The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 741 044. Assassination

Chapter 741 044. Assassination
Chu Jing.From the palace.

There are still two days before Autumn Hunting. In these two days, Emperor Chu has no time to trouble them.It is said that the queen mother fell ill after being frightened on the night of the palace banquet.As for whether she was really ill or not, Yun Qing just smiled.

In the next two days, Yun Qing has already made an appointment with Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan to go to the outskirts of Chujing.

Hearing that Yun Qing was going out with Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan.


Then Chu Limo also joined, not only Chu Limo joined.Her big cousin got the news from nowhere and joined in.So, originally it was just the three of them playing, but suddenly it became a five people playing.This time, Feng Qingluan was on the order.

Fortunately, when going out, Yun Qing specially brought Xiao Xiao, who loves to play, and Huo Linghu Xiao Bai, and left Nong Hua Wu Qing and Wu Xin at home.In this way, if six people and one fox go out to play, Feng Qingluan will not be alone.

The place everyone chose is Moon Lake not far from the outskirts of Chujing.

Yun Qing, Su Wanyan, and Feng Qingluan visited this place once last year.

Moon Lake on the outskirts of Chujing has always been a good place for sightseeing.There are beautiful mountains and clear waters here, and the scenery is beautiful.The fish in Moon Lake are even more delicious.

Yun Qing still remembers the scene when he came here with Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan last year.Thinking of that scene, Yun Qing smiled slightly.

"What is Qingqing laughing at?"

"I remembered something funny."

"Let's listen to it." Chu Limo was also curious about what funny things could be remembered clearly.

"You also know." Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo.

When she and her two sisters went out to play, Chu Limo specially sent someone to follow them. Later, because of this incident, Chu Limo asked her to grill fish for him.It was because Chu Limo sent someone to follow her that she couldn't get angry for a while, so she took laxatives inside.

Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing with a face that he didn't know.

In desperation, Yun Qing pointed to an empty grassland not far from Moon Lake and said with a smile: "Didn't I come here with my two older sisters last year? Something interesting happened at that time. Didn't you Did you send someone to follow us?"

"Qingqing is still blaming me for sending someone to follow you?" Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing with an aggrieved look on his face.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, the man was pretending to be pitiful again.

"I don't blame you." Yun Qing smiled.

Of course she didn't blame him, because didn't she avenge her revenge a long time ago?Although it almost killed him at the time.It is precisely because of this that the two have deepened their understanding of each other.It can be said that the incident at that time was a fuse for the relationship between them and promoted a step between them.

So, some things are really predestined in the dark.

This visit to Moon Lake is not like catching fish and grilling fish like last time, but a large painting boat is parked in Moon Lake, and it is still two stories high.

"When did you prepare?" Yun Qing turned to look at the man beside him.

"Last night." Chu Limo replied.

The boat is very large, and it is not a problem to seat dozens of people.

On the painting boat, fresh and delicious food is prepared on the painting boat.Sitting in a painting boat, enjoying the beautiful scenery while eating delicious food is really a great beauty in the world.



Today is the three-day period that Li Yuhen gave Akabane.If Wuchen doesn't appear in Fengcheng today, Yuhen can guarantee that Wuchen won't have to appear in the future.

What happened in the morning made Chu Liyou a little embarrassed.Originally, she really believed Yuhen's words, thinking that she was too tired, so she suffered from sleepwalking and ran to Yuhen's bed.Although she didn't know what sleepwalking meant.

However, when she got up, she realized that, except for the bruises on her chest, her whole body was extremely sore, as if she had been beaten.Chu Liyou is no stranger to this kind of situation. This kind of situation happened once in Xueyue City, so he was obviously given to a beast by someone.

Thinking that he fell asleep, Yuhen gave himself to that.She had wanted to ask why.But before he could speak, Yuhen's furious voice came, "Wake up and make breakfast quickly, I'm hungry. Also, don't look at me like this!"

After being yelled at by Yuhen, how could Chu Liyou dare to ask him why he became so beastly.Endure physical discomfort.Chu Liyou hurriedly got up to prepare breakfast for the old man.

Fortunately, it's already late autumn and not midsummer, otherwise Nongyue would have noticed traces on her body wearing a thin shirt.

But what happened last night always made Chu Liyou feel guilty.Seeing Nongyue in the kitchen, Chu Liyou acted unnaturally.

