The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 742 045. Ghost pylorus!Before the poison

Chapter 742 045. Ghost pylorus!Before the poison
Chu Jing.

After returning from Moon Lake, Su Wanyan fell ill.The water in Moon Lake at this time was already freezing to the bone.They had been soaking in the water for a long time before reaching the shore.Su Wanyan's body is not as strong as theirs with internal protection.Being soaked in cold water makes people sick.

Su Wanyan fell ill, not to mention Yun Qing was angry, even Wang Zixuan was also angry.

Nangong Mansion.Her elder brother and Bai Yue have gone on a tour and haven't come back yet, so they are the only ones in the house now.

"I found out which sect these killers belong to." Yun Qing asked, "Is it the emperor's or the queen mother's?"

"Yeah. I found it. It seems that she still hasn't figured out that her leg was crippled." Chu Limo said coldly.

Once Chu Limo stepped out, how could he not be able to find out who it was?

However, Yun Qing did not expect that these killers were actually sent by the Queen Mother.Earlier, she was still thinking in her heart that the person who made such a big deal and couldn't wait to make a move should be the emperor.Unexpectedly, the empress dowager was more impatient than the emperor, so she made the first move.

"Which undead sect did it?" Yun Qing asked.

"A sect that just emerged in recent years—Ghost Youmen!" Chu Limo said in detail: "This sect has committed murder and arson in recent years. It is rampant in the northern border."

"Northland?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that this matter has something to do with Beiyuan? You mean that the Queen Mother has something with Beiyuan... You really underestimated her."

Yun Qing couldn't help but think of another thing. When he left the snow mountain, Su Wudao said that the Empress Dowager was a bit more ruthless than Feng Tianlan.Moreover, the Feng clan has produced many ambitious people in recent years. These people want to restore the glory of the Feng clan.

According to Su Wudao, people from the Feng clan have infiltrated from various countries.

So, the relationship between this ghost pylorus and the queen mother...

Also, the ghost gate is located in the northern region, so that is to say.The Empress Dowager still has an unknown force in the northern region, maybe the Empress Dowager still has a hidden force in Chu Jing that has not been discovered yet.

The Northern Territory and Dachu are separated by thousands of miles, and the Queen Mother just came back from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, and the people from the Ghost Gate appeared in Dachu.Thinking that there might be a group of ghosts and ghosts appearing in Chujing who don't know when and an uncertain force, Yun Qing's eyes instantly turned cold.

"But the people who have found out about the Guiyoumen are now hiding in Chujing." Yun Qing would not believe that those in Yuehu Lake were all the chips of the Queen Mother in Chujing.In Chujing, there must still be people from the Ghost Pylori Gate hiding.

"Not yet." Chu Limo said: "But as long as they appear in Chujing, they will be found sooner or later. Qingqing, don't forget whose place this is."

What Chu Limo said is not wrong, this is Chu Limo's place, and it will be a matter of time before he finds the person from the Guiyoumen.

"I have found people from the Ghost Pylori Sect, and I will chop them into meat." Yun Qing said ruthlessly.

But the queen mother is not a vegetarian either, she was crippled by Chu Limo and stayed in Wanfo Temple for ten years.This forbearance is enough to show that the Queen Mother is also a ruthless character.After the Yuehu assassination happened that day, the people from Guiyoumen seemed to have disappeared from Chujing.



The time of three days has come.

Akabane did not find Wuchen, not only did Wuchen not appear, even Akabane did not appear in Fengcheng.

Not only that, but the poison on Yuhen's body could not be suppressed anymore.

In the whole mansion, apart from the poisoned and injured Yuhen, Chu Liyou, Nong Yue and a few guards, there was no one else in the mansion.And in the inner courtyard, there are only three Yuhen, Chu Liyou and Nongyue.

When Yuhen was poisoned, it was time for lunch.And before the poison...

At breakfast, Chu Liyou saw that Yuhen had finished all the pork liver porridge, so at lunch, he specially prepared blood-enriching dishes, and there was a special stir-fried pork liver in it.

Yuhen looked at the whole table filled with blood, and his face turned dark again.

"You... did it on purpose." Yuhen gritted his teeth, his whole face was so dark that it couldn't be darker anymore.

"What?" Chu Li raised his eyebrows worryingly.

Looking at Yuhen's face, which was darker than coal, he always wondered if Yuhen became mentally disturbed after being poisoned.Otherwise, why would he have a dark face every day.It was as if someone owed him several 10 taels of gold.

"I said... I don't eat pork liver." So, are you deliberately bringing pork liver every day to scare him?
"Pork liver replenishes blood. You have lost a lot of blood due to need to make up for it." As he spoke to the end, Chu Liyou's voice became smaller and smaller.Yuhen just looked at Chu Liyou with a serious face.

"Chu Liyou, I will warn you one last time, next time you serve this dish. Get the hell out of Fengcheng." Yuhen said coldly.

Hearing Yuhen's angry tone, Chu Liyou glanced at his mouth, "I see. You don't like pork liver, so I won't cook it anymore." After speaking, he stood aside in a weary manner.My mind didn't know where to go.

