You will eventually be tortured to death by the poison of Heartless Gu. The one who wins in the end is Aijia."

What the queen mother said made Yun Qing startled.Wasn't Concubine Li killed by the late Emperor?How could the death of Concubine Li be related to Heartless Gu?

When mentioning the tragic death of his mother, Chu Limo's eyes suddenly sank.

His mother was personally imprisoned by the man he called his father, and he was also tortured for 20 years because of the unfeeling gu.In his life, all the pain came from the heartless Gu poison.

Chu Limo said fiercely: "Don't worry, Queen Mother, if I want to die, I will definitely drag be buried with me before that. The queen mother should understand that this king has that ability. So, now this king gave you the power to be alive." Opportunity."

Chu Limo's words are absolutely true.If he was going to die, he would definitely get rid of them first before he died.

"Hehe. Chu Limo, if you are capable, you will kill Aijia." The queen mother looked at Chu Limo ferociously and roared.

Ever since she went to Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, and since her leg was crippled, she realized one thing.This man is a devil from hell.Avenging devil from hell.

"Kill you!" Chu Limo sneered, "Killing you like this is too cheap for you. You can enjoy the...torture that this king bestows on you. This king promises that when you get to hell, you will also I will definitely remember it clearly.”

"Hell. Hehe, do you think the Ai family is afraid? The Ai family has never experienced anything. Chu Limo, so what if you tortured the Ai family, you are still going to die, you will be tortured to death by the unfeeling Gu. Your death will only be worse than Aijia is even worse."

"I'm really sorry. I'm going to disappoint the queen mother. The heartless poison has been cured." Yun Qing, who had been silent all this time, said slowly at this time.Yun Qing spoke very slowly.

"Impossible!" The Queen Mother shouted: "The Ruthless Gu poison is the most strange poison in the world. There is no antidote for the Ruthless Gu. How could he cure the poison on his body?"

"There is nothing impossible in this world."

"Who are you?" The queen mother looked at Yun Qing and asked coldly.

Yun Qing really wanted to laugh out loud, are you out of your mind?

It's not that you want to see this girl, but now you come to ask who this girl is?Could it be that after seeing Chu Limo, his head was stimulated so stupidly?
"Didn't the Queen Mother want to see this girl? Why, the Queen Mother has Alzheimer's disease, have you forgotten?" Yun Qing sarcastically said: "Since the Queen Mother has Alzheimer's disease, it's no wonder. My lady Let me introduce myself: Nangong Yunqing, the Princess Qingning you want to meet."

Chu Limo pampered Yun Qing's nose.How did he also find that Qingqing is so cute?
Although the queen mother has never heard such words, she also knows that this little girl is scolding herself.His face also suddenly sank.

She really wanted to see Princess Qingning.However, it was also because of seeing Chu Limo that he became a little emotional.She has been in the harem for many years. It can be said that she has killed many people by any means.However, she has never been so afraid of a person.Chu Limo was the first.It was Chu Limo who let her know what life is better than death.What is despair!
"You are the princess of Qingning? The princess of Qingning who was bestowed by the emperor." The queen mother looked at Yun Qing and said sarcastically, "It's just a pity. The person you want to marry will die soon."

"The Queen Mother not only suffers from Alzheimer's disease, but also deaf?" Yun Qing coldly interrupted: "It's just a heartless Gu. I didn't kill Li Mo 20 years ago. Do you think it will be possible in 20 years, Queen Mother?" ?”

Yun Qing couldn't tolerate others saying that Chu Limo would die.

Chu Limo looked at the woman and smiled slightly.

Yun Qing looked at the queen mother indifferently, "Do you think that the heartless Gu secretly brought out from the Feng clan is the unparalleled poison in the world?"

Hearing about the Feng clan, the queen mother looked at Yun Qing with wide eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Queen Mother, tell me... who am I?" Yun Qing smiled, and deliberately took out the token that Su Wudao gave her back then and shook it in front of the Queen Mother, "Do you understand? Now that I know Who is it? Queen Mother, please remember, I am a person who can kill you at any time."

" are?" The Queen Mother looked at Yun Qing with shocked eyes, "You are..."

How could she not know what the token represented?Just because I knew it, my heart was filled with fear at one time.

If it is said that Chu Limo was the first person she felt afraid of in this life, then the second person she felt afraid of was the spirit girl of the Feng clan!The fear of the spirit girl was born in my heart since I was a child.It was a shadow that she could not erase in her life.

"That's right. It's me!" Yun Qing warned coldly: "So, in the future, don't forget... who I am. Please rest assured, Queen Mother, this girl will not take your life yet. As for what you have done before What you have committed, you can use it to 'compensate' in the next few days! We will make you, the queen mother, unforgettable for a lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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