"Miss, it's fine for the servant to do such small things as breakfast. You must have taken care of him all night last night and didn't sleep all night. Now go back and have a rest. The servant will call you when he is ready."

If you play the moon, what is normal can no longer be normal.But hearing it in Chu Liyou's ears, she couldn't help but think of the scene last night, and her face immediately became hot.

"'s nothing." Chu Liyou had a strange expression on his face.He also falters when speaking.Nongyue couldn't help looking at Chu Liyou, only then did she realize that her young lady's red color was all crimson, which had a different meaning in Nongyue's eyes.

"Miss, are you sick?"

Get ill!

When did she get sick?

"No. I'm not sick."

"Then why is your face so red, miss?" Nong Yue was a little confused.

"Yes... it's because the kitchen is too hot." Chu Liyou randomly found a reason.The hotness on his face proves that the kitchen is really too hot.

"The kitchen fume is too heavy, Miss should go out quickly. It would be good if the slaves come here." Nongyue said hastily.

"No need. It will be ready soon." Chu Li smiled sadly, looked at the medicine that was still boiling on the stove, and said, "Nongyue, please take care of Yuhen's medicine."

Although Nongyue was not happy, she still nodded for Chu Liyou's sake, "Understood, miss. I will watch the medicine boil until it is ready."

Soon, Chu Liyou went to Yuhen's room with the cooked breakfast.

Yuhen is still a sick person, so he should not eat too greasy food. For breakfast, Chu Liyou prepared pork liver porridge, which nourishes blood.Yuhen lost a lot of blood at that time and needed to be replenished.

"What are you cooking?" Yuhen looked at the thing in Chu Liyou's hand with some disgust.

"Pork liver porridge. You have lost too much blood and need to be supplemented." Chu Liyou said it as a matter of course.

For Yuhen, who has a strong self-esteem and a bit of machismo, why does he need to eat something like pork liver that nourishes blood.Chu Liyou brought the pork liver porridge over, and specifically said it was for his blood, which made Yuhen feel that he had hurt his self-esteem.Although this is a bit unreasonable.

"I don't eat...pork liver." Yuhen gritted his teeth bitterly.

"..." Chu Liyou always felt that Yuhen was a little childish.Didn't he cook pork liver a few days ago? Didn't he still eat it well?What's the fuss about today?
"Take it away. Cook it again." Yuhen glanced at the things in Chu Liyou's hand and stopped looking at them.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?"

Enduring her physical discomfort early in the morning, she got up and cooked breakfast for him.He also dislikes all kinds of things.Chu Liyou was also a little angry.

"Don't eat."

"Forget it if you don't eat it. If you don't eat it, I will eat it." Chu Liyou said in a difficult tone, "It seems that you are not hungry either. If you don't eat pork liver porridge, then you can eat it at lunchtime Bar."

Then, Chu Liyou really sat down, and started to eat the pork liver porridge he had made for Yuhen.

With a dark face, Yuhen watched Chu Liyou sitting there happily eating.When did this woman start to change?Some time ago, she was weak and weak, blindly pretending to be a weak little white rabbit.

Yuhen didn't know that this was Chu Liyou's character.Chu Liyou grew up in Lingyin Temple. Lingyin was a weird person, and she often went out to play with Nangong Jin, and more or less learned that Nangong Jin had the same black-bellied temperament as her brother.If it wasn't for falling in love with Yuhen, he would have been humbled in front of Yuhen during this time.Chu Liyou was originally a lively and somewhat dark-hearted person.

This is because Chu Liyou felt that although Yuhen was indifferent, he didn't really drive him away.Anyway, she also figured it out, she will hide the pain Yuhen gave her in her heart.As long as he doesn't say to drive her away, she will never leave.Even if she is dead-skinned and shameless, she will follow by his side.

"Chu, Li, worry," Yuhen gritted his teeth with a dark face.This was the second time he gritted his teeth and called Chu Liyou's name.

As expected, this woman, like her brother, has the ability to piss people off.

He was really crazy to keep this woman by his side.

"Are you hungry? Drink when you're hungry. I'll save it for you." Chu Liyou walked over.

"Hey me!" Yuhen spat out two words fiercely.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Chu Liyou's mouth, that smile, peerless and charming, was enough to captivate the eyes of all men in the world.Chu Liyou, she has the capital.