Do not like to eat do not like to eat?Why are you so fierce.

Yuhen found that he didn't like seeing Chu Liyou's ghost like this at all.Seeing her like this, there was an inexplicable anger in my heart.

"I'm not dead yet, don't look at me like this." Yuhen was really angry, and her tone was very bad, "What are you doing standing there? You want to starve me to death."

"How dare I." Chu Liyou replied and walked up.

Although this man is very fierce now, Chu Liyou felt an inexplicable joy in his heart.Compared with Yuhen's indifference to her, she would rather Yuhen be cruel to her.In this way, at least, she is still in his heart.Although it is in his heart in a way he hates.

Sometimes, Chu Liyou will really find that she is really cheap.Yuhen treats herself like this, but she still looks like she has no regrets.

"Has my craftsmanship improved a lot recently?" Chu Liyou was looking for topics to chat while feeding Yuhen.

Yuhen probably doesn't know why, since he can do small things like eating by himself without bothering others.However, he seemed to just want to see her feeding him.It seems to have become a... habit!
So I said: let this woman come into my life, it is really crazy.

"Really?" Chu Liyou asked again.

Yuhen was silent.Just eat.

Chu Liyou kept asking questions, "You haven't answered my question yet, has my skills increased recently?"

Yuhen replied impatiently, "It tastes so bad."

Hearing Yuhen's words, Chu Liyou's eyes dimmed, as expected, she still didn't like her cooking.But soon Chu Liyou recovered and glanced at his mouth, his tone was a bit domineering, "You still eat so much, you are not afraid to fill yourself up. Forget it, since my cooking is so bad, Don't eat it, so as not to spoil your Jin Gui's stomach." After speaking, Chu Liyou made a gesture to remove the food from the table.

"..." For a moment, Yuhen really wanted to strangle the woman in front of him.Has he been too nice to her recently, so she's getting more and more insatiable.

Looking at Yuhen's darkened face in an instant, Chu Liyou wondered if he had said something wrong again and made him angry.

"Are you angry?" Chu Liyou asked idiotically, thinking that he might make Yuhen angry.

"Chu, Li, You," Yuhen roared angrily, "Chu Liyou, you are really good at making me angry. Are you very happy and proud when you see me getting angry?" Yuhen couldn't hold back a little Angry, although he didn't understand how he could show anger so easily.

"I didn't..." Chu Liyou said in a low voice, with a bit of grievance, coupled with her stunning face, she looked even more pitiful.

"Yuhen, I didn't mean to make you angry." Chu Liyou explained.

These days, she has been cooking with her own hands, and never pretends to others.She asked him just now just because she wanted to hear him say it was delicious.Who knew that he was still dissatisfied with the dishes he cooked, and said with a disgusted expression that the dishes she cooked were unpalatable.

Yuhen said nothing, just looked at the woman quietly.Just now he was domineering, but the next moment he changed into a cute and pitiful one.

Pack!Sure enough, he can pretend!
That person's younger sister is indeed the same as that person.Just as hypocritical, just as disgusting.

In the name of loving him, she ran all the way to Fengcheng and came to her side.If you say there is no purpose, you will believe me!What's more, not only will he and Chu Limo be rivals in love, but they will also compete for the hegemony of the world.There will never be peace between them.With Chu Limo's mind, if he didn't have any plans, how could he let his own sister come to him.

Yuhen looked at Chu Liyou with a colder look.

"Get out!" The tone was not as fierce as before, but very indifferent.This indifference is Yuhen's real attitude towards Chu Liyou.

"Yuhen, I..." Chu Liyou still wanted to explain, but Yuhen said coldly once, his tone was a little colder than before, and said: "Get out! Don't let me see you."

"I'll just go out. Yuhen, don't..." If you are angry, don't get angry.Chu Liyou still swallowed the rest of the words in his throat and did not say them out.

He turned around and left the room, saying that he was not sad, it must be a lie.

But she also knew that she couldn't make Yuhen angry at this time.In the past three days, she also knew that Chi Yu was not in Fengcheng because she went to find Yuhen's master.Now the poison in Yuhen's body is like a time bomb, it will explode at any time.

Nongyue also said that she only temporarily suppressed the poison in Yuhen's body, but she didn't know how long it could be suppressed.So Chu Liyou didn't dare to make him angry, for fear of causing the poison in his body to explode suddenly.

In the room, Yuhen angrily swept everything on the table to the ground.The floor of the room was in a mess, and what was scattered on the floor were the pork liver dishes that Chu Liyou personally cooked for him.Looking at those things now, he felt so dazzling.There was a sullen feeling in my heart.

Hearing the crackling sound of thunder coming from the room, Chu Liyou leaned against the door, covered her mouth and still cried.She cried very subduedly, for fear that the voice of her crying would be heard by the people inside.She didn't want Yuhen to see her in a mess right now.Not at all.

 Sorry for the late update.

  I've had a cold since the day before yesterday.After taking medicine, I thought it would be better yesterday, but I don't know... hey!Sick people can't afford to hurt!

  See if there is a second update.Cloud as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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