"From now on, don't just smirk, it will affect my appetite." Yuhen would never admit that Chu Liyou's slight smile just now made him tremble a little.All of a sudden, he really didn't want to be seen smiling by other men.

Chu Liyou's smile stopped abruptly because of Yuhen's words.Then Chu Liyou looked at Yuhen with a straight face, "Eat."

Yuhen looked at Chu Liyou and suddenly pulled a face, which became even darker.When did this woman become so obedient?
"In the future, don't just pull a face. It will affect my appetite even more."

Chu Liyou really wanted to swear at this moment: Your uncle!

You care whether I smile or not, you care whether I pull my face or not.

I don't know if seeing Chu Liyou's last changing face, Yuhen finished the rest of the pork liver porridge in a good mood.


Moon Lake in the suburbs of Chujing and Jingjing.

The boat rowed to the center of Moon Lake.Now in late autumn, the trees by Moon Lake are beginning to lose their leaves.There are only a few trees with a little bit of green left.Although the leaves have fallen, it does not affect the beauty of Moon Lake.People in Chujing say that Moon Lake in late autumn is also a beautiful sight.

It's just a pity that such a beautiful scenery, but there is such a group of people who don't know how to live or die will come to destroy it.

An accident happened when the painting boat reached the middle of the lake.There was a leak in the boat.If things go on like this, the boat will soon sink, and they will fall into the lake too.

"It's leaking at this time, and it's really time for it to still be leaking." Yun Qing saw that the painting boat was already full of water, and his eyes turned cold.


Su Wanyan and Xiaoxiao screamed at the same time.Now that the boat was flooded with water, the boat began to wobble.

"Hold on to me." Wang Zixuan put his arms around Su Wanyan's waist.Su Wanyan was obviously still in shock.She almost fell into the lake just now.Over there, Feng Qingluan also gave Xiaoxiao a hand, so Xiaoxiao didn't fall into the lake.

"It's not safe here anymore. Be careful, everyone. If you guess correctly, there must be a killer under the water now." Yun Qing's intuition has always been accurate.

The voice just fell.Suddenly, a group of men in black appeared from the bottom of the lake.One by one with fierce murderous intent.

"The good mood was ruined by you. Let's see how my aunt teaches you." Feng Qingluan has always been anxious.Now that such a group of killers suddenly appeared, they could no longer hold back.

The next moment, a fight started in the center of Moon Lake.

It's just that the boat entered the water, and it was on the lake, and there were many killers in this group, so it was hard to tell the winner in a short fight.Su Wanyan doesn't know martial arts at all, while Wang Zixuan has to protect Su Wanyan's safety, he also has to fight these killers. Feng Qingluan can handle these killers, but Xiaoxiao is only a three-legged cat. Son, when meeting this group of well-trained killers, Xiaoxiao is no match at all.Fortunately, she followed Feng Qingluan and was not injured for a while.

As for the desperate person who bumped into Chu Limo and Yun Qing, Chu Limo had already killed him without Yun Qing's action at all.On Moon Lake, the sound of people falling into the water and screams could be heard.

However, the person behind this seems to have spent their money and wanted their lives.There are dozens of killers sent.

At this time, a killer suddenly appeared, and he spent such a large amount of money.Don't even think about it, you know who did it.

"Quick battle. The ship is about to sink." Yun Qing shouted.

Once the boat sank, their martial arts were good, but they would still suffer if they fell into the lake.This group of killers was able to wait for their opportunity at the bottom of the lake for such a long time, obviously the water quality is very good.

After half a cup of tea, all the killers on the lake have been dealt with.The deep blue Moon Lake has been dyed scarlet.

At this time, the entire painting boat was already sinking, and it would soon submerge the entire painting boat.

"What should we do? We're not going to jump into the lake, right?" Feng Qingluan raised her eyebrows, her tone still a bit joking, "Come out for a good play, and it's 'so big'." But everyone knows, She deliberately said this to ease the atmosphere.

"It's quite big." Yun Qing sneered, "Since they sent such a big gift, it would be rude not to return a big gift."

Everyone knows that when Yun Qing has this expression, someone is going to be unlucky.


When the boat was about to sink to the bottom of the lake when there was still a little left, there was another splashing sound of falling into